How do you get an discussion that threatens the physical safety of people delete

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the title says it all


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avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
6 years ago

Oh wait, this isn't Instagram. -_-
avatar for ppwh
6 years ago
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
6 years ago
#Help #ShitGotOutOfHand #ReallyFuckingStupidPointlessArguing #EyeRoll
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
What, someone is stupid enough to take a discussion thread on this site seriously?
They would be like the 150 who are seeking rescue in new bern because they did not evacuate.
Only thrill seekers, those who want to die, or idiots don't evacuate when told to. Pick your choice.
avatar for ppwh
6 years ago
Shut the fuck up
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
Everything posted on thus site should be considered a work of fiction.

I have no idea of what thread you are referring to.

If you are talking about me saying the media is overhyping the storm farther inland, that is the media normal operation. They threat is serious along they coast. In my area they are now forecasting 2 to 3 inches of rain over 2 days. I had a single storm dump that on me while driving in less than 30 minutes. Overhyping everything leads people to ignore media and not take them seriously. That is dangerous.

Maybe you are talking about a drug thread. No idea. What somone is thinking.
Only a very brave man would dare to threaten anonymously another middle-aged nerd whose real identity and location are unknown.
avatar for ppwh
6 years ago
OK, I just checked the updated cone prediction and it looks like the prediction was more accurate than I thought
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
I lived through several hurricanes. Media likes to overhype things. However they don't know the future so never ignore evacuation warnings. I live closer to the mountains. They are forecasting 2 inches rain now for my area. Could be bad. I doubt it will be as bad as forecasted. The exception could be the coast. Hoping it is not as bad as forecasted. Tornadoes are a threat too.
It's the media saying stuff like worst storm in 140 years and if nothing bad happens, leads people to ignore the media next time a severe storm approaches.

Hopefully all stay safe. Take shelter during storms. Not telling anyone to ignore warnings. Stay safe out there. I live in South Carolina and used to live not far from myrtle beach. I have relatives over there too. We know power may go out, etc. it's dangerous. That's why millions evacuate. It's the 150 people needing rescue in new berm who don't have common sense. Leave when authorities say to evacuate.
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
I have relatives thinking my area will be devastated. I doubt 30 mph winds will do hardly any damage here in western South Carolina in my area. We get that routinely in storms. Tornadoes are a threat though. Along with driving through flooded roads , trees possibly blocking roads, and possible power outages. That's normal for many storms in western South Carolina. The Carolinas get a lot of storms.

My point was the media says stuff like worst in1000 years, worst in 140 years, then people think, ok, 140 years until the next one. Nahhh, they know the media is hyping it up. 2015 was really bad as far as flooding and this could top that. I'd evacuate if I lived over there.
@ founder - Nina should be band for for being a psycho whack job bitch and threatening the physical safety of nicespice.

Yeah, yeah, I know, usually when someone's threatens to beat someone up on here, they're just being an internet tough guy or gal. But Nina mentioned a specific time and place (I'm not sure, but I believe that's called premeditation - any lawyers int he house?), and she's a self-confessed (attempted) murderer.

#BanNina #NoPsychoWhackjobs #ProtectTheSpice

avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
10 inches of rain or more poses a serious flood risk.

I'm more concerned with gas stations running out of gas in the western part of the Carolinas.
10 inches of rain near Charlotte could potentially fllood some low spots. Winds of 30 mph I'm not worried about in western South Carolina. Calm down relax if you live away from the storm. Soon it will only be a memory.
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
Jim Cantory from the weather channel is in Wilmington. Wilmington is In the eyewall. Water kills.
Not safe to be standing outdoors if a tornado hits. No joke. He's there. He's kind of like the story of the gray man along South Carolina beaches. Awnings and weak structures are gone with the wind.
12 to 25 inches of rain will cause flooding. No joke. The numbers say it all.
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
Only lower pressure reading in Wilmington was Floyd , Fran and Donna. This is a strong hurricane. Still ongoing. Number 4 on the Wilmington pressure scale. Highest wind gust in the city since 1960 something.

Officials now stating people were evacuated because of projected storm surge. Storm surge kills. Flooding kills. Turn around don't drown is what the weather channel says about driving through flooded streets.
Got my swim trunks on and beer in the cooler lol
Anybody that takes comments on this board so seriously and get so riled to the point of seriously threatening someone has got some pretty thin skin and quite a few screws loose.

Who threatened who?
"How do you get an discussion that threatens the physical safety of people deleted on TUSCL"

This will get about half of SJG's threads removed. I think I'm on board.
Jesus threatened Allah and Mohammed is fucking pissed off!!!!
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
I'm not sure who threatened who.
I was wondering if he thought I was putting someone's life in jeopardy because I suggested the media overhyped the hurricane.
Rainfalls forecast for my area used to be 10 inches. Latest I saw today is now half an inch. Overhype ?
The only thing I'm doing is talking about it online.
I never said anyone along the coast shouldn't evacuate.
Maybe he's talking about someone using drugs in another thread.

