Do strippers care about anything other than how much you spend?

avatar for Been_There_Already
Other than the obvious, such as not smelling bad or being rude to the, what can you do to stand out from the other customers?


last comment
Spend a lot more money on her than she's used to making. Plain and simple
I think they prefer you to smell clean too. No stinky butts!
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
I mean they are humans too. Many are kind of jaded and have tunnel vision for cash obviously, but if your charming, funny smell good, look good, in shape these things are going to help. But money is going to be he most important about 90% of the time IME. I notice I get a lot more attention in clubs because I’m in good shape but in the end it won’t beat out $
avatar for K
New Jersey
6 years ago
Find out where she lives and wait on her door step for her. With flowers. Naked.

How do you stand out for any woman? Strippers are women and the usual things work. Be nice, be interesting, be confident. Sneak in small bottles of their favorite booze.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
With exceptions being if the guy holding that money is a creep. I get that ALL the time.
If you just want to stand out as a customer, just spend a lot on her.

if you want to attract her, work on your body and have a little edginess to you
I would say not only spending a fair amount but also spending it fast. And taking care of yourself to some extent that it's obvious you at least try in some way. Ie working out or well dressed w/ good hygiene smells good. If you have nice cologne that stands out. I always wear perfume to work and not the fucking $20 shit so I care about these things.

And this is going to sound unfair, but usually if a younger guy that is either in shape or ripped to shreds spends a fair amount on me and fast it turns me on. I guess money does funny things. But this same type of guy if he tries to waste my time spends little to nothing it's a huge turn off. Or lying. Just tell me you aren't into me, my heart won't break. I hate this maybe later jerking around when it's completely insincere because I might actually return if it's dead.
I generally approach middle aged dudes first though.
-->" I hate this maybe later jerking around when it's completely insincere because I might actually return if it's dead."

Even here on tuscl, guys are using "maybe later" "I just got here" or whatever else because they're too scared to say "no thanks" or whatever. And these are experienced, hardened PLs, so I imagine among just regular guys at the SC, they must all be using "maybe later." I still think "no thanks", with no other explanation offered, is the way to go.
I'd rather hear no thanks or similar so I don't waste my time again if it is dead enough to do so.
avatar for NJBalla
New York
6 years ago
Might sound silly, but being upfront in the strip club saves a lot of time. (e.g. if you want a dance from a girl dont play hard to get or hope nonverbal communication will get her to come over) If she's the hottest in the place ask her to come over when she;s free and that you are interested in getting more than 1 dance.
"Find out where she lives and wait on her door step for her. With flowers. Naked."

K - I've done this fully clothed with money instead of flowers. It works like a charm, so long as she's expecting you.

"I mean they are humans too."

Muddy9 - over time I've kind of forgotten this. Not that I'm jaded about it, but anymore I don't even waste time contemplating if the sincere-sounding ones are indeed sincere. Even if I think I've made a good impression with an attribute other than just the money, I can never really know for sure . . . unless I'm doing something that attracts all of them, I guess. But I agree with you that being in shape and caring about your appearance helps.

"I would say not only spending a fair amount but also spending it fast."

blahblahblah23 - sorry, but I wasn't born yesterday. I don't have to pay a door fee to mindlessly give my money away. Sure, I'll pay for good service, and I'll dish it out at the pace that is required depending on how busy the club is. I'm not going to just throw it around if she isn't willing to work for it. BJ99 would be proud of you, though.
Damn, blah^3 gives herself and other strippers a bad name. And one wonders why the have a stereotype for being cold ROBs.

I have found that you can't lump all strippers into one group that all act alike. Sure, there are many who are cut throat and look at their job as being just to make a sap out of every customer. These are the ones that I don't even consider for fav status regardless of their beauty.

Money is the only thing that differentiates customers to them.

If you are patient and have any desire to build a mutually beneficial relationship, you can find a stripper who will value that. Sure, you have to keep her satisfied financially, it is their job and that is why they do what they do in the first place. But I have been fortunate to find some that do appreciate feeling respected and will sacrifice some in the $$$ department for lower stress and the security of consistency.

