
Comments by Subraman (page 137)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    "no thanks I'm waiting for someone" "What do I get if I go in the VIP?" Fat girl sits down at your table Stare at the asshole who has been with "your" girl all night MAKE IT RAIN!
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    6 years ago
    The End for Me
    You'll be back. They always come back.
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    6 years ago
    Strippers phone number
    -->"While I know that I have been in a club when there were under cover cops there,they were looking at the drug trade and not what was going on behind the VIP doors." Those undercover cops were female officers, undercover as strippers, doing lap dances and getting groped, potentially as members of the roster for weeks? Or were they undercover as male customers (which does happen for sure, I've read of any number of such cases), or undercover as bartenders etc? I downright don't believe female officers go undercover as strippers at lapdance clubs, it makes no sense at all IMO; I also can't find any reference to such a thing on google, except in a satire article from The Onion and references to that happening in some movies
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    6 years ago
    Fetishes anyone?
    I'm guessing someone's alternate troll persona who just wanted to have some fun, and found a way to do it in the very first reply.
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    6 years ago
    Strippers phone number
    Yep, I usually am the one asking as well. Partially, it's because strippers almost never ask me (or never used to), so if I don't ask, I don't receive. But I think my risk in asking is exactly 0% -- no risk, ever, it's never the case that a young female police officer will be placed undercover in a high-gropage strip club, as a stripper doing lapdances and getting groped, for days or weeks at a time, so that she can bust a PL who asks for her # for OTC. It's insane. I can say that with 100% certainty in my local city, but I would guess it applies everywhere
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    6 years ago
    Strippers phone number
    Serious question: this notion guys have, that a stripper might be a cop. I guess I can vaguely imagine an undercover female cop in a no-touch bikini bar... I guess. But in a high touch club, has any ever experienced or read about an undercover female officer posing as a stripper, allowing herself to get groped shift after shift, in order to effect a prostitution bust on a PL? It seems so outlandish to me that it borders clinical paranoia, but maybe I'm the crazy one. Hell, I think in this day and age, a police department even suggesting that type of undercover investigation would itself get investigated by IA
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    6 years ago
    Strippers phone number
    Yes. Probably too late now. You ever see those takedowns on To Catch a Predator? Tactical team is probably outside your front door right now. Ha ha! Just a little OTC humor! I don't understand, if a stripper is going to do OTC, how you think you'll get in touch with her if you don't have her phone number? Nearly all strippers give out phone numbers these days, it's just an extension of their marketing, nothing more. Usually, it's google voice or something, not their "real" number, although lots of strippers are not cautious enough, and just give out real #s
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If there was a problem Yo, I'll solve it, Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it, nice spice baby, nice spice baby
    Need advice on dating (FWB, not P4P) model-quality civie and stripper hotties?
    Finally, an AMA from a guy who has actually lived it, instead of a guy who just read some pua and pimp articles on the internets
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Heel rule
    DC: knee-high anything -- knee socks, boots -- all do it for me
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fetishes anyone?
    gmd, she's trying to sell a service here, and this forum is exactly the right place to sell fetish services, so give her a break. You just don't recognize the ideal attitude of someone who sells services. Now get off her fucking internet
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    6 years ago
    Fetishes anyone?
    Urbandictionary, WTF is wrong with you? young people have been spelling it like that since OP was in jr highschool. Get off this thread, urbandictionary!
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    6 years ago
    Fetishes anyone?
    You seem like a totally sincere, reasonable person, who will definitely go far. gmd's comment was definitely something to freak about.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Is it because the girls are only pretending to like us?
