"Stripper Time"
The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
Had some OTC set up the other night with a day shift dancer. Her shift ended at 7, said she wanted to home and get a shower and such and would be by my hotel at 8:30 or so. 8:15 get a text would be there in 30 minutes. 9:00 text 25 minutes out. 9:30 text 20 minutes and I'll be there. 10:30 another text and only 15 minutes away. No contact after that, but from the math I did it seams that each half hour or so in real world time is only about 5 minutes in stripper time. Wish it worked the same way in the club when you were getting a 15 minute dance, should actually be an hour and a half long.
Oh, and at this rate she should be there sometime Thursday afternoon
Oh, and at this rate she should be there sometime Thursday afternoon
We met at noon the next day at the same hotel. It turns out she had a very good excuse, and had been in a car accident the previous evening.
A more interesting PM would have been her showing up at the time she said and there being no drama
CMI text: "No problem. If you're over 30 minutes late I'm taking $### out of the payment. If you're over an hour late, I'm going home."
I've gone home a few times. But more often the girl shows up about 20 to 28 minutes late. It's even less of an issue if I explain this policy while making the arrangements.
It's my money and time.
Miss an appointment 2 times without an ironclad verifiable reason, then they have to earn a spot in the rotation !!!
All my CF's know the rules and strangely are very punctual. My $$$ ...My rules!!!
Intimate rapport, treating her like a civilian, asking her to just leave with you and worry about showers later?
san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this member is widely mocked and considered at best a nuisance or at worst mentally unstable, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
PhatBoy99 - troll status likely