
Comments by Subraman (page 154)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Elise Lobb
    I'd cancel all my plans for the day, get to the club, and bend her over. Then, 30 seconds later, I'd go back and try to put all my plans for the day back together.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Best subs
    I went to Firehouse once in Vegas, I remember it being swell
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Best subs
    Not being argumentative, but I find Subway the absolute worst of all chain shops I've ever been to. The bread is practically tasteless, and worse, textureless. The meat is the worst of any chain sandwich shop I've been to, definitely just tastes like lowest quality. Mostly, bad taste, bad texture, make up for it with salt. I'm sure there are worse chains around, I just haven't been to them yet, I suppose. Probably my favorite chain in the area is Jersey Mike's. Remind me of the subs I used to have down at the Jersey Shore. Absolutely the opposite of Subway: bread has awesome taste & texture, meat is quality, the veggies and toppings add to the flavor.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    Interesting visit today at a SC
    It's the 2nd, so she's already a day late on rent
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    PSA: Ghetto Nacos may sound like troll, but trolls are more intelligent
    -->"trolls are more intelligent" GACA, have you met our trolls? lol ... Anyway, I respectfully disagree ... classic troll in every sense. Put another way, if you were new to a forum, and you imparted what you felt was hard-won knowledge to that forum, and were met with derision, what does a normal person do? Usually, seeing that the people in this forum didn't appreciate your advice, you'd leave and find somewhere that did. But if you're a troll, you might stay -- after all, you're accomplishing all your troll-y goals of creating arguments and getting attention. And, pretend you really DID date strippers and get them drugs and "manage" them. What are the chances that all your advice on "dating" them was a regurgitation of all the puerile "how to date a stripper" articles we see around, and your advice on "managing" them was a regurgitation of all the puerile pimp articles around (right down to emulating the "trick" vocabulary for a while, as if that's the way he actually talks, and then forgetting to use it anymore)? I mean, if you really did have success doing this, how could you not have a single interesting insight that the "how to pick up strippers" section of a local PUA site doesn't have? No, someone's just having fun with us.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Booths in strip clubs
    Ah, I see now I should have read the responses -- we're talking about booth seating, not private booths. Many of the clubs here also have booth seating, which I like much more than tables, particularly when there's a bunch of us
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    SirL: yes, gotcha. It does bring up the point that, as obviously ridiculous as the typical banal advice of "spend money but don't buy dances", etc., is (ya, the typical 40-50ish tuscl reader will sure do great doing that), I think many of us have managed to score at least FWB (100x better relationship than "dating" a stripper in any case) with strippers. The fact is, instead of the same bullshit you've read on this thread and can read on any PUA site, we here could write an article on how a 45-year-old PL has actually scored FWB, with actual experience backing it -- along with real insights. The question is whether or not anyone on tuscl actually cares, since most PLs here are smart enough not to over-romanticize dating strippers (for me, "may my worst enemy date a stripper" is a pretty good curse); but maybe it's interesting enough to write an article. Spoiler alert: do the opposite of everything in all those PUA articles, which is what has been re-written up above.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Booths in strip clubs
    Lots of booths in San Francisco. The extras clubs all have small curtained-off booths, usually with a small couch for seating. Even some of the non-extras clubs have private booths, but it's merely the illusion of privacy.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    Ish, the good news is, none of this happened. What's more likely, a guy who is basically an actual pimp, comes on to tuscl to write all about it (already preposterous), and it just so happens he has no original insight whatsoever, by instead just combines the easily found by-rote articles on "how to pick up a stripper" with by-rote articles about pimps. Then he slips into and out of pimp persona, which never appeared before in his writings but comes out now. Or, more likely the same troll as scpandit, etc., who just read some stuff and pulled it all together? I think everyone's doing a disservice by responding and legitimizing this -- it's an article written to get an attention, written by pulling together other articles, and again, not a shred of real insight someone who might have actually lived the life would have. Do "real" PLs write articles like every other "how to behave in a strip club", or do we have insights others don't?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Washington DC
    TrollWarnBot: PhatBoy99's pretend pimp thread might merit another one of your invaluable public service messages, too
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    6 years ago
    Washington DC
    Yes it's a troll. Probably same loser who is behind Phatboy99. But guys keep playing into it and legitimizing obvious trolls
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    All this talk about nachos is making me hungry. I wonder if the standard "how to be a pimp" and "how to pick up strippers" articles that someone in this thread has been reading and regurgitating, also say something about where to get good nachos. Any of you nacos know?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Why do Dancers ignore you?
    Maybe she's a scientologist; try praising Tom Cruise next time? She walks by, and a quick "All hail Tom Cruise and Xenu!"
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Why do Dancers ignore you?