    -->"Let's tell the guy what he's doing wrong! " So with respect, since you seem to be a sincere, good dude, I will suggest your bruised ego is leading you to interpret that thread as, "everyone else is responding to me wrong, it has nothing to do with how I'm communicating -- it's all of them, not me". In reality, the longer-time members here aren't asking "how to you shoo away strippers who won't leave you alone", because it's not a problem we're having. On every discussion forum I've ever been on, not just here, when a relatively newer member has a problem that the longer-time members don't, among the first questions is, "well, describe what you're doing" -- most recently, I've seen that on an auto detailing forum I'm on. In the case of auto detailing (to take the focus off you), it's important not just that the beginner understand the technique the rest of us are using to avoid scratching the paint when we're doing a waterless wash, but also what techniques they're currently using that COULD scratch the paint. I know you got frustrated, but guys probing your "shooing technique" to figure out why you might be having a problem we don't have, is not "responding with our egos". It's being helpful. As it is, we uncovered a number of things that seem to explain why, sometimes, the girls are sitting tight. That has nothing to do with who is paying what for whom. I've never been on a discussion board on any topic that is any different. If a beginner is having trouble with something the rest of us aren't, we tell him what we're doing, and explore what mistakes he might be making. Maybe it's ego that's preventing you from seeing some of that?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Favorite technique for politely asking them to leave . . .
    Been there: sure, makes sense to me that "come get me if you change your mind" gives her a sense of control. Note that I don't what SW girls think, they've constructed a parallel strip club universe that has little to do with reality (or at least the strip clubs I go to). In a million years, I never would have guessed any stripper would get insulted by "not now but I'll come get you if I change my mind", but I drastically underestimate how desperately some strippers look for a reason to be insulted, or more likely, rationalize and justify their child-like inability to control their own anger and frustration. But I digress... Yes, that seems like a fine way to feel like she's in control lol... and I welcome her invitation to change my mind later, because sometimes, I do.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Favorite technique for politely asking them to leave . . .
    I think that's a fine approach, and I've used it sometimes, too. Ironically, I've seen massive rants on SW about guys who say this! SW strippers are FURIOUS that you are making a statement that puts you in control of the interaction (YOU will come get her, IF you're interested). You can't believe how furious some of the girls are over it. It's one of the many wonders of stripperweb, and why I'll never stop reading it -- it's an amazing look into some very odd psychologies, who have built this weird consensus reality together, with all kinds of odd rules you'd never suspect.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Favorite technique for politely asking them to leave . . .
    -->"I've told girls "I'm not getting dances tonight" " Like Dominic, and nearly everyone else on he thread who uses this approach, I say "I'm not getting dances FROM YOU tonight". I think it matters -- If I leave out the "From you", I've had girls start to lecture me that if I'm not buying dances I should tip, or start up a conversation about what I like to do since I don't buy dances, etc You keep adding on details, as if you're trying to direct us to "well then, you have to use the bathroom trick, or leave the club entirely" because that's the answer you want to hear... but "I'm not buying dances from you tonight" pretty much just works, even the few times I do go to high hustle clubs (e.g., Vegas). If it weren't working, I might re-examining my body language and demeanor to see if I'm giving off scared vibes, or whether I should be going to different clubs, not thinking up more strategies. I can see it happening once in a long while with a hyper-aggressive girl, but if it's happening a lot, it might be my problem in how I'm interacting with the girls
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Favorite technique for politely asking them to leave . . .
    -->" It's also the reason I asked "should I be completely honest about **why** I don't want her to?" I believe the answer is no. She doesn't really need to know why I don't want the dance, and I don't really care to share it with her. " Agree, misinterpreted that... I'll answer your question differently: it's none of her business why you are declining, and explaining it to her can do no good at all, and can trigger a backlash or hurt her feelings. But her feelings aren't as much an issue here, as the fact that you owe her no explanation, IMO. AGain, IMO, no matter how much she can't take a hint, or sticks around after you've declined a dance, a straightforward "I'm not getting dances from you" sends them packing. Although to be honest, unless she just walked up and "wannadance" is the first thing out of her mouth, for me, I usually send them away before they get to the point that they ask for a dance. I don't like to let her sit with me for 10 minutes if I know I won't be buying, that's what I think is rude.
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    6 years ago
    Dream Stripper?
