Dancer Tattoos

Do you ever ask dancers or even people in general about their tattoos and what they mean to them?
Tattoos usually have some kind of special meaning to whoever wears them. I like to ask about them because I like the stories I get back. Some are for a loved one or some kind of special event in their life. Some may be due to pride from where you come from, or have to do with your city.
I was recently clubbing in Denver and a dancer had a tattoo that says "5280". If you saw that tattoo would you know what it means? Does anyone on here know? Hint... it is a Denver thing, and it does not have anything to do with weed. The dancer that had it was surprised I knew what it meant as most people in Colorado are transplants from other areas.
Do you tattoos that are specific to your area?
last commentI ask if they have any tats. If they say NO. I say prove it!
5280 mile high city.
I have tattoos, so it's a good topic of conversation with dancers, especially if they are also tattooed.
Early on, I was one of those people who couldn't decide what to get because I thought tattoos had to have meaning or be symbolic. Then I talked to a veteran tattoo artist at a convention who pointed out that if it's possible to encapsulate your essence as human being into a tattoo on one shoulder, then you're probably the least interesting person in the world.
His suggestion: "Just get tattoos of stuff you like and don't worry about the meaning. What's meaningful to to you can changes a lot over time. If you use that as a guide, then you'll probably be disappointed with your choices eventually."
So, that's the route I took and I don't regret it one bit. I don't have any tattoos that have a story or deep meaning. It's just stuff I like.
But I appreciate dancers (or anyone else) who has art that does have a story or meaning of some sort. It can be interesting, if they're willing to get that personal.
The same tattoo artist also said "But don't get tribal. Tribal is bullshit." lol
Personally, I agree. But to each their own.
Since I really don't like tattoos, I just try to ignore them as much as possible.
Depends what it is but tattoo people in general (not me) do seem to love to talk about them
Since tattoos are prevelent, I find they can be easy topics of discussion.
So after asking someone about their tattoos the natural progression would be to ask if I have any