    Doesn't matter if you said it or yelled it, it's fucking creepy man. I wasn't there so maybe you found a way to say it in a charming way, I suppose. But I wouldn't rule out that her pegging you as an unbalanced religious weirdo who is all conflicted and nevertheless at the strip club, is what led directly to the subsequent ignoring. Or maybe not, who knows. You should just take the outsiders' view, she can't read your mind as to your motive for saying such an odd thing; maybe it's worth re-thinking how to get their attention. Not a slam, it sounds like you just blurted out something weird without realizing it's weird; I do that too, sometimes.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Smoke em if you got them
    What’s The Craziest Position A Dancer Got In During Your Alan Dance?
    Jesus, why the fuck can't anyone here competently type out the title of their thread? Sheesh Anyway, my best alan dance was similar to yours. Lapdance with stripper who has one of the best asses I've ever seen. I expressed my appreciation during the dance, and she says, "okay, I'll give you my ass lover's dance". I was sitting on a low couch, she does kind of a handstand on the floor, legs over my shoulders and feet against the wall behind me, and positions so her ass is inches from my face. Sproing-oing-oing!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    LOL no one is giving PhatBoy any money, SirLDA... it's just a troll who has been reading articles about pimps.
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    6 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    Being a troll isn't "getting" anything
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    Ya, this is just a troll who read some articles on what pimping is like, and read some of the banal "how to pick up strippers" advice, put them both together, sprinkled some troll on top, and copied it here. This is one of those cases where I don't think it pays to feed the troll, just too ridiculous and vicious, and as Papi points out, not remotely applicable to most of us here even if it weren't unadulterated nonsense. To whatever extent the topic is worth discussing -- and I definitely have completely, totally different views on "how to get a stripper" -- it's worth discussing in a non-troll thread.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Have you ever met a dancer in person at a strip club that you actually saw in po
    When I first started transitioning from regular guy who kinda likes strip clubs, to PL, I met Nicole London in the very club where the term "PL" was started, Chez Paree (or shit, was that the super early days of NCT?). I am not remotely into pornstars now, but back then I was a little more into them and was already a fan of hers. She swore me to secrecy, both about the fact that she was moonlighting at Chez Paree as a stripper whenever she was in SF, and the fact that she provided better value than the other strippers there. Alas, I only saw her the one time, back then I only hit the club about 4 times a year, and didn't catch her on any subsequent visits
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Trannys in the clubs.
    -->"I can see and mostly agree with this for those who have *completed* the transition, or are not engaged in sex work. But for those who still have their male genitalia, and are acting as a sex worker, it’s a different story. If you’re a stripper or hooker who doesn’t want to reveal your genetic gender, wait until after you’re done transitioning." GMD, I'm definitely not there. I'm not interested in having sex with someone who was born biologically a male, even if they surgically transitioned from penis to "vagina",take hormones, had other surgeries, and uses female pronouns now. It may not be anyone's business in the regular business world, but in sex work, I'm not even close to thinking that's ok.
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    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Trannys in the clubs.
    Wait, speeding up acceptance of sex robots is a BAD thing? How do you figure?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Trannys in the clubs.
    I've run into a few strippers who I suspected were trans, but very few -- no more than once or twice every 10 years. If i've run into more than that, they fooled me. One thing I wonder, is if the courtesy "btw, I'm trans", to let guys know what they're getting into, is going to gradually go away. More and more, I see discussions where everyone seems to agree, "if a person identifies as a woman, then she is a woman, and under no obligation to let anyone know what genitalia she was born with, and it's none of anyone's business" -- that is, I wonder if the courtesy notification as a normative act will gradually disappear.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    Forecast: trolly, with a chance of bullshit
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    How to avoid your loyalty from being taken for granted...
    Great summary from Papi, this lines up exactly with my experience. It is definitely true that increasing customer entitlement can be just as often at fault as creeping dancer complacency. For me, it's less about figuring out who is at fault, than just recognizing "ok, she used to knock my drawers off, and now this is a source of angst and drama for me; might be my fault, might be hers, doesn't matter, time to move on to the next girl who will knock my drawers off". I have mixed feelings about going to other clubs and the like. If it's done to help YOU get your head straight, or give her some time to figure out if she values you as a regular, go for it (I've definitely known strippers who hop-to when they see you with another girl). If you're dreaming up schemes to "make her jealous", that's a bad sign that you're way over-invested. If you're looking to branch out to other girls and scared/intimidated to do so in front of her, you're way over-invested. I know these things because I've done them all :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    How to avoid your loyalty from being taken for granted...
    -->"@stripfighter lol why? Was I undercutting myself or something? " That's basically what i do -- pick an ATF who gives me awesome service, make appointments with her to see her during her slowest time so I can monopolize her. Only way to fly!