Self Righteousness

flagoonerEverything written by this member is a fact.
What is with all the calling out lately about comments crossing the line?
We do still have a 1st Ammendment, correct? Or did the libtards succeed in squashing the rights of people who disagree with their ideology?
Let's stop with the sanctimonious, holier-than-thou crap.
last commentThe First Amendment is irrelevant to the point I think you are trying to make. The First Amendment only protects against governent censorship of speech. It protects the right of libtards to spew idiocy as much as it protects right wing speech.
^ True. But the point is the same.
You keep this up you're not going to get your fruit cup at lunch today at the home.
To hell with the fruit cup, some things just need to be said.
"protects the right of libtards to spew idiocy as much as it protects right wing hate speech."
Dammit flag you’re hungry again, eat your fruitcup, you’re just not you, when you’re hungry, and the Snickers bar just messes with your dentures. ;)
It's sort of the price of Tuscl. Having to remind people of the netiquette for this place. Good PSA.
This is why I drive a shit truck. Job security
If it were the pudding, I'd completely re-think. But fuck the fruitcup.
^Tapioca yummy
Right wing hate speech said the snowflake.
The right to say something does not equate to a freedom of consequences resulting from free speech.
Also, try giving fewer shits.
Cool Story Faggot
I’ve been giving a few down your mothers throat Ishmel the Incel
Naww... guy I don't know on the internet is trying to be mean to me. It's adorable.
I love Fruit Cups. Especially watermelon. Lots of NO2 keeps me “UP”.
What's with all the whining?
If you insist on saying stupid and offensive shit, you're gonna get called out, plain and simple. If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
No one is forcing you to come on here. There are plenty of other activities at the old folks home you could try - play some gin rummy, work on a puzzle, take an arts and crafts class and make a nice collage out of macaroni pieces, etc.
You, know, @Flagooner, you seem a bit angry and bitter lately and I'm sure dealing with the aging process can be quite frustrating.
Here's something that might keep you occupied and enrich what's left of your life. It's the "Match the Shapes Engaging Activity for Dementia and Alzheimer's" game (only $25 on Amazon):
Or if you have enough mental acuity left, maybe you can learn a second language. Here's the "Learn Spanish for Kids" game which will help you communicate with your wife (the migrant farm worker) :
...just trying to be helpful, as always.