
Comments by Subraman (page 123)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Two questions re: a smelly pussy
    "i’d keep going if i’m balls deep in her." Roger that. But I'd try to finish fast lol "next encounter? time for a sniff test." For sure, if it's possible. There was a pretty hot stripper here whose pussy stank for a couple of months. Then, one day, one of the forum guys reported that it didn't stink. I gave her another chance with a lapdance and sure enough, he was right, she de-stanked her puss
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Alternatives for Seeking Arangment?
    The two things I do these days are SA and strip clubs. Now that I've been doing arrangements for a while, I realize that my OTC relationship with basically all of my ATFs was pretty much a PPM arrangement (not the casual OTCs, but with ATFs). I'm a big believer. I've had more luck in non-extras clubs than extras clubs as far as OTC. I didn't necessarily notice newer strippers are "more down" than experienced strippers for OTC, I'd have to think about it more to see if I really believe that. I pretty much ask whoever I like, regardless. I have found that the most frictionless way to ask about OTC is just find a natural way to slip into the conversation that you're on SA; some outrageous percentage of strippers (at least in this area) are on SA also, and they tend to light up and tell me that "I'm on SA too!" -- and now it's a negotiation. In the rare cases she doesn't take the bait, I'll just ask outright about OTC later.
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    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Where the hell is shailynn?
    -->"OJ, Shailynn, and I partied last night in St. Pete. No homo. " Sproing-oing-oing!!!!!!! -->"No homo." Damn, son. I am disappoint.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Yelled at by doorman/bouncer
    -->"I can find a way to have decent conversations with just about anyone but going to a specific club constantly and long term enough to start to really know management and staff just seems overboard. " I think you have this a bit backwards. The reason I -- and, I imagine, most of the other guys here who have a regular or home club -- go to that club, is because that's where we have the best time. Some guys like to club hop instead, and that's fine, too, not saying there's a right or wrong way. But it's pretty natural to keep going back to the club where you have the best time. So, given that I'll be going back to that club anyway, it is pretty effortless (for me) to say a few words the the bouncer or manager or bartender, and in just a few trips, now we all know each other . Again, I realize that for you, that might feel like work; or, like your lottery metaphor, some kind of long term investment you otherwise wouldn't make. But for anyone for whom it's not hard to do a little male bonding (in my case, like I said, I actually enjoy interacting with some guys in between breaks from the CF), it's not a big deal. -->"Yeah, getting a perk here & there sounds cool, but how much of a grind and cost over a long time did that perk really cost? It's like buying $20 of lottery tickets every week and being elated when after a year you get a $100 winner." Like I said, I'm not making an investment here, or doing something that stresses me... I'm going to my favorite club, which is something I'd do anyway, and talking some shit with the bouncers. The cost is literally 0, and I enjoy it. It's a bonus that: I haven't paid the entrance fee in years, except when there's a new person at the register. The bouncers, who usually make a pass through the VIP every song, don't walk through the VIP at all when I'm back there (this is not an exaggeration; I haven't had a bouncer walk through a VIP of mine in years). Which all leads to waaaaay higher mileage for me. The thing is, even if none of that happened, I'd still be happy to talk to the bouncer about what he thinks about Gastelum vs Whittaker, how bad the 9ers suck this year, or whatever. It's 0 effort, 0 cost, for what usually turns out to be pretty significant benefits.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Yelled at by doorman/bouncer
    -->"Subraman, how would you recommend befriending the managers or bouncers when you are horrible at randomly befriending strangers?" Jeff, "befriend" is a bit strong lol... we're not sucking each others dicks (no homo). I have to admit typical male bonding stuff isn't something that takes a lot of effort for me, and typically, most bouncers are into sports, MMA, working out, etc. And I'm into all that crap, too. -->" I don't know how many of us go to the same clubs over & over to the point where this would actually work." I think many, if not most, PLs here have a home club where they're a regular. If you don't, then no big deal. But in thinking of terms of "work", it might just be that this isn't for you... There's no "work" or effort really, I just do typical guy talk as I'm walking by, and done. And frankly, if my CF goes on stage, I welcome the chance to have some testosterone-driven guy talk with someone. If you have trouble interacting with other guys, then maybe not worth the stress. No insult intended here ... I just don't think of this as taking any real effort, but I realize some people do.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Yelled at by doorman/bouncer
    So, while I do not suggest purposely going out to make friends with bouncer or manager, if you are a regular at a club, I have been saying for years that there's only good things to be obtained by being friendly with the manager and bouncers. I know some guys say "I'm there for the strippers, not the manager", but this sounds like a "I'm there to chew gum, not walk; I can't do both at the same time". A few words about our common sports teams, etc., takes 30 seconds and takes no effort. Anyway, at a club I'm not a regular at, I mostly follow Papi's options; in particular, "don't let it bother me", it's part of the game. At my regular club, the bouncers don't bug me, and give me far more leeway than most guys, period. The last time a new bouncer got overzealous, about 3-4 years ago, I went straight to the manager, who gave him a talking to, and the behavior stopped. If you're going to be a regular somewhere, strongly suggest putting in that little bit of effort to reap all of the rewards
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Can someone explain how the pimp angle works for strippers?
    Agree with Lone_Wolf. It doesn't make sense if you think of it from the perspective of a typical PL here -- a white- or blue-collar worker who is successful enough to have money to spend on strippers, and who more likely than not came from a normal upbringing. From the perspective of a stripper from an underprivileged background, a broken home, a lifetime of emotional (and often sexual) abuse, she is both emotionally vulnerable to pimp tactics, and may even be needy for the faux sense of security. There are definitely strippers with pimps.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Skinny strippers
    As Papi said: "Predominantly white-clubs on avg seems slim-girls are the preference - if you go to a predominantly Latino or black club, then the thick-girls often get most of the attention, IME" My guess, based on the favor she's seeing for thicker girls, plus her choice of username, is that she's in a predominantly black club
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    What's the most you would pay for full service OTC with a complete 10?