Some strippers are human.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
I should say they complain to me about dealing with creeps all the time lol
avatar for FTS
6 years ago
Combination of being more morally depraved than her while still having a outwardly-appearing positive and proactive attitude. Bonus points if you've been to prison for a violent crime.
Ok I meant money is the main thing at first. I never said I don't like any of the customers. Some of them are cool to be around and I actually enjoy my time with them. I don't always go for the money either, some customers are just not worth the bullshit.
They care about the same things we do
Paying bills, staying out of debt, having enoug money
"Bonus points if you've been to prison for a violent crime."

FTS - I have a friend who can attest to this statement. It's very true.

"Ok I meant money is the main thing at first. I never said I don't like any of the customers. Some of them are cool to be around and I actually enjoy my time with them. I don't always go for the money either, some customers are just not worth the bullshit."

Spoken like a true CF who thinks here best regular is about to move on.
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
If strippers get me talking, they seem interested in a number of stories I sometimes tell.
I discovered recently how to be a rock. It won't work if you visit when almost no one else is there. I succeeded at it last year one night. I didn't think I was that interesting but when strippers ask routinely what you've been up to, either it's small talk or your life is interesting enough to talk about. Hopefully my life isn't that interesting to others. That sounds like a Chinese curse. Every week is a bit of an adventure for me. I prefer things to be uneventful outside strip clubs.
How can you be upset at them wanting and caring about money though? They're at work! Do you want to be doing shit for free while at work or do you want to be paid?

And whoever first said

""Bonus points if you've been to prison for a violent crime.""

I have a friend who has some bullet scars and strippers love it when he shows them. Same with how he beat an attempted murder rap and an accomplice to murder rap coz the witnesses changed their minds. It makes their g strings drip. He shows them the tattoos that commemorate everything too.
avatar for ppwh
6 years ago
> Every week is a bit of an adventure for me. I prefer things to be uneventful outside strip clubs.

Good advice
PhatBoy99 - given this ghetto thug persona you try to emulate, I gotta say, your grammar is just too good for it to be believable. But some of your advise/wisdom is actually spot on.

orionsmith - you sound like a PL who I would want to club with.
^ "Spoken like a true CF who thinks here best regular is about to move on."


I have a problem with honesty. It seems like every time I switch to a new #1 fav the previous one always asks me why. And I answer them. Honestly. Most of the time stupidly.
avatar for ppwh
6 years ago
> Most of the time stupidly.

fagbobo... it's ok, they mostly understood, they just had to hear it from you
avatar for ppwh
6 years ago
(ie., just tell them the distilled down version and now about their...)
avatar for ppwh
6 years ago
> now

not - sorry new phone, the old one was cracked
"I have a problem with honesty. It seems like every time I switch to a new #1 fav the previous one always asks me why. And I answer them. Honestly. Most of the time stupidly."

Okay flagooner, I gotta ask, does this mean you are telling your old CF what's wrong with her, or are you telling your old CF what the new girl has going for her?
Usually both. I don't know when to shut up after I've had a few.
@Been_There_Already thank. im glad im insightful. But come on being hood doesnt mean you're ignorant or illiterate. i write rhymes, working on an album. ive read books before.
avatar for ppwh
6 years ago
> Usually both. I don't know when to shut up after I've had a few.

ok, now that shit stupid
On the subject of spending money fast I agree with blahblahblah23 and disagree with been_there_already. If you don't require a ton of conversation first before spending money it absolutely makes you stand out as a customer.

I never want to spend more than about an hour in the club and that gives me priority over most other regulars even those who spend way more. Additionally the first time I get dances with someone I specifically don't want to talk too long which helps a lot.
Its not BS, you'd really surprised. I know strippers, medical office workers, legal office workers, courthouse and county workers who will act all sweet and nice and professional and once they get home they're hood AF.

I know a girl who works as a secretary for a lawyer. Acts all proper and everything at work. After work she'll drink a 40 with you and twerk for you. She works for a lawyer and gets hit on by legal guys all the time but prefers thugs.

Ive gotten strippers by talking about things most people wouldnt consider good.
Phatboy99 is definitely a troll he is just playing it half serious.
avatar for ppwh
6 years ago
ok smart guy, is PhatBoy99 69's troll or ...?
I don't care.
avatar for ppwh
6 years ago

but in a way, it's sweet
avatar for wallanon
6 years ago
"Even here on tuscl, guys are using "maybe later" "I just got here" or whatever else because they're too scared to say "no thanks" or whatever. And these are experienced, hardened PLs, so I imagine among just regular guys at the SC, they must all be using "maybe later." I still think "no thanks", with no other explanation offered, is the way to go."

