
Comments by Subraman (page 108)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Back room makeout - common?
    Also, I go to non-extras clubs only, for reference
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Back room makeout - common?
    With the caveat that I tend to develop CFs and ATFs -- and further, my relationship with my ATFs is often very arrangement-ish -- I won't say backroom kissing is common exactly, but it also wasn't so rare that I'm surprised about it. It merits a passing mention when I recount the action for my buddies on the ride home. I do note that the older I get, the more uncommon kissing becomes, which makes me think that it's one of those things for which there's a revulsion bar you have to pass, beyond paying her enough.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    How do you treat dancers?
    There are some customers who are serious assholes. But I have a feeling those types of guys are not on internet forums. I agree it's poseurs who are posting on internet forums, calling women bitches and hoes -- they think this makes them an alpha type to be admired, or they're projecting the opposite persona from their usual meek selves, or something. Insanely beautiful and charming girls, decades younger than me, who will send me to sexual ecstasy for mere money? With my CFs, or even a new girl once we get to the point where we're sitting and drinking and on our run up to a VIP, I treat them well and with appreciation.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: More Californians are considering fleeing the state as they blame sky-high c
    I've been thinking out loud -- not too seriously yet -- about moving. My house is worth an obscene amount of money (no exaggeration, same house in my parents tony northern NJ market would be worth about 15% of the price), it would be nice to both cash in on that and get out of the relentless traffic (which is going to get 10x worse as we start building higher density housing everywhere to address the housing crisis). Although as someone in tech, this is a convenient place to be
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    I think they would
    Pelosi's making an important -- and good -- point. Declaring a national emergency should be reserved for national emergencies. While immigration is an issue for me, there's no actual emergency that would justify a declaration to build a wall. What mischief the democrats might get into doesn't even need to factor in -- although that's pretty terrifying to contemplate, also, and provides further motivation to stick to the law as intended.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    "How much did you bring?"
    -->"Me: "A solid 3 and a half inches - hope that's enough"" So you take the actual size, and double it. Brilliant!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    "How much did you bring?"
    Huntsman: anyone can run into an over-aggressive StripperWeb type hustler at any time, especially weekend nightshifts. It happens once in a long while, I can believe it's her, not you. It happens often enough that you are thinking up replies, there's a chance it's you.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    "How much did you bring?"
    Never been asked that. If you're getting asked that, often, you're sending out "I'm weak, intimidate and hustle me" vibes.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Dancer Tattoos
    Thank you chumps for contributing to my retirement fund. Subraman aka Julio aka Larry
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Exploratory Essay Topic Ideas
    Some topics for you nicespice! * What is the social significance of dick pics, and how can a girl get more of them? * What is the most gentlemanly approach to covering up an LDK wetspot on one's trousers? * Is it possible to suck your way to an A grade on an exploratory essay? * Why I'm proud to hold the world record for most cell phone entries as "side chick"
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Exploratory Essay Topic Ideas
    -->"* Does the Oxford comma serve a useful purpose, other than something to argue about while sipping martinis?" Just the fact that you're asking this means you should be drummed out of civilized society.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Dancer Tattoos
    -->"Not into tats - on a young chick *some* small-ones can look kinda sexy in a bad-girl kinda-way." Yeah, I used to say that I never find tats attractive, at best just neutral, but that's not really true... sometimes some (not too big) tats can just make a girl look super slutty, and occasionally that presses my buttons just right.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Dancer Tattoos
    No one ever asks strippers about their tattoos, so I think they're thrilled someone noticed and highly energized to discuss them
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    With all the political talk, do you move a little left when interacting with wom
    I have typical old white guy politics, but my penis is surprisingly progressive, and we've both agreed that it should run the show when dealing with attractive young women. #bernie2020
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    VIP expectations for the uninitiated?