If he thinks I'm putting someone's life in jeopardy because a half inch of rain, he's got a screw loose.
So - let me understand this. You want a discussion
Sorry. You want a discussion removed because you think folks on a strip club discussion board will take advice on a hurricane instead of listening to the advice of the weather channel?

Maybe Founder should post something like “Hurricanes are no joke! Don’t take the weather advice of our perverts!”
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
I was hoping for more rain than that. I guess I will cut my grass today and water my plants in the backyard since the storm was overhyped for my area in western South Carolina. If you live near the coast or in NC, stay safe. If it gets stormy, stay safe. Anything else is over reacting and like the media wanting to say this is the worst in a 1000 years. The US wasn't even a nation 1000 years ago. I'm not sure how they collected very much data from back then for a specific area.
"Who threatened who?"

Nicespice insinuated that she is going to accept money from someone at the Meetup to "antagonize" me there, so I told her talking shit online is one thing, but warned that if she antagonizes me in person I will beat her ass.

Imo it was more of a warning than a threat (I actually stated when I said it, "this isn't a threat it's a warning," as I was planning to go to the meetup to actually meet people and have fun, not to be "antagonized" by a stranger.)

Now she wants to play innocent victim when she's really just a garbage human being. Oops.
-->"Only a very brave man would dare to threaten anonymously another middle-aged nerd whose real identity and location are unknown."

Many people on here have alternative troll personas who are "street" and serious badasses. That makes this all far more serious. Middle-aged nerds who spend time talking about cumming in their own pants, who have alternative accounts that are badasses. Who wants to fuck with us now, huh?
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
I thought it was amusing thinking maybe somone thought someone was getting serious weather advice from a strip club site.
It might be useful if the op mentioned the discussion he was referring to. Although, all the speculation is entertaining.
I've seen some criminal hackers do some serious shit to one another on a private shell server a long time ago over apparent disrespect. I think there's a reason some refer to one another as sir or other respectful signs of salutation. Not sure of the over lap of those sorts of nerds vis a vis with the cumming in the pants type. But on the internet ... you never know who is on the other side of the keyboard.

I'd take a beat down from clubber or tiredtraveler any day over those guys. My 2 cents.
"How do you get an discussion that threatens the physical safety of people deleted on TUSCL"

Just click where it says "Start a Discussion" and start typing.

Though I don't know why you would want to threaten the physical safety of people who have been deleted on TUSCL. Seems like a waste of time and effort to me.

Flag beat me to it. Not by much though. :)
avatar for Clubber
6 years ago
Hurricanes are usually just a nuisance for me. In my 69 years I've experienced hurricanes and a few tropical storms in '49,'50,'60,'62,'64,'65,'66,'68,'69,'72,'79,'81,'86,'87,'92,'98,'05(2),'06,'16,'17.

Of all these, the only ones I can recall as being anything other than a nuisance or inconvenience are Donna in '60, Betsy in '65, and of course andrew in '92. That was the worse, but even it, to me, was mostly a MAJOR aggravation. Also the one with the most damage for me. Actually about the only with what I would consider major damage. I sat through andrew with my father and aunt. I commented to them how lucky there were to have been through two of the three CAT 5 hurricanes to make landfall in the US. :)

Sure, there was always some flooding, but where I am, I never had water inside my home. Well I did from andrew, but that came in the front door. Never have I felt my life was in danger. Of course were In a location that was being destroyed, that would be different. It's all about preparation AND not having a clapboard home. Worse thing to me is putting up and taking down the shutters! For Irma last year I got a couple of out front Home Depot workers to help. I will again when needed.

Evacuation, not yet other than taking my wife to the hospital when she was pregnant.
avatar for ppwh
6 years ago
Looks like it's headed toward Myrtle Beach now:…
wow i guess i missed all the stripper drama
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
Hopefully the flooding does not become as Vader as originally forecasted. My area was originally supposed to get like 10 inches or more. Now it's only what we got in one big thunderstorm. About 3 inches. I'm planning on driving to NC so I hope it's not too bad. Duke energy is staging a lot of electrical work crews in Greenville to restore power after the storm gets out of the way. I remember NC had big time flooding in some low lying areas a couple years ago. Looks like they will get hit hard again. Apparently government programs typically refused or denied the possibility of paying people to move out of those areas. So now they will get flooded again. That sucks for them. Duke got crews as far away as Arkansaw waiting to restore power. Hundreds of trucks. Storm is moving as slow as a Florence I knew ages ago that could have been in an old folks home. Someone needs to assist Florence out of here.

Best to do now if in the path is to orepare and wait. I'm prepared for power loss from possible ice storms. Hoping no power goes out in the western part of the state. I got my grass cut today. A few days ago, didn't think that would happen this weekend. Saw the sun again today. Was overcast in nc closer to the storm yesterday.
avatar for ppwh
6 years ago
> About 3 inches

We have pumps and creams for that.