I typically do not use "no thanks" because I have bad luck with it. No thanks can sound a lot like "fuck off" if taken the wrong way. When I say "maybe later", I actually mean that. Sometimes I'm just stalling for time to see if something better comes along, and if the dancer will do I'll suggest when she should come back to check on me. If I really don't want to speak with a dancer again, I'll spot a dancer I'd like to meet and tell the one that needs to ghost that I'm waiting on her.
avatar for lopaw
6 years ago
From my experience, if you are gross, the price goes up. I did meet this one Japanese girl from Berkeley who was very compassionate towards men who were not "traditionally" handsome. This one guy would stick his tongue out whenever a dancer would come close to him. Most of the dancers would n't even accept his money but she did and she even gave him a free lap dance.

I got a private dance with her and I asked her, "Why are you so nice to that pervert?"
She said, "This is a strip club and we're all perverts. My dad is a Dr. and I know what is wrong that poor man. He has a nerve disease, and whenever he tries to smile, his tongue sticks out."

Yup, got put in my place. Still, she was the only dancer I met who had that opinion.

I think just being a decent person and a decent customer should be more than enough. Don't be a creep, don't waste her time and don't be boring!

Strippers are people too! Like any normal person, good manners and a good attitude can take you a long way
I remember it’s business - and I’m upfront with dancers who approach me. If I’m not interested - I tell the dancer right away. I’m not rude about it, but I don’t want to waste her time.

The other things are simple and basic - smell good, be clean showered and shaven, wear clean clothes and nice shoes, be polite, don’t get handsy. Spend well - but don’t piss it away.

Regarding prison stories, I’m sure it works for some dancers, and that’s cool. However, if you’ve never even sat in the back of a police car - don’t tell a story about your time in an upstate prison. Folks who know - can easily tell if a guy’s been locked up.
No. However, being an asshole will make the price go up.

Hoes who call themselves escorts try to portray themselves as upper class, elitist and like they're kinda wholesome or have values. Its all marketing, they do it to make rich men feel at ease and not be afraid of them. In reality they have pimps just like any other hoe, steal, lie cheat have drug habits. Its all just marketing.

Strippers who say they don't like thugs are doing the same thing. If they're trying to get older white men with money as regulars, why would they say they want thugs? How would those guys react to them?

When I go to see my bitches work, tricks will ask who I am and they always deny knowing me to them or talk shit about me and tell them they'd rather be with them. Its just a gimmick

Women in general like a little fuckedupness
At the end of the day NO, but not wasting time, being respectful, and having good hygiene can help.
^ How about on dayshift, at the beginning of the day?
The fuckedupness phatboy refers to doesn't have to be anything that sends you to prison. It's more so enough that shows you're spontaneous and adventurous combined with being unapologetic and secure about it (maybe something a lot of prison boys share) which causes them to overlook the other short-comings.
You all have to understand, there needs to be a distinction between wanting to stand out to a stripper as a customer, or sugar daddy, or some other pay-for-play versus standing out to her in a dating sense. You walk into the club as a customer, that's all you are, forever. For the very small number of customer men who in some way fall into the the category of normal dating with a stripper met at a club, you're still going to be dealing with a female who's life lead her to being a stripper. She's likely fucked up emotionally and will need a guy with a dominant and rough personality. Doesn't have to be rich but needs to be able to take care of himself and her in almost any situation. He also needs to be able to not fall prey to her shit, which she will have because she is fucked up in some way.
Excellent point, @JeffTUSCL.
@DC9428 "AGencies" are just nice ways of saying they have pimps/madames. Why are they scared shitless of "agencies" if they see clients on their own or have their own client list?

Internet hoes have pimps too. But they're not going to admit it openly.

Thats the problem right there though. "Manipulating" you dont walk in trying to convince anyone of anything. Your actions and consistency have to do the talking. It makes her want you.

But I still think they do it on purpose online just to relate to their target tricks. Trying to relate to mainstream white America is something strippers and hoes do to get business.
I think a lot of strippers in real life do like straight POS + thug types.

