Part of me thinks when guys say this they are just somehow sour grapes as the girl is out of their reach, so if they see her or other girls with her being picked up or dropped off to the club by a guy instead of thinking it's a driver for security, the go-to is that it's a pimp. I'm referring to the hot barely-tattoo ones who look fresh as college girls, not the ones who look like they'v seen meth or heroin one time too many.
How would this even work? These girls can make plenty of money on their own to pay for rent and life in general and don't look like they've got any health risking life issues. No marks of having had any kids. Daddy issues for sure (why else would they be stripping) but daddy issues alone don't lead to some kind of pimp dependence.
How does the pimp reel them in and how does he keep them? "Bitch you better give me my money or... you might just decide to go it on your own?" "Bitch, I'm you're ride and there's no such thing as Uber or Lyft or good ole fashion taxis." "Bitch ignore all these PLs, I'm the only one who loves you and gets you all these clients never mind actually the club does that but bitch never mind that look here or ima gonna teach you what life is like without me."
Street whores I can understand. They're trapped. Hooked on something. No means to protect themselves without a guy around the corner to back her up. But a stripper and a club with a regular clientele pouring through the door?
there are strippers with pimps but it's not the norm I don't think. I know the Stars club in Portland Oregon got raiding because the manager was pimping a underage girl out to regulars in the back. If I remember correctly she was like 13 years old......I also recall seeing a stripper one time with a tramp stamp that went something like $$Jerome$$, a pretty obvious pimp branding imo
Agree with Lone_Wolf. It doesn't make sense if you think of it from the perspective of a typical PL here -- a white- or blue-collar worker who is successful enough to have money to spend on strippers, and who more likely than not came from a normal upbringing. From the perspective of a stripper from an underprivileged background, a broken home, a lifetime of emotional (and often sexual) abuse, she is both emotionally vulnerable to pimp tactics, and may even be needy for the faux sense of security. There are definitely strippers with pimps.
last commentDude comes along telling the honey he'll take care of everything, they fall into a trap.
Dude comes along telling the honey he'll take care of everything, they fall into a trap.