
IYE has taking a break from your CF had a positive or negative effect on you rel

Just wondering cause I’ve seen both after a month off. One hit me up like crazy out of nowhere head over heels crazy for me. We then actually dated for a while. This one ehhh....we just don’t text nearly as much now. I can kinda see the end. How about y’all.


  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    My troubling ATF history is well document here lol.While I wish taking time off would change the relationship it never does. My ATF are favorites for a reason. They are the hottest girls in the club and provide great LD experiences. Unfortunately, the habits that make me want to take time of (lack of attention span, ditzy, money hungry) never change. Its because they earn enough to never have to change. It doesnt matter if I take a month, 6 months, or 3 years but they remind me why I wanted to take time off originally. That being said if you get a CF with a good head on her shoulders and wants to see you outside of the club for lunch she's a keeper. I made the mistake of being lackadisical with those girls and miss them from time to time.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    My relationship with my ATF is *defined* by the breaks. We don’t see each other for months at a time (aside from FaceTime and such), and only usually manage a weekend or if we’re lucky, a week, together.

    I’d have to say that being apart has made the times we *can* get together more precious. But out relationship might not be precisely typical.

    As for favorites in the club, my “breaks” there are usually because of mid-matched schedules and them taking time off.

    It certainly doesn’t hurt anything to have a little variety in favorites either. One night it might be the straight up hooker who’ll do anything I ask, the next night it might be the princess who won’t do squat except let me play with her tits. (And yes, she *is* a favorite, because she’s not demanding, doesn’t give me shit for wanting to fuck her, talks for hours without hustling and still lets me play with her tits and cuddle on the couch.)
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    I know a lot of guys here like to use breaks strategically, as in, "she's doing me wrong so I'll ignore the bitch for a few weeks, teach her a lesson" type thing. The more I do this, the more I think that's a bad idea... not that it doesn't "work" sometimes, but if you're living your SC life in a way that revolves around your CF and how your CF feels and behaves, then you've given her too much power. So, whether or not strategically taking a break works, I feel like it's an indicator you might be in a little too deep. If you don't like the experience you're getting from her, sure, take a break, but take her out of the equation in your thinking. Go live your best SC life, try to find a new CF, don't give old CF a second thought or stew on whether or not you think old CF might have changed. And if you go back and see old CF again and want to do dances, great. Just don't base all your actions around her. If she's decided you're too needy or not worth the time or she's just sick of you, no break is going to help anyway.

    Obviously, having to take a break for reasons other than strategic manipulation, like you're just too busy at work for the next two months to see her, well, that's a different story.
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