Or is it crème?
^ what prompted you to start talking about your fully erect penis?
avatar for ppwh
6 years ago
you need a prompt now?
avatar for ppwh
6 years ago
will you be my... teleprompter?
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
Sounds like your problem plwh.

Just heard they don't know what this storm is going to do. It could sit over the same area. That will be a flood disaster. I was hoping the forecasts for it to leave by Monday were correct. Only moving 2 mph.
On the bright side, my location got nothing. As usual, the weather girl on the weather channel doesn't know what she is talking about reporting trees down in Charlotte and then she added it hasn't started raining there. I can see its raining there on the radar image on the east side.
How do you get a Nanny minded pussy who thinks he's the guy to make decisions for everybody deleted from tuscl? :)
^You could just stop posting you know;)
avatar for ppwh
6 years ago
> Maybe we could trade him to SW for a future draft choice?

That hurt, two_bits! And it's Ze.
^ good idea, he’d prolly only bring a 3rd or 4th rounder at best !
avatar for ppwh
6 years ago
That hurt, twentyfive! And it's Ze.
"Maybe we could trade him to SW for a future draft choice?"

Why, two_bits? So you and nicespice can conspire together some more and leak more private info I shared about my family in the Life Support section like the BitterBettys you are?
Look at the bright side. The more they do it the more attention you get.
I know. They call me an attention whore, and then proceed to give me attention. Must be a chemical brain imbalance that precludes them from understanding that.

@ nina

Those that go after you, do so to invoke a response. The same types who have trouble getting real attention in the clubs.
Stripfighter, you are right. And I know I often do give them a response, an action many people here would disagree with, but hey. It is what it is. I don't mind quenching their thirst here and there.
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
Another reason not to walk through flood water.
North Carolina hog farms have pig manure stock piles that can flood and become toxic waste with flood waters. I just heard this about 30 minutes after seeing a girl in NC determined to walk through flood waters with a suitcase dragging along the ground.

In South Carolina an alligator was spotted moving from one flooded spot to another. The weather channel girl smartly said she would stay out of the water. I'm wondering what Jim Cantory would have done. Give it a kick? Storm is not over. Supposed to move out Sunday though.
First, I think Nina knows she's a lightning rod of sorts for this. Second, she's also absolutely right that Tuscl talked about her before she even registered and she doesn't have to post thread upon thread of keyboard diarrhea to get attention, unlike some.

I'll re-port my take from 2016:

"Nina is a Detroit area dancer who is a regular poster on StripperWeb, a dancer support site and TwoSheds, a site dedicated to local Detroit SCs. The PLs here TUSCL started a thread about her (for some reason I don't know the specifics, it was before my time), so she registered an account here and incredibly she responded. She's been one of the few regular posters (dancer) who floats between SW and TUSCL. Most dancers who participate stick to one or the other but not both. She's one of the exception cases.

The crux of the curiosity is that she purports to be a clean dancer (I believe her) in Detroit of all places -- a town best known for dirty clubs with extras, everywhere -- and on top of that she purports to consistently be a high earner. She's a paradox or at least a curiosity of sorts. The PLs here cast doubt to her claims and asked for proof. She purportedly provided scanned credit card receipts from VIP / champagne rooms, where she asserts customers pay her for her time which includes lap dances and conversation with no sex. I guess some of the receipts were for a lot of money (hundreds if not thousands of dollars, consistently), I don't know, I didn't see the receipts; this is all second hand info to me.

She claims she's an excellent 'conversationalist' and frequently gets paid for it. It goes counter culture on TUSCL that any customer would ever pay a dancer large sums of money for 'just' conversation and clean dancing. The TUSCL counter argument is any high-earning dancer is probably doing tricks (prostitution) and lying about it.

From time to time the PLs on TUSCL talk smack about her, and then out of the blue she shows up and kills them and puts them back in their place with a certain 'sweetness and eloquence.' It's really fascinating."

"Where is NinaBambina?" -- July 20, 2016…
"^^^^ bj business slow again 2day nino?"

No, just laying around at home drinking wine and posting here to try to relieve my uterine contractions.
Aww, thank you Dominic77! I actually remember that post now that you quoted it.

“wow i guess i missed all the stripper drama”

Wait 5 minutes there will be more. And it’s actually equal opportunity stripper/PL drama. Interesting for 3 minutes. Max.
Lol Dominic77, I just re-read that entire thread. I demolished Nubster again. That was after I sent him into hibernation after I annihilated ole Nubster for like the second time. Thanks for linking that thread.

I was very upset about the Warriors back then, lol, but I was just taking a tuscl break. I don't even remember how long I was away from tuscl, but it couldn't have been that long.

Thanks for keeping it real.
You could act like a man.
McNulty you bad motherfucker lets fuck Bmore bitches
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