
Have you ever taken a train or a bus to a strip club?

Atlanta suburb
Monday, July 2, 2018 5:58 AM
This guy did both. [view link]


  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    i take the trolley to the mexican border (after a two hour car drive) then walk to the bus for a five minute ride and then walk five minutes to hong kong.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    if i want to avoid driving my car i can take a bus from nearby my casa then a train to another train in the metro LA and down the coast to downtown san diego and jump on the trolley there. might take four to five hours total if i plan it well. if it wasn’t for the long border wait back into the usa i would just drive my car directly to hong kong and do the whole drive in 2.5 hours (depends on traffic). timing is everything in socal/ tijuana.
  • RTP
    6 years ago
    In Charlotte, the light rail goes by several clubs, and stops right across the street from Gold Club. I have met a number of dancers who take the train to the club. I don't know if any of the customers take the train, but it certainly would make sense.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Not on a routine basis, but I did so a handful of times when I was traveling, like this guy was, and when it was convenient to do so. The reasons are as follows: In some cities, the good clubs are in isolated areas far away from major business districts and a cab/uber can run $40-50+ each way, which means a $100 (round-trip) investment in a single club visit before you even go in the door. Multiply that by multiple visits to different clubs on different nights and transportation costs alone to/from clubs during a trip to a particular city can ring in at several hundred dollars. It kinda' burns to drop $400+ just on rides when it could go to more productive uses, like OTC action. In some cities with a lot of traffic congestion, trains/subways are not only the cheaper option, but also faster. I often take the subway to NYC clubs and I also remember taking the local train to Cheetah when I last visited Atlanta and was staying by the airport. Now to be clear, this is all about trip to the clubs, not the return legs. I always return by cab/car as I have no interest if fucking around in an unfamiliar area late at night with several pops in me. But if I can shave almost half of my club transportation expenses during a visit to a given city without too much inconvenience (I won't go too far out of my way or burn too much time), then why not?
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    i just checked the amtrak fare and the round trip would cost me about $111.00 for my old ass. bus included.
  • joc13
    6 years ago
    when I used to live in a different southern city, but had to change planes in Atlanta any time I went somewhere, I would always schedule my flights with like a 6-8 hour gap in between. if my flight to Atlanta was late, I wouldn't miss my connecting flight (incoming flight was usually international). if my flight to Atlanta was on time, I'd take MARTA to the station near Cheetah, have a meal and frollick with the strippers. 2 blocks away was a lingerie modeling studio, so I'd walk there, get a handie or blowie depending on who was working, then take the train back to airport for connecting flight home. always got home in a good mood!
  • K
    6 years ago
    Often in the 90s. Several clubs were on the bus route i used to commute to nyc back in the 80s and 90s. Id get off at one and hop from one to another. On weekends i often did that to avoid a dui.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    in contrast of the approximately $111 for round trip for bus, two trains, trolley, tj bus... if I drive straight to the hk parking lot right down the block the gas for my bad ass prius would be $25 at current cali prices.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    I took the bus both ways once when I was between cars. It was kind of a hassle on the return trip, though. The routes I lived on stopped running early, so it was a 45 minute walk home. As sometimes happens, the club was in a bit of a dodgy area, too. The bus driver seemed a little surprised to see me in my $26.50 worth of swap meet bling getting on at the stop where I did. I switched to Uber after that for the ride home.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    Come to think of it when I was stationed in Japan we occasionally took the 25 mile train ride into Tokyo to hit up the Go Go clubs. It was always a challenge because there were no signs in English. Some times we got the express that only made one stop and some times we got the milk run.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    I have used the subway to go to clubs in NYC. But I would Uber to clubs rather than ride most city buses.
  • ehhhh
    6 years ago
    I've taken a bus a few times. There's one that picks me up 5 blocks from my house in Milwaukee and drops me off across the street from Texas Jay's. Super convenient, can drink however much I want. I wish it were easy to get to every club by bus.
  • ehhhh
    6 years ago
    I've taken a bus a few times. There's one that picks me up 5 blocks from my house in Milwaukee and drops me off across the street from Texas Jay's. Super convenient, can drink however much I want. I wish it were easy to get to every club by bus.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Subway in New York. But if I lived in the City, I don't think I would even own a car. Cost too much to park.
  • James1557
    6 years ago
    I often travel by public transport and in some of my reviews I give directions. But I am in Europe . .
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    On a regular basis! If I know I'll be drinking, I take the train to the city, and taxi/lyft/uber from train station to club
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Some areas lend themselves better to public transport (e..g Northeast, etc) - down here in South FL public-transport for the most-part is not very convenient particularly buses and it will add to one's commute time: I don't like waiting around for a bus or fixing my schedule to the bus's schedule. About the only public transport that is convenient in South FL is the light-rail (MetroRail) that many people that work in downtown Miami use since traffic and parking in Downtown Miami is a major PITA.
  • GoVikings
    6 years ago
    Yes I use to take the city bus to the club. It was a short bus ride, but not short enough to walk to the club
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    Yeah. I figured you for the short bus. :)
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