
Your fragrance?

Blue Ridge Foothills
Tuesday, December 27, 2005 10:39 AM
What fragrance, if any, do you wear in clubs? Same as anywhere? Do you use more than you use elsewhere? Do you keep it in your car so that you can apply it right before entering a club? Do strippers comment on it?


  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    Indeed, Shadow, for years the US Attorneys Office used to send people to jail as drug dealers on the basis of lab tests that showed detectible levels of cocaine found on currency in the defendant's possession. Then, about ten years ago, an enterprising Miami defense lawyer sent his paralegal down to the bank on the corner to get five or ten large in large bills. Subsequent lab tests showed that all of the money tested positive for coke. The US Attorneys' offices had to switch gears on drug prosecutions....
  • minnow
    19 years ago
    I don't normally wear cologne, but do pack it for trips, plus take along in car for club visits. I'm moderate in use( 2-3 sprays face/neck area total. Have had strippers comment on it or ask brand on several occasions, so they do appreciate guys wearing it. I also generally don't use b-room troll colognes.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    I expected by now somebody would have answered that the fragrance of money worked best with strippers.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Doverman: Now you did it! You've got me all worked up for my fav out at Marios. I'm taking a trip out there this afternoon. I'll be wearing "jaguar" which is her favorite fragrance....
  • Doverman
    19 years ago
    Yoda: It was a very unusual name... something like Mura (sp?)
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Doverman: I go to Marios once every month or so to see a fav of mine. Doesn't sound like the girl I know but you can never go wrong with a Brazilian girl!
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    It depends on wether I work out or not first or shave that day. If I workout its Irish Spring (from my locker at work). Otherwise it's Ivory.
  • Doverman
    19 years ago
    Yoda: Curly blonde hair... smaller chest but great toned butt.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I forgot to add that I have a sensitive nose and many perfumes can repel me away from them. If the smoke and/or perfume doesn't drown out everything else, I have been able to smell the scent of people several feet away when they smell nothing. The only smells that I remember I liked smelled like food to me. Some smells that reminded me of vanilla cake and some other flavors smelled good to me even though I started to get hungry when one girl kept walking near me.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    The best part is when a girl keeps nuzzling your neck trying to guess what you are wearing. The best response I ever got was when a dancer told me the Brazilian cologne I was wearing made her want to throw me on the ground right there in the club and F***. I was game....
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I noticed stripper smells get on you as well as smoke in a club. I have heard comments that I smell nice before I got dances and maybe that was just a clean smell since I wasn't wearing any cologne. Maybe the food I eat makes me smell better or they are just trying to compliment me. I had one girl say I smell good and then she licked my arm and said I tasted good too. That was strange because she looked serious. I remember when I had some sun tan lotion that didn't want to completely wash off, many dancers really seemed to like the way I smelled. I actually like that smell as well but it's not something I'm going to put on just to smell good.
  • lopaw
    19 years ago
    I prefer wearing the scent of soap & water. The stripper smell eventually gets all over you after a few LD's anyway, so I usually don't bother with colognes/perfumes too much.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    I wear a cologne and an aftershave moisturizer. I wear a different fragrance for going out, including strip clubs - Chanel Pour Monsieur - and I keep it in my car because I have to drive at least an hour to any strip club, sometimes several hours, so otherwise the fragrance would wear off by the time I got there. (And also in case I forget it before heading out.) I like the effect to be subtle, so I never apply much. The idea is to enhance the overall impression for a laydee who comes intimately close, NOT to broadcast mating signals to half the room. The moisturizer I use especially gets a lot of compliments. I know it's a cliche for stippers to tell you you smell nice, but some of them can't seem to get enough of nuzzling all around my face and neck. I don't mind that. I've also had strippers compliment me on the bath soap and fabric softener(!) I use, although I usually stick with neutral or mildly scented basic brands. It might have been my cologne from an atomizer that they were smelling. I think that just bathing and wearing clean clothes does most of what it takes, and then a light touch of a pleasant, masculine fragrance adds a note of character to your presence.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Doverman: Do you remember her name?
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    eznuk: Thats exactly the reason to wear it! Too many guys don't realize how far smelling good will take them. I'm not saying a dancer will throw herslef at you feet over a fw splashes of cologne but they really appreciate a guy who makes an effort for them.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    I have about five different colognes in my car, all where given to me by dancers. I always worn cologne, though not ton of it, and it's always drawn positive attention from the ladies. "Cuba" is the one that currently seems to be driving my South American favs nuts-which is fine with me. I also have 3 or 4 from Brazil.
  • Doverman
    19 years ago
    Yoda: I met a Brazilian dancer at Mario's yesterday. She wasn't much in the face department... but what a body, attitude and most importantly lap dancer :)
  • eznuk
    19 years ago
    I am wearing stuff from Hugo Boss and get compliments all the time. It seems that at my fav club it's probably the exception that a guy uses cologne.... other than Valvoline 20W50
  • Doverman
    19 years ago
    I had a dancer comment yesterday that I smelled "fresh" and that it was a pleasure to LD for me. All I did was shower before I went.... guess that's unusual for that place! I don't normally wear any cologne/after shave... maybe I'd do better if I did???
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    I don't wear any cologne or aftershave. In college and law school, I used to wear Aramis, which I still like. For some reason, I got out of the habit of wearing it. It might have something to do with the fact that Mrs. Chitown does not wear perfume. In any event, if I were to return to olfactory supplementation, it might cause suspicion. Like the guy who was at the gym with a buddy, and has following locker room conversation: Since when did you start wearing women's panties? Since my wife found a pair under the front seat of my car.
  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago
    “Eros” from Versace Before a special event I went through my local Macy’s fragrance department and sprayed a few pumps on my body. It smelt awesome and it’s geared to appeal to younger women. Maybe too sweet and strong for some men.
  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago
    ^ Which cologne do you use?
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Balls au natural
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Ok just clicked on D.C. Link, dude you and me need to have a talk Iron Man to Spidey wtf
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Holy shit, Yoda was like an actual guy, instead of a permanent white knight with a stick up his ass. Huh.
  • ATACdawg
    6 years ago
    I rotate between Curve and Nautica. The dancers seem to like both
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    That's kind of why I never understood why you guys gave Yoda (RIP) such a hard time instead of a fair hand. Some of his old Strip Club Junkies site posts where like that (actual 'guy' guy or ladies' man instead of a white knight or over handed moderator at the blue and pink site). He seemed like a fair guy who really loved his p4p women.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    These always get attention from bitches CK COntradiction the original Hugo Boss one Bentley I am King by Sean John For everyday wear, whatever is on sale at TJ Maxx or Marshall's
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Dominic: I didn't know Yoda, except from looking over at SW and seeing that he'd gone completely native -- he was basically an extension of everything we dislike about SW. Seems like he was a decent fellow in the past, but he worked hard to earn the enmity of everyone who was not a SW stripper
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