
Comments by Subraman (page 138)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Do strippers care about anything other than how much you spend?
    -->" I hate this maybe later jerking around when it's completely insincere because I might actually return if it's dead." Even here on tuscl, guys are using "maybe later" "I just got here" or whatever else because they're too scared to say "no thanks" or whatever. And these are experienced, hardened PLs, so I imagine among just regular guys at the SC, they must all be using "maybe later." I still think "no thanks", with no other explanation offered, is the way to go.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    It's not trolling -- it's making sure the lurkers realize that you're a guy pretending to be a pimp, who occasionally uses a cringeworthy persona (obviously picked up from reading whatever articles you used). Not good advice that anyone should follow. Just some other tuscler playing around. The most important point here is: don't look to "date/manage strippers", dummies. Then you won't have to worry about following fictional advice on how to do so
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey
    Strip Club ROI
    What I get out of it: 4 hours of fun, drinking and carrying on, with a crazy hot stripper who does a good job of pretending to dig me. Extra win: an agreement to see each other OTC
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What does it take to fuck a stripper for free?
    -->"The whole gist behind PUA is finding hot, insecure women and manipulating their low self esteem into sex and attention. And, that's exactly what all of your "advice" boils down to." Right, the poor advice, right down to "whatever you do, don't do lap dances" ("Don't get dances though") is straight out of the PUA handbook when it comes to strip clubs -->"Also, your posting style in 'street thug' persona is cartoonish. It's a caricature and obviously someone playing a role that is unfamiliar to them outside of last episode of whatever bad cop show they watched." Exactly. He/she read some articles from pimps, and randomly apes the phrasing and terminology. Like I said, whoever is behind it is probably having fun. Just want to make sure no one takes this persona, or the advice, seriously
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What does it take to fuck a stripper for free?
    There's no jealous outbursts -- it's not a goal of mine of fuck strippers for free, so there's nothing to be jealous over. My main goal here is to make sure the lurkers, and a few regulars who you've somehow fooled, realize that someone is just having fun with their alternative pimp troll account.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    lol... in the position of being a troll persona of someone who read some pua and pimp articles? Well, I guess I do envy the free time however is behind this has. And the devotion to the dumbass storyline
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What does it take to fuck a stripper for free?
    PhatBoy99, you can't read? I never said you said don't spend money. Get some new glasses dumbass! lol... whichever goofball is behind the Phatboy persona, you should read posts like you read the old PUA and pimp articles !
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    Dominic and twentyfive: meanwhile, he/she seems to have actually fooled some members here, so whoever is behind it is not underestimating the collective gullibilitude (lol) of tuscl
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    Just for the lurkers here, PhatBoy is someone's alternative persona, he's basically recycled some old PUA advice and pimp articles, built a "street" troll persona, and is running with it. Don't follow any of this advice, lurkerman.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How do you get an discussion that threatens the physical safety of people delete
    -->"Only a very brave man would dare to threaten anonymously another middle-aged nerd whose real identity and location are unknown." Many people on here have alternative troll personas who are "street" and serious badasses. That makes this all far more serious. Middle-aged nerds who spend time talking about cumming in their own pants, who have alternative accounts that are badasses. Who wants to fuck with us now, huh?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If there was a problem Yo, I'll solve it, Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it, nice spice baby, nice spice baby
    Nicespice is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever
    -->"P.S. Anyone that does want to do bodily harm to nicespice will have to go thru me (and my back brace)." Not to mention the headgear. No hitting the face allowed, two_bits' orthodontist says so
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What does it take to fuck a stripper for free?
    -->"Come to a strip club message board in the persona of an urban tough guy, but whine about your "main bitch" like a 16-year-old girl who lost her diary." LOL ... yeah, Phatboy's advice is nothing but things that "he" (as Ish points out, he's someone's troll persona) just recycled things he read on PUA websites, plus things he read about how pimps act. Everyone who posts here knows that, but maybe some of the lurkers don't. I've been in FWB w/ strippers a few times. For me, all of those times happened with strippers who were my ATFs. That is, exactly the opposite of the tired PUA & phatboy's recycled-PUA advice about "don't buy lapdances, don't be a 'trick'". I never looked for this specifically, but over time things evolved this way. The last time it happened, once she retired from stripping, she just stopped charging me. I don't pay my ATATF anymore either... although those girls did & do expect high-$ experiences. So, not claiming this is the universal advice for everyone, but the common pattern for me has been: - Make her your ATF, spend like you would on any ATF ITC & OTC. Shoot to be her fave customer - Evolve from ATF/customer to something close to SD/SB (in retrospect, I learned from my experiences on SA that that's what I've been doing). Treat her well, don't be an asshole, but also don't be a little bitch, don't take any shit or let her walk all over you. Don't call women "hoes" or "bitches"; don't put them on a pedestal or white knight her. - When she starts seeking you out, you might be turning the corner. I felt pursued every time this happened. Although I'm not sure how much you can really conclude from my 3 or so FWBs over 15 years lol... in any case, again, it's not something I look for, or care if it ever happens again.You don't want a stripper girlfriend man. Just tell your fucking friends to enjoy it for what it is, and get a job so they can afford OTC
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Ahem... I got married
    Congrats bro
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Your fragrance?
