Dancer Showcases?

avatar for Papi_Chulo
When all the dancers go up on stage and it's often accompanied with some kinda special.

Seems they were somewhat more common back in the day.

The very few ckubs I've seen them at recently seems they are done sparingly.

In some ways it looks/feels a bit demeaning to me having them up there like cattle on display at an auction - but for w/e reason it does grab my attention and gives me a bit of a PL-rush to see all the dancers standing there at once on display.

A) do you like the dancer showcase, or doesn't do anything for you?

B) do the clubs you hit have them?

C) does it seem like they were more common back in the day?


last comment
avatar for PaulDrake
7 years ago
Since I don't like being at the club for all that long it is nice for me. I can quickly see if there is anyone I am interested in. But yeah it seems a little awkward. The one time I have seen something was at a club where they did it and each girl went out into the crowd to try and find a PL to sell a dance too and the promotion was you got a free t shirt.
avatar for TJ Lee
TJ Lee
7 years ago
It wad awesome. The Cheetah in Atlanta is famous for this. They showcased 60 gorgeous ladies in black dress. It was like being in a whorehouse in hongkong :-)
avatar for abqspencer
7 years ago
Bourbon Street does this at 9pm every night to "Girls Girls Girls". Good way to see who's there, and I haven't seen fewer than about 25 girls on the two stages anytime I've been there at 9pm...and that's a Monday or Tuesday.
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
“ In some ways it looks/feels a bit demeaning to me having them up there like cattle on display at an auction”

One of the dancers I really like basically made the same comment when I was sitting with her talking and somehow the topic of showcase/showtime arose during our conversation. She said “I’m not a piece of meat” or something along those lines lol.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
Not into it. The stripper I want is usually taken before she gets to me.
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
1. yes, I like the showcase because I can see all who’s working

2. Most of the clubs that are near dancer showcase. It’s something that I’ve seen countless times. Usually they do this during a 2 for 1 special

3. I’m not sure
avatar for doctorevil
7 years ago
A. Yes I like it. You can see everyone that’s working at one time.
B. No. Not anymore.
C. Was definitely more common back in the day. In Atlanta, Pink Pony, Tattletale and Follies all used to do this, but it’s been ages. Last time I saw it was at Scores in Tampa about a year ago.
avatar for April9424
7 years ago
I always figured guys loved it.. I’ve heard a few dancers and customers refer it as cattle call.

At some places where they make us do specials (2 for 1, $1 mini dances or whatever) I’ve seen managers guard the doors and bathrooms so the dancers can’t hide lol
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
I like getting to know dancer names in this manner. I think Follies still does it around 6PM everyday. It's buy 2 dances for $10 each and get a coupon for a free drink. The catch is that the coupon must be redeemed during the next 3 songs.
avatar for AmeliaSmith
7 years ago
I love showcases. Other than stage sets (which I'll have once an hour on a weekend) or walking around the club, its another opportunity for a customer that just walked in or one that I missed on my tour of the room to see me.
avatar for PaulDrake
7 years ago
It seems most of us only want it to see who is working. A live roster online of who is clocked in would accomplish the same thing. One of the bucks clubs near me has a computer they use for dancer check in/out and they turn the screen so that customers can see it. It is nice to scan to see who is there. Interestingly enough it lists house fees and who owes what.
avatar for doctorevil
7 years ago
I’ve been at Follies several times from 5-7 over the last couple of years and haven’t seen this. They have done the drink special, but without the dancer review. I try not to be there past 5:00 anymore.
avatar for doctorevil
7 years ago
“A live roster online of who is clocked in would accomplish the same thing.” I believe Tootsies in Miami has this. It’s not the same thing. You don’t get to see what they look like.
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
I love the dancer showcase for the same reasons that everyone else said. Lets me quickly identify who's my type and focus my attention on getting dances with them. And usually they do coincide with a 2 for 1 or some sort of special so it's good times all around. Unless all the girls you lock in on get snatched away before you even get a chance to make eye contact or approach them.