    -->"But most of the prices quoted were tied to much shorter intervals of time. She generally hangs out for six hours or so when we get together, which wouldn't change." My experience is that with OTC, unless you're with a high-volume stripper/escort, the prices quoted are "for the duration of the OTC, however long it lasts", not by the hour. They always last anywhere from multiple hours to overnight.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Skinny strippers
    Are you in more urban clubs? Because slim (not skinny, skinny is never good) has always been in at the clubs I go to, and continues to be in, with slim girls being in the most demand. I notice the same is true on Seeking Arrangements -- standard view is that slim girls have the most options. I prefer a slim, class dancer's body as long as her ass isn't flat. If it's heart-shaped and projects (should NOT be big), that's my jam
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    What's the most you would pay for full service OTC with a complete 10?
    In all honesty, I wouldn't pay very much more than what I pay now. Not because I'm so fucking cool that I can't be bothered, but because: - I've read dozens of after-action reports from guys who have spent $1k-$2k+ on their fantasy porn star, on their perfect 10 stripper, etc. The one thing they're nearly unanimous about is that it doesn't live up to expectations, and at BEST, they say, "I'm glad I did it but I won't repeat"; usually they just say it wasn't worth it. - In general, I believe in the Dushku Limit theorem. - I find my absolute best times are the 3rd-7th (or so) times I have sex with a stripper; sometimes, it continues to get even hotter for weeks or months, as limits get moved and we explore more. Still new enough to have that new-girl excitement, but we're hitting our groove as far as how to press each others' buttons. No interest in paying some inflated price for a super hottie, that I can't sustain for many OTCs to come.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    troll agenda
    -->"Two_bits was one of my favorites too until towards the end of that persona’s posts. I don’t mind inappropriate one liners, but then he got lazy with the satire/wittiness and just started saying things that were straight malice." Same. He started off juice but then went Dougster
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OTC dinner choices.
    ^^^ Maybe a dip in the see-ment pond afterwards?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    North Carolina
    The Left is way over to the Left and the Right is way over on the Right.
    Could be describing my CF's nipples. I mean, WTF? I'm right over here.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Reviewing breastaurants on TUSCL ?
    I don't particularly care either way, as I don't go to breastaurants. The one thing I do care about: I don't think a breastaurant review should get anywhere near the VIP credit as a SC review. Maybe a week? And then if we can drowned in breastaurant reviews, just get rid of them again -- or drop VIP down to just a couple of days, or whatever. For me -- and I'm not asking founder for this, just musing out loud -- the thing that I'm really starved for info about, is legit good restaurants and especially mixology-type bars, that have smoking hot waitresses. I'm completely uninterested in eating the overpriced fastfood-level slop served in most breastaurants, just to see some attractive waitresses. Whereas there are always higher-end bars popping up, that hire nothing but smoking hot waitresses (waaaaay hotter than any breastaurant, and hotter than most strippers for that matter), and knowing where those are is always goodness.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OTC dinner choices.
    Bitches love seafood. That's why I always do Red Lobster lol just kidding. But in thinking about it, I do think my OTC strippers have tended more towards seafood, especially crustaceans -- shrimp, crab, lobster. And/or sushi.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    troll agenda
    -->"Then how do y'all explain my reviews of others meeting me" One of a kind, man! The exception that proves the rule, makes the rule even more true :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    troll agenda
    -->"Trolls are nasty and bitter people who can't do anything positive for themselves or others, and so they try to hurt and upset others. In real life these are the people we avoid whenever possible. On line the best thing we can do is ignore them." There have been a number of studies of internet trolls, and jack's quote above pretty much sums up the results: they are all terrible, miserable, broken people in real life, always mal-adjusted, and he's right, they're exactly the people that most people avoid in real life... trolling is a much bigger part of their life than you think. You can't look at it through the eyes of a "normal" person, to understand why someone who spend so much time and effort doing it. Look at it through the eyes of someone who is miserable, and trolling is the only thing that makes them happy.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The cold light of day
    Obviously there's variance between stripper makeup and SC lights rating, and regular girl makeup and regular lights rating. I've seen a little variance either way, but only once had a girl whose face went down a full 1.5-2 points in the light of day.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    IYE has taking a break from your CF had a positive or negative effect on you rel
    I know a lot of guys here like to use breaks strategically, as in, "she's doing me wrong so I'll ignore the bitch for a few weeks, teach her a lesson" type thing. The more I do this, the more I think that's a bad idea... not that it doesn't "work" sometimes, but if you're living your SC life in a way that revolves around your CF and how your CF feels and behaves, then you've given her too much power. So, whether or not strategically taking a break works, I feel like it's an indicator you might be in a little too deep. If you don't like the experience you're getting from her, sure, take a break, but take her out of the equation in your thinking. Go live your best SC life, try to find a new CF, don't give old CF a second thought or stew on whether or not you think old CF might have changed. And if you go back and see old CF again and want to do dances, great. Just don't base all your actions around her. If she's decided you're too needy or not worth the time or she's just sick of you, no break is going to help anyway. Obviously, having to take a break for reasons other than strategic manipulation, like you're just too busy at work for the next two months to see her, well, that's a different story.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What clubs will women just fondle you unasked?
    Washington Park IL. They fondle the hell out of you until you GLADLY give up George Washingtons x 100. (fitting, don’t ya think?).
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What clubs will women just fondle you unasked?
    Washington Park IL. They fondle the hell out of you until you GLADLY give up George Washingtons x 100. (fitting, don’t ya think?).