@DC I do not think the average stripper on sw is similar to a lot of strippers in real life that I've met.

I can fucking stand all these dumbass white girls that were raised properly and middle class, but they feel a need to pretend to be ghetto as fuck. And all their stupidity that comes with it is just wow. They are a lot of bark no bite and even when they try to bite they can't. These are the types of trailer trash white bitches that date all kinds of wannabe thugs.
I think a lot of girls in this industry have pos boyfriend's that maybe aren't pimps but use these girls for their money. It is very sad. And I can't understand why an adult woman would put up with such fuckery.
Good insight blah23! I’m guessing low self esteem is part of the issue.

I hate that shit too! Suburban girls trying to act ghetto. It’s patheticand annoying. It’s like me trying to speak with a fake foreign accent!
My phone auto correct fucks with me lol. Boyfriends without an apostrophe****
Oh I haven't been there in a while lol! It's not the only club that has dumb, difficult bitches. But I've since found clubs w/ girls that aren't completely nuts! Btw thanks for ur info about your area clubs in the other thread!
Agencies are just front companies. A lot of money laundering going on. Its just pimping.
Escorts aren't legally hookers but the agencies get busted and shut down for a reason lol

I know hoes who worked for "agencies" They can be ruthless.

An online escort has a pimp for the same reason other hoes do. He manages her affairs. Trips, tricks, her social media, makes sure she's not being set up, he does everything. I agree having an online pimp is stupid, but its done.

It depends on how you define thug. Some places in America are like the third world. People do what they need to so they can survive. What's less ethical, the thug hustling crack to pay the rent, risking at least a year in prison every time just to survive, or society's abandonment of the urban poor?

Its not about the act its about the context. I don't believe the average middle class American even understands what twerking is and where it came from, and different people do drugs for different reasons. SOciety's perceptions of them are different too. A crack hoe is viewed differently from celeb drug addicts
WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

Phatboy99 - definite troll account
Trickbot only wants trick centered convos on here
If you're a trick or a custie, not really. Its a job. Even if you're pleasant to be around, that doesn't really matter much and isn't gonna make your money any different from the asshole's.

most important to any woman is security. money and what it provides is a major manifestation of it.
What I’m getting from all of this is a headache, young people trying to grow up, it the same now as it always was, you younger folks would do well to not get caught up in the flash, and be so easily impressed, by dumbasses that think they know it all, and some of the older guys here would do well to remember it’s tough to grow up and get ahead in the world.
^Exactly. I was thinking of Jay Gatsby from the novel the other day (GoVikings comment to DarkBlue999). Where Jay in his army uniform looked attractive to Daisy, and because of Jay’s mannerisms, how he spoke and carried himself, she couldn’t tell that he wasn’t rich (at the time), she just assumed he was. Good manners and class never go out of style. :)
^. >Good manners and class never go out of style. :)<

I believe I’ve said that many times It’s still true, young people and old people should remember that.
Money isn't necessarily security. It comes and goes. Whats more admirable is a man who can lose it all and make it back. Thats security
^ depends on what you consider security money, it goes up and down once you reach a certain point, but there is a point where it is security. That said you are mistaking fist money for trust fund money. At that point it just compounds.
In this day and age, under 20 million means you're not "secure"
why not? aim high! some bitches settle for the nigga on the corner, and Im like wheres el chapo lmao
^ just out of curiosity how many guys do you know with a net worth of $20 Million or more ?
I know a few, more than a lot of hoes probably lol

A few Saudis.
A guy who does commercial real estate deals in cash up to 40 million
A football player
A few basketball players
I know one guy who is worth 200 million but he's old AF
I had a sugar momma worth 15 million
The owner of a chain of strip clubs