    I do VIPs almost exclusively, but that might be at least a side-effect of lap dances being so crappy here. And, unlike many PLs, I'm not looking for the dance to focus on her grinding her ass on my dick, so the action that I can get in a standard lapdance isn't so interesting to me, and the action that I do want isn't available during lapdances. All of which leads to me doing a relatively longer pre-interview to make sure I'm getting super sexy fun vibes from her. At that point, I'm just going to bite the bullet and pay the $100 (or whatever) and hope for the best. I don't ask "what do I get", I just make her sit with me for 30-60 minutes of drinking and banter, and if I haven't kicked her off the table at the end, we're VIPing. This is what by far seems to lead to the best experiences for me, but it does mean an occasional long "interview" plus $100 VIP wasted.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OTC during her period
    -->"If she didn’t disclose it, I might get irritated. But I’d probably settle for less. As long as *she* will settle for less. If I’ve negotiated for the whole shebang and then can’t partake, I ain’t paying the whole amount." As per uprightcitizen, it depends if this is an ongoing thing -- and it nearly always is with me, my OTC relationships are usually arrangement-ish -- versus some chick I just met a few hours ago. In an ongoing OTC deal, you're going to run into this now and then, although normally she'll tell me in advance, really as long as it doesn't happen too often and there's other fun things to explore together, I'm okay with it. Would be very irritated if this were my first OTC with this girl and she didn't disclose
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OTC during her period
    Alas, it's "limit activities" to me. Of course, there's limit, and then there's limit. One of my favorite OTC moments ever, with my very first ATF: She tells me she's on her period. I guess I was buzzed and feeling a little randy, so I jokingly say, "your ass doesn't have a period, does it?". I figured she'd get irritated and I'd play it off as a joke, but she looks at me with a huge smile, obviously flushed cheeks, and says with a very flirty tone in her voice, "You want to fuck my ass?". I assure her I do. As she leans over (we were at the hot tubs, she was leaning over the bed, I was standing behind her), she looks over her shoulder and says, "I might moan or seem like I'm uncomfortable. Don't stop, just take me." And take her I did!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Such a n00b thing to do...
    -->"Exactly. Most of us (me included) have a pre-club routine. For me, leave wallet in the car. Keep 20s in one pocket, small bills in the other. Key fob only thing in pocket aside from cash. When you deviate from your routine, only bad/stupid things can happen." Absolutely. I've never lost anything in an SC, and having been bringing my entire wallet, phone, etc. for the decades I've been doing this. Keys always go in a zippered pocket, which means that I bring at least a windbreaker with a zippered pocket even on 100 degree days. I could definitely see what you described -- put keys in a different pocket that doesn't zip closed -- happen to me, since I mentally depend on shit not falling out of my jacket.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
    Nyet. She looks like she's just a couple of genes away from being hot though. Like, I bet if you took a picture of her with the camera just slighhhhtly out of focus, she'd look pretty good
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Does checking 2 boards suck?
    Hmm, I liked the two-tab solution better. With new solution, I have to check the box and reload the page to see only VIP. It's become a decent-sized inconvenience, vs just setting up two tabs and going to the one I want. In any case, if it's possible, if we're going to keep this format, perhaps for VIP members, the "which forum to post in" dropbox should default to the VIP-only rather than Front Room
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Bathroom troll house fees...?
    (no, have not inquired into the bathroom troll career business model, but it is fascinating)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Bathroom troll house fees...?
    Good, because we were worried that you might be underqualified
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Stormy Daniels: Strippers need to be treated as freelancers, not employees
    I give them absolutely no credence -- they're being animated by the same miserable troll, most likely. I just can't resist re-emphasizing the idiocy sometimes
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Stormy Daniels: Strippers need to be treated as freelancers, not employees
    -->"I happened to be talking to one of my Follies favorites a couple of weeks ago. She is originally from San Franciso and still visits family there but she hates working the clubs there because of the employee classification." Can't possibly be true. Icey and Trap, who have never talked to an SC stripper and have no idea what the law is about or how it's being implemented by the clubs, know through some sort of osmosis that all the strippers want to be employees and really love it. Those of us who have actually spoken to CA strippers are being lied to... It's really worked out very negatively in SF; the best I've heard in other CA locales is neutral. Among the many consequences most strippers perhaps didn't anticipate -- drastic limitations on hours worked, to prevent them from being fulltime employees with full benefits