I only started encountering dancer showcases in smaller clubs. For the longest times I only visited huge Vegas clubs where it'd be pretty much impossible for them to parade 200+ women on stage. Or if they did it would take a really long time.
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
"At some places where they make us do specials (2 for 1, $1 mini dances or whatever) I’ve seen managers guard the doors and bathrooms so the dancers can’t hide lol"

yeah, there have been several which its very obvious that the dancers don't want to go around and ask customers for dances during the showcase.......because they obviously get less money for these dances because its a special.

for a customer, this is frustrating.......because dance prices at some clubs are ridiculous
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
doctorevil - You may be right. I haven't been there past 5PM in a long time.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Tootsies Miami has one accompanied by a 2-for-1 but IDK what the schedule of it is since I've only seen it about 3 times in dozens of visits - saw it once on dayshift with about 30 dancers and one nightshift it seemed like an endless train of dancers waking in one side of the large main-stage and out the other in single-file (must've been about 100 dancers and it felt as if the dancer train would never end, it was pretty impressive)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Yeah - most of my Follies visits I'm there from mid-afternoon thru early-eve and never noticed a dancer showcase
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
Go Vikings posted: yeah, there have been several which its very obvious that the dancers don't want to go around and ask customers for dances during the showcase.......because they obviously get less money for these dances because its a special.

for a customer, this is frustrating.......because dance prices at some clubs are ridiculous

+1. Perfect example for me just last weekend. Deja Vu Centerfolds in SF. Their prices are $40 for 1 topless dance, $60 for one nude, and $150/3 nude dances. Those are ridiculous prices, and I know I'm not alone in my assessment. This place does the dancer showcase along with a 2 for 1 many times a night. The 2 for 1 gives you 6 dances for $150 and the 30 minute VIP becomes an hour at the same price. This is pretty much the only time I observe a lot of PLs getting dances. When there's no special, you see almost no one going to the back. Thankfully the girls actually seem to look forward to the 2 for 1's here to drum up business. Some even offer the 2 for 1 outside of the special. Tells me that even they know it's too damn expensive.
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
The Flight Club and the Penthouse used to have these showcases where all the dancers would get up on stage. They called it a "review" and it would happen at a specified time, like "the 4 o'clock review." It was nice to see all the dancers who were available in the club at once.

The Flight Club seems to have abandoned the review. I don't know why. The new management has made a number of changes.
avatar for AmeliaSmith
7 years ago
When other dancers shy away from the 2-1's I look at it as a plus for me. This either gives me a greater chance at hopping from lap to lap and make quick money or I can get one of my regulars to pay me for that block of time. Usually we dance for most of the songs and talk at the end for about 5 mins or so. I usually get about $100-$150 for this.
avatar for April9424
7 years ago
Thank you TFP- I was just about to ask what you guys consider “too expensive”. I don’t know much about nude clubs but that sounds like a lot to me for non-vip
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
Zoey, SF nude clubs are ridiculously priced, especially compared with Southern California nude clubs in COI. When I was down there you could get 3 nude dances for $40 and they'd have WAY more mileage. I mean I don't expect COI mileage but can I at least get those same prices up here in SF, or at least somewhat close?

Meanwhile, Atlanta folks are so spoiled with their $10 nude dances.
avatar for rogertex
7 years ago
@TFP - feel you you. Crazy Horse is more reasonable $20-$30 per dance. topless.

@Zoey - "At some places ... I’ve seen managers guard the doors and bathrooms so the dancers can’t hide lol"

LOL! quite a funny sight.

I personally like it. P10 in Round Rock has one every Friday at 1 PM.
A couple of other clubs in my area have them around midnight.
Austin clubs are so reasonably priced that specials are really not needed.

From dancer perspective - the newbies like it but "in demand" dancers consider it a wasted 30 minutes.

I'd like it even more if DJ calls on stage one dancer at a time. 10 seconds for each (quick pole trick) and off to the rafters with next dancer on stage. Even 30 dancers = just 5 minutes of stage introductions.

avatar for whodey
7 years ago
I think it varies quite a bit, when I'm clubbing in Kentucky I never seen it but it is common in the clubs I go to in Ohio.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
i like the showcase at synn, srcoi, dvcoi, belax.
avatar for s275ironman
7 years ago
It has been a really long time since I’ve seen a dancer showcase happen. When I lived in Wisconsin, Silk Exotic Madison would regularly do the showcase along with a 2-for-$30 special (normal dance price was $20). Sometimes they would offer free hats and/or t-shirts as well.