Just depends on the social circles you try to be in. Funny thing is none of them are really all that desirable in ways other than their money.
I know a few rappers but they're definitely under that. I met a few really rich artists but they were so gross in person. One was way shorter and skinnier than he claims. He has to stand on a small pedestal in his videos lol Another had on more makeup than me and was TINY in person. 2 had zero personality.
Not gonna say what I might be worth but I know a lot of people that appear to have a net worth way more than my own, and I find them short and fronting more often than not. Most of the types that you mentioned aside from the business owners, definitely end up on the corner. And of course the Saudis but you’ll never end up with one of them !
The business owners are pretty much just lonely. The athletes are kinda defeated, they prefer hoes to gold diggers cos I guess its more straight forward. With the Saudis it depends, the younger ones are really fucked up in a fun way. All that money and all they want is to be as hood as possible. Kuwaitis and Emiratis are the same way. Iranians go way overboard though, they actually adapt the hood lifestyle and use family money to finance it lol
^ I get that but eventually the Arabs go back to their own 99 times out of a 100, the pro athletes unless they’re superstar quality with good money managers around them piss it away on bullshit, I’m a business owner and I’m not lonely, I imagine a strip club owner would appear lonely to the workers, but you don’t know, most rich guys you’d never know and the ones that show off are broke and living on borrowed money, easy to appear rich to a poor girl, but like I said last night I play hard but I have a real life, not gonna make the same mistake twice.
"...Do strippers care about anything other than how much you spend ..."

How do *you* fell about your employer - are other things above and more important over the $$$ he pays you?

IMO too-many PLs live in fantasy-land ITC - a PL goes to a club to relax and enjoy himself sorta like he was on vacation - and some go to fill an emotional/romantic void - whereas a dancer is there so she can pay her bills - and she may be stressed-out over how much she's making and if she's making enough b/c her pay is not guaranteed - she has to compete against other dancers and often worry that enough custies will say yes and buy dances from her - too many PLs forget the dancer goes to the club for different reasons and thus usually have a completely different mindset from the PL - too many PLs romanticise the strip-club experience where hardly any dancer does that - and why it's foolish if not fucking-stupid to continue to ask about what do dancers really want and how I can get them to like me more than just the $$$ or "what do you think she means when she says 'X'", etc - you're a sale; pretty-much no matter how many ways some wanna spin/contort it that somehow they are different or more-special than the next-guy spending $$$ - all this dumb-assetty about "well I'm fit" - "I dress nice" - "I treat them with respect" and thus why they "like me better" - you're living in fantasy-land - "dressing nice" and "smelling good" and "being polite" does not fucking make you different than 90% of people; it probably just makes you different than 5% of PLs - you're grasping-at-straws - if one goes to Starbucks, sure some people are rude; and maybe some people will smell; but that is far from the norm; why would a club be any different - even if it is it's not that much different - you showering and shaving is not gonna make you special and make the dancer "have the hots for you" - for fucking sakes.
@Twentyfive, Most of your assumptions about me are probably wrongl. I just like fast money and a certain lifestyle. I know plenty about $50,000 millionaire types lol They're just posers and easy to spot. I have plenty of options. I just like the life I live now. Its fun.

@Papi Chulo, I agree completely. If a dancer likes someone he will know. Just like you have a connection with someone in the real world. I like how every guy is ignoring the obvious which is whether she finds them attractive or not. Ive seen guys pick dancers up at clubs, but its different.
I think may of us PLs use "maybe later" in a similar manner to when you ask a dancer on stage to come by your table and she says sure but never does.

It seems in our society we're kinda trained to be polite and helpful to strangers - sorta like you are at a bar at the airport waiting for your flight and the guy next to you wants to strike-up a convo and you're not interested; most people are not gonna say "look i'm not interested in having a conversation" - one could argue that there's nothing wrong w/ you saying the truth, but most people don't feel right being that straight-forward and will try to make up some other type of excuse - obviously a strip-club environment is a different animal in many ways, but growing-up most people sorta become somewhat hardwired to acting a certain way in public and that usually does not mean saying exactly what you are thinking/feeling - i.e. we are usually hardwired to act a certain way in public and many PLs default to this in the club where it's a different type of setting.
@Trap Funny you’d make that assumption about me I haven’t made any assumptions all I know is what you write, I’d need to know your motives and truthfully I don’t really care enough to bother, I’m happy to live and let live I enjoy a bit of fun for what it’s worth and that’s as far as I’ll let it go.
Phaboy's line about how a dancer presents herself to a custy as it being marketing, makes a lot of sense to me - seems too many PLs take what the dancers tell them, and how they treat them, as gospel "and totally legit" b/c "I can tell" and "I feel me and my fave have a connection".