    Dominic: I didn't know Yoda, except from looking over at SW and seeing that he'd gone completely native -- he was basically an extension of everything we dislike about SW. Seems like he was a decent fellow in the past, but he worked hard to earn the enmity of everyone who was not a SW stripper
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Your fragrance?
    Holy shit, Yoda was like an actual guy, instead of a permanent white knight with a stick up his ass. Huh.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Called ID on Cellphones
    You're using your real # dude? Usually trivially easy for someone to find out everything about you from that
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Do top dancers "retire" to OTC
    I have known strippers who go on to become escorts, bodyrub girls, or dominatrices. But I don't think that's what NJB means by "retire to do OTC". I think he means building enough of an OTC business with her strip club customers, that she can quit the club and just do OTCs with her regular OTC customers. I've never known that to happen. I do know strippers who quit stripping, and used OTC to supplement their (lower) income as they transitioned to a real-world job. And I've known strippers who relied strictly on OTC while between stripping gigs. But a long-term "job" of just OTCing, with comparable income to stripping, I have never heard of ... if they want to do that indefinitely, they eventually have to become full-blown escorts with ads, etc.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Self Righteousness
    If it were the pudding, I'd completely re-think. But fuck the fruitcup.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Who gives a shit about boxing?
    -->"There is nothing exciting in boxing anymore like Pacquiao or Mayweather." Pacquiao was exciting to watch. The fact that you think Mayweather was exciting makes me wonder if you're just a "big fight" fan... which is fine, but I don't think any actual boxing fans are wishing that all fights were like Mayweather fights, unless they have insomnia.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Strippers that complain
    Especially when I'm buzzed, I love club gossip, even when framed as complaints. Other than that, not interested in hearing negative talk from girls who are new to me. CFs and ATFs get dispensation to do some bitching.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey
    Anyone ever have a bad OTC experience?
    Rick has some pretty great -- by which I mean horrible -- stories My worst stories are no shows, hour(s) late, and got-so-drunk-she-passed-out stories. But, again, I tend to only OTC with girls I know well -- she's probably my CF (or on her way to becoming CF) by the time I've asked her OTC. It's the "just met her tonight and asked her OTC after her shift" crowd that get all the great stories
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    How common is it for strippers to be asked for sex?
    So, I"ve been on a few other (local) SC forums, and one of the things that's obvious, is that even on a forum full of strip club regulars, most guys don't realize how many strippers do OTC, are nervous about asking because they think they'll get beat up by the bouncers, etc. So, this 50%+ of customers asking for more ... this is asking for more ITC, or non-serious queries about outside the club? Or, despite my experience on the local forums, are a lot of those requests serious OTC inquiries?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Plans to meet for my first OTC in forever
    Anything's possible. FWB relationships with strippers is super rare but possible, so I suppose that, given she's older and has fewer options, there's a chance, however unlikely. And given she's older with a mature body, I wouldn't be questioning it if you said, "hey, I'm going to take a chance and see if the sex is free; if it's not, I'll pass." Hey, totally get it, I don't want to pay for sex with a 40-year-old either :) But you're going a step further and saying, "... and if the sex isn't free, I'm going to be so hurt and outraged that I'm firing her as my CF". That's the unreasonable part to me. Why fire her for meaning exactly what 99.999% of other strippers mean, when they suggest OTC?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Plans to meet for my first OTC in forever
    Yeah, she wants to make more $ from you having sex, OTC. Is that the vibe you're getting? And your'e down for the sex, but not the $, and you'll be so insulted if she doesn't give you the sex for free that you'll fire her as your CF? It just seems like you're setting yourself up to lose a CF you're otherwise happy with. I'm not sure why you think the fact that she suggested OTC means the sex is free... I mean, I've had strippers where we'd just meet after her shift for just dinner or drinks, and in that case, I'd pay for just the dinner or drinks. I mean, she could be the unicorn who is willing to transition to free sex with you, but so far nothing indicates that