
The Left is way over to the Left and the Right is way over on the Right.

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ididthisonceNorth Carolina

The Left is way over to the left and the Right is way over on the right.

Here I am in the middle.

Nothing political here.

Just a big set of knockers swinging in my face a couple of weeks ago at the Gentleman's Club in Charlotte.


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Avatar for BBBC

In hanging low and to the left

Avatar for Subraman

Could be describing my CF's nipples. I mean, WTF? I'm right over here.

Avatar for Cashman1234

I kinda like girls with nips that point towards the side - it’s unique. If it’s a girl with a boob job - then I assume she makes poor choices - and possibly poor choices in letting me fuck her otc...

Avatar for ididthisonce


It wasn't quite that violent but damn near bruised the bridge of my nose. LOL

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