    -->"It’s perhaps fitting that the trolls are responding/bumping a post started by one of Tuscl’s most infamous trolls (anon”girl”)." lol true... I've honestly always found both the idea of, and term "dream stripper" cringeworthy.
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    6 years ago
    New York
    Ideal Fast Food Restaurant to open in a Strip Club
    'course, you couldn't eat anything on Sundays then lol...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Ideal Fast Food Restaurant to open in a Strip Club
    Gotta be something that's not too messy, and that doesn't leave you with greasy meat breath. I think that leaves out the burger oriented joints, any decent taco place, and anything with fish. So leaning towards chicken, and Chick Fil A is 100x better than KFC, so that'd be the winner for me.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Favorite technique for politely asking them to leave . . .
    -->"At the same time, if a customer is a dick, the girl will stop pretending to be into him tell him he's a dick." a friendly "I'm not buying dances from you tonight, thanks for stopping by" is not being a dick. To the extent that it does seem like being a dick, or impolite, or ungentlemanly, that is 100% is your head. The girls would rather hear that than "maybe later" or be subject to passive aggressive actions. Don't get me wrong, I was where you are, for many many years of my SCing career -- confused over what constitutes being impolite in a strip club. Most strippers will tell you that they'd prefer to be told in a direct but respectful way that they're wasting their time, than have to deal with "maybe laters". Hell, nicespice said that in a thread just yesterday. Direct = polite, and shows the most respect towards the girl. Passive aggressive and coy = not nice, not respectful towards the stripper. -->"and there is likewise a point where the customer should be blunt and honest with the girl who pretends not to get it." The point where a customer should be blunt and honest -- but polite and respectful -- is right from the beginning. Better for the stripper, but far more importantly, better for me as the customer
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Biscuits & Gravy
    The buffets from the mid to high end clubs in this area tend to be downright ok. The menu from my fave club used to be a bit fancy, they put beets w/ goat cheese on the menu. I ordered it, the strippers all made fun of me, it was fucking great and we all ate it. The end. Definitely weirdest thing I've had a strip club
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Biggest problem with braces is that they can make the girls look way too young. Otherwise, yeah, braces don't make the girl look more beautiful, but I tend to be in this for the long run -- I like find a great CF and sticking with her -- so as long as she's pretty, nice body, and fun, doesn't make me no nevermind. Those braces will eventually come off and she'll look even better; in the meantime, lots of PLs will avoid her for the braces, so less competition for me
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Favorite technique for politely asking them to leave . . .
    I'm still stunned gmd knows pi Okay, can't tell if this is an Mtent like persona just recycling the same questions we get every week, but I nevertheless have a strange compulsion to answer. Here's what works for me, I say something like, "I'm not planning on buying any dances from you, but thanks for coming by, have a nice night." It works like a charm, even with pretty aggressive hustlers. I choose this approach because it suits my personality, and just mentally I like being in "confident consumer" mode. Passive aggressive things like, "I'm waiting for someone" "maybe later" etc., make me personally feel like someone who is afraid of the stripper, and just going to the bathroom or running off to stage tip makes me feel even more scared. Meanwhile, most strippers will just take the hint, but sometimes you run into a stripper who was already angry and sadistic and she wants to take it out on you; she'll recognize this behavior for what it is (scared) and start her harassment interview to humiliate you -- which again, is easy to handle for me, but I wonder how someone who is too scared to be direct handles it. Don't be scared of the stripper, be direct, tell her you're not buying from her, have a nice night. I will say that some of you seem to be subject to a level of hustle and aggression from strippers that I am not, by virtue of the fact that I seek out slower low hustle clubs/shifts; so perhaps doing it my way might not work with the hyper-aggressive Cubans some of you describe? I've never run into one, so I dunno
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Heel rule
    One of the shitty dive clubs here, lets the girls come out in sneakers, at least on dayshift. Horrible looking girls, in sneakers -- it looks atrocious, and their legs look so much stubbier