As far as I'm PL-concerned, who a dancer is in the club is often different from who she is IRL - and what makes you a good customer does not necessarily translate to her liking you in any other way - in fact I would argue the better customer you are or the better she likes you as a customer, the less she'll be interested in you as anything else.

IMO - in strip-club bizarro world being a good customer just means you are easier-$$$/easier-mark; not that you have anything going for you that translates to anything more than easy/good $$$ - i.e. the dancers "flocking" to you in a SC *IMO* is not b/c "you're fit"; "you dress nice"; "you're good-looking" - if they flock to you IMO you're just an easier-mark; not some damn stud or b/c "you have some edge over the other custies" - IMO dancers flocking to you in a SC and "preferring you" is not what some think nor necessarily a badge of honor, IMO you're just bigger-PL/easier-mark in their eyes.
custies should be polite in clubs.

@Twentyfive uh huh, I think there's a lot of snobbery in your comments and you think you're better than people. Money doesn't make you better.
Money doesn’t make me better, I never said that, what makes me better is I’m not in the clubs you’re describing, I know where I came from and have no desire to go backwards, and I won’t roll in the gutter with dogs it just gives you fleas.
there's beauty in coming out of the gutter and surviving.
There’s beauty in thriving, surviving anyone can do ! Talk about goals survival is aiming low.
its enough for a while.
IMO what dancers want in a custy, and what they want in a BF, can often be diametrically opposed. - and why many dancers go for the "nice-guy" lonely-dweeb in the club but would go for the thug or bad-boy IRL.

It is my "assumption" that a certain # of dancers end-up w/ losers b/c that is what they can get - many straight-laced guys/custies are not gonna want, or be able to handle, having many a dancer for a GF - so many of the guys "that go for for strippers" IRL are gonna be seedy guys w/ not much to lose and often more to gain by being a stripper BF (i.e. for many of those losers dating a stripper is a step-up and at times the only way they can have a roof over their heads and a car to drive) - not saying this applies to all dancers but seems to apply to many .

As flagooner posted; not all dancers can be lumped together but it does seem many of them date the bad-boys/thugs but avoid them in the club as kinda being bad for busine$$.

if one wants a girl to like them for more than their money then don't f'ing go to a place where you are paying them to interact w/ you then expect it not to be about the $$$ or it be about more than the $$$.
^ You answer like that after accusing me of being a snob, shit that’s classic lazy thinking, and it shows not that I’m a snob, but I have standards, that’s the point of this exercise, you’ll keep on doing what you’ve always done and you’ll keep on getting what you’ve always gotten.
I nominate this for Tuscl post of the month. I know a few of us needed to (re-)read that.

@Papi_Chulo posted: "
"...Do strippers care about anything other than how much you spend ..."

How do *you* fell about your employer - are other things above and more important over the $$$ he pays you?

IMO too-many PLs live in fantasy-land ITC - a PL goes to a club to relax and enjoy himself sorta like he was on vacation - and some go to fill an emotional/romantic void - whereas a dancer is there so she can pay her bills - and she may be stressed-out over how much she's making and if she's making enough b/c her pay is not guaranteed - she has to compete against other dancers and often worry that enough custies will say yes and buy dances from her - too many PLs forget the dancer goes to the club for different reasons and thus usually have a completely different mindset from the PL - too many PLs romanticise the strip-club experience where hardly any dancer does that - and why it's foolish if not fucking-stupid to continue to ask about what do dancers really want and how I can get them to like me more than just the $$$ or "what do you think she means when she says 'X'", etc - you're a sale; pretty-much no matter how many ways some wanna spin/contort it that somehow they are different or more-special than the next-guy spending $$$ - all this dumb-assetty about "well I'm fit" - "I dress nice" - "I treat them with respect" and thus why they "like me better" - you're living in fantasy-land - "dressing nice" and "smelling good" and "being polite" does not fucking make you different than 90% of people; it probably just makes you different than 5% of PLs - you're grasping-at-straws - if one goes to Starbucks, sure some people are rude; and maybe some people will smell; but that is far from the norm; why would a club be any different - even if it is it's not that much different - you showering and shaving is not gonna make you special and make the dancer "have the hots for you" - for fucking sakes.
^ I get cranky sometimes (maybe more than sometimes)
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