I miss seeing dancer showcases in clubs. They don’t seem to happen in Detroit clubs very often. If I understand correctly, it only happens at the beginning of the shift and that is it. I don’t arrive to clubs until a few hours after shift change, so I never see a showcase these days.

I like showcases because they give me the convenience of seeing who all is working and then deciding who my targets will be.
avatar for Darkblue999
7 years ago
Delilahs at Philly does showcase at 7 pm and 12 pm every day.
With the music in the background you can see many beautiful ladies walking down the stage.
It's like many models cat walking on the stage. It is a chance to know who is working that night and talk to them for dances
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
I love the cattle calls, lets me see everyone on that day. Every stripper I've ever discussed the topic with, hates them, and finds them demeaning
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
A. Yes, I like them, for most of the reasons already stated by others.

B. A couple clubs do it once or twice per night. Foxy Lady does it every hour starting at about 8:30 or 9, depending on how many girls are there. They basically have all the girls just walk the stage, not stand around, and then go sell dances.

C. Yes, as a matter of fact.
avatar for 79terrier
7 years ago
I liked them because it got the girls out of the dressing room, but don't see them much in Phoenix.
avatar for lopaw
7 years ago
The only club that I still see that happen in regularly is Bare Elegance. They run the "cattle call" alot, especially if they are busy. On the one hand I like it as it forces the lazy girls out of the DR and we all get a chance to see the girls available at that time. But on the other hand it is demeaning and the girls generally hate it and most will do anything to get out of it so you really don't wind up seeing all the girls.
avatar for JohnSmith69
7 years ago
(A) the showcase is good if there are a lot of dancers. It allows a PL to see the entire lineup quickly so he can identify his targets or decide to get out out of Dodge. It can be kind of demeaning to the dancers but that's the nature of stripping. You are selling your body.

B) They seem pretty common. I see them regularly.

C) I haven't noticed much change over the years in how much they are used.
avatar for datinman
7 years ago
I have seen dancer showcases at Christie's in Tempe, Tootsies in Miami, 2001 in Tampa, and maybe a few others. I enjoy them in bigger clubs where there is a visual stimulating parade of 30+ dancers. Kind of anticlimactic when they just bring up 6 or 8 disgruntled dancers to the stage for a 2 for 1 special.
avatar for Longball300
7 years ago
I like the Dancer Parade as I get to see all the ladies working at that moment and whether I'm interested in staying around or not. Have no problem catching the attention of my favorite and waving Hey and motioning to come see me after; works most of the time (I have no shame).

Landing Strip in Romulus still has them....Masters and TDH in Myrtle Beach. True that I don't think they have them at Flight Club anymore.... they are not as common as they used to be.

avatar for WillMunny
7 years ago
I've seen variations on this routine all over the country, labeled as a "lineup," "finale," "showcase," or other similar names, and probably 2 of 3 cases it's associated with some form of dance or drink special. Detroit may be the only market I've visited where it seems to happen in the majority of clubs, vs one or two outliers. Can't say they were especially more common or less so in the past, but I suspect that also varies by market and club.

As for the value or lack of same, it depends greatly on the club (especially number of dancers), the specials offered (if any), and maybe most important the frequency. The Cheetah's lineup on a Friday night is an impressive display of Grade A eye candy - BELAX would I'm sure be similar. In clubs with that number and quality of dancers, it's a great show even if you get nothing more out of it.

By contrast, I've been at Bogart's when there were only a half-dozen or so dancers working and the DJ seemed to call a finale at the end of almost every 3-song set. The dancers were already grouchy enough about having to be on stage so frequently - pulling them in for a one-song set was just overkill, and more than one was unhappy about it.

The up-side from a customer standpoint is that usually a club will exempt dancers from the cattle call if they're in a VIP beforehand. I've had multiple offers to "save" a dancer from going on stage, which can benefit you both in negotiating pricing and in a dancer's showing her appreciation with more than just a "thank you."
avatar for joc13
7 years ago
Oasis, in Atlanta, used to do the showcase with a 2 for 1 special at the top of every hour.

haven't seen it in years
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