
Comments by Subraman (page 153)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    District of Columbia
    Recommended outside of club dancers
    Just to set your expectations: blabbing about who does OTC, is the best way to get your OTC privileges revoked (protecting the girls who do OTC should be a top concern, IMO). I likely wouldn't even tell folks I know well on here who my OTC girls are. I'd say it's close to 0% chance anyone will tell a guy who hasn't contributed at all, ever, to the site or forum. Not meant to be snarky, but you're asking for the most sensitive and privileged info, and given nothing to earn it
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    The joy of making it rain
    Interesting insights, GACA! I guess I still question, why "throw that muthafucka away" translates to "do it in a way that maximizes your impact on the other clients, rather than maximizing your impact on the girls, who you are presumably there for in the first place". True life example: when I first started going to non-extras clubs, there was an older black guy there who was an established regular. I hated being there when he was, because he would always have 3 or 4 of the hottest strippers attending to him the entire time. Sometimes a stripper would be with another customer, he'd just get her attention and call her over ... and she'd go. He spread so much money around that the girls went to him when called. Like a rainmaker, he did the "this money ain't shit" move, but at least HE benefited from it in some way... instead of throwing it away at the stage, he "threw it away" getting hot chicks to sit with him all afternoon. And yes, all the rest of the customers noticed, just as we would have noticed if he just "made it rain" all that $$ at the stage. But this guy made the same statement, while getting personal up-close attention from hot strippers. Made total sense to me. Grudging respect for his operating model. BTW, that guy is no longer around, and I'm usually the one with a few girls at my table all afternoon. So I'm thinking this makes me the HNIC.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    One's ATF
    Clubber: does "awesome personality" not count as one trait? Because that is the singular difference between "hot chick who is my ATF" and "hot chick who is not my ATF". If I had to narrow it down to a singular physical characteristic, it's probably "has a great ass"
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    Meh, I think you guys are being easily fooled. He read standard articles on these things -- someone real would have some insights that we couldn't have already gotten from stock articles, just the way real PLs have insights that someone could not have gotten reading those by-rote "how to act in a strip club" "what it's like to be a stripper" type articles. Moreover, he slips into and out of pimp persona, in a way that I'm skeptical real pimps do. It's someone funnin' ... On the incredibly unlikely chance it's not, to repeat: - I wouldn't wish "dating" strippers on my worst enemy. Few if any actual experienced PLs would - I've gotten FWB with several strippers. How I got there is opposite of the stock PUA "don't do dances with her" advice - Hilarious that anyone thinks the paunchy 50-year-olds with successful careers that inhabit tuscl will go play pimp in the strip club and then have time to "manage" the girls
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey
    When I was married, I did it during working hours
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    -->"What are the chances that he will continue to spend money ITC after I meet with him?" Out of curiosity, if he's spending the same or more on you OTC as ITC, and furthermore you're keeping 100% of the money instead of whatever fees and tip-outs you normally pay, why do you care if he keeps spending ITC also? If you can wrap up all his cash OTC -- assuming you have the time and willingness -- why isn't that a win, and now you have more time ITC to hustle other customers. -->"he wants to meet OTC for a date only" Be interesting to see what he's after. If he is the one calling it a "date", maybe that's something to watch out for. Just as a datapoint, outside of classic OTC (w/ sex), with many of the ATFs I've had, we would often do things like meet before her shift for lunch and drinks, or meet after her shift for drinks & dinner (then often I'd drive her back to her car or BART). I never, not once, ever paid for this privilege, or even been asked to ... maybe just kind of a regular's perq? It sounds like in this case, he's also paying for your time, as well as the "date"? That's probably for the best, if he calls it a date and there's a risk he might get confused about what's going on. One other data point: once I ask a stripper if she wants to go OTC, if she says no, or says yes but it never materializes, or says maybe but she has to think about it, I will work on her a few more times, but then I'm moving on if it still doesn't happen. Even on SW, the girls seem to think that the OTC request is an inflection point. Just something to keep in mind -- I think the more interesting question for you is "if I turn down the OTC request, how long until he stops seeing me ITC?"
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Dancer Showcases?
    I love the cattle calls, lets me see everyone on that day. Every stripper I've ever discussed the topic with, hates them, and finds them demeaning
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Merkel Giving In...
    -->"THAT IS INSANE!!!!" Yah. And now you understand why governments in Europe are falling or moving to tighten up immigration rules, after having ignored their own people -- who have to live through the consequences -- in favor of blind idealism. Even otherwise left-leaning people are voting to remove politicians who continue to ignore their reality here ... and again, I don't necessarily think it's a good thing for Europe to move more right, it is a tragedy that tone-deafness on this one issue is moving things this way.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Special dancer drink prices
    It's ok that some of you feel this is a legit business strategy. But, agree that in the broader PL world, this might be really information for PLs reading tuscl reviews about clubs? If someone is fine with paying $24 for a dancer drink, or getting his 2-for-1 dance cut off so it's really little more than one dance, or getting up-charged 15% on credit card transactions, that's fine -- but they all amount to the kinds of things lots of PLs reading on tuscl about these clubs would like to see, I bet.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Married Dancer - Comes on strong REALStrong
    This is one of those stories that's so unbelievable that I hesitate to post it. But, there is a still-active (I think) married stripper in my area, who is an absolute legend of amazing service. If she were a football player, we'd be retiring her number when she left the business, and definitely hall-of-fame at her first eligibility. She is... I dunno the right words, "drunk with power", maybe? ... about her high demand, she basically comes out and chooses who she'll dance with next. The forums are full of stories, "I'd seen her for a year, she asked me for a dance, I wasn't ready yet so said 'no', and then she blacklisted me and refused to dance for me." PLs either dance for her when she comes over, or she doesn't dance for them again. Unbelievable, right? Can be confirmed on any SF-centric stripper forum, the PLs will all know her name and where she works. Anyway! it sounds like you're having an amazing time. There's no real problem here, except the one in your head. She doesn't have a problem, her husband doesn't have a problem -- very likely, if she's so open that you're openly texting, it's an open marriage, exactly the same as with the stripper above, where "marriage" doesn't remotely mean to them what it apparently means to you. Given that any "problem" here is 100% in your head, and not anything external, I think you just gotta do you. If you can get past it, sounds like you'll have an amazing time. If you can't, you get to go back to whatever the other strippers have to offer.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Special dancer drink prices
    In these "dancer drink" places, can you get around it by just walking to the bar yourself, ordering two drinks or shots, and then taking these back to the dancer? Or these are waitress-only setups?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Merkel Giving In...
    -->"BTW, I am glad that you came to your senses in acknowledging that there is a border and it needs to have some control." My sense is we're all using different meanings for the word "control". I have a feeling SJG and BHo mean, "there should be order and process -- but otherwise, generally speaking, everyone who wants in, gets in". Open borders, but just with some process around it. That's different than the way the rest of us are using the term, where "control" implies a policy that sets criteria and limits the number of migrants.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Special dancer drink prices
    I agree... there's no such thing as "dancer drinks" in any club I've been to, I wouldn't even know about them if I hadn't read it here. This kind of blantant, anti-customer policy is EXACTLY the kind of information I'd like going in, and could make a significant impact on where I choose to go. Hell, I wouldn't mind if there were a "Anti-customer Policies" section, what others might be there? I can think of: ___ Special expensive dancer drink prices ___ X-for-1 dances, songs always cut off ___ >5% charge on credit card and ATM transactions Are there any others we run into regularly?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    One's ATF
    I think it's always a combination of traits that makes her an ATF, and a stripper can make up in one what she lacks in another. But I suppose if I were to be forced to pick one, I'd say: I've known many beautiful strippers but only some became ATFs, I've known many strippers great at sex but only some became ATFs, it's probably personality traits that make the difference. ATF's personality has been pretty consistent: insanely fun to party with both at the table and in a bar OTC, her hustle is so subtle I don't even think she's hustling, agrees with me on what a fair price is, and adventurous sexually. If she doesn't have those, a hot stripper might just be a CF or maybe not even that.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    MG-TOW -- PUA -- PUAHate -- MRA
    SJG, what do you think about the redpill movement?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    -->"I couldn't be bothered to read most of the opening essay or most of the rest of this thread, for the following reason: Who in their right mind would want that?" Answer: someone who basically read a standard "how to pick up a stripper" article on a pua site or something. I don't know a single person on this site who has gotten involved with a stripper -- I mean, in real life -- and thinks it's something they want to repeat. It's what makes this all so laughable that anyone could take it seriously
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Merkel Giving In...
    Unfortunately, her stance here, whether principled or not, is at least partially the cause for a resurgent right. She chose a nearly childlike idealistic vision instead of recognition of the problems it was causing and the depth of feeling the German people had over it, resulting in even otherwise natural supporters moving to the right.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What is the least likely thing that you will ever hear a stripper say?
    It's so hot that you came in here and spent all this money tipping but never got a lapdance, which totally proves you're not a loser -- will you be my boyfriend?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Evil Sheldon!
    BTW, it doesn't take me very long to go from "sit in a dark corner like a mushroom and hope no one notices me" to moving to a high traffic area to get some attention. I'm fine with a short soft-start, but then I want to meet strippers. And when I find the one I like, it's back with her to the low traffic area, so I can monopolize her :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Evil Sheldon!
    I don't often fly solo, and even when I do, if I have a CF at the time, I'll have made an appointment and she'll be waiting for me. But those times when neither of those is the case, after a quick bathroom trip for a welfare check to see if Papi is done sobbing, I either sit at the bar, or sit at an out-of-the-way corner table. I want to be in a lower-traffic area for a little while, to see which strippers are in the place, and generally get into PL mode.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Evil Sheldon!
    Sometimes I walk into the bathroom, and I can hear Papi quietly sobbing in his stall.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    "Stripper Time"
    lol ... I've only lived through that a zillion times. That's why I never get the hotel room before she's there -- we meet in a bar or restaurant near the hotel I have in mind, I book the hotel room while we're sitting at the table, or we simply walk to the hotel together and I book it right then. Downside: I have to tell her to get lost for a few minutes, if we're not at the point where I don't mind her knowing my full real name, etc
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Best subs
    minnow, agree that Subway and Quiznos are on par --that is, both bottom of the barrel -- with Quiznos probably pulling ahead a tad. Interesting what you say about Safeway Delis. I used to grab the pre-packaged, wrapped sandwiches at Safeway deli, which I stopped doing since they're the one option even worse than Subway. But I've never gone to the deli and ordered fresh, which might be a whole lot better. I mean, their cold cuts can be good -- with different bread options, I could see the sandwiches being really good
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What is the least likely thing that you will ever hear a stripper say?
    Things I've never heard strippers say: OMG! Did I get here a few minutes early?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Have you ever taken a train or a bus to a strip club?
    On a regular basis! If I know I'll be drinking, I take the train to the city, and taxi/lyft/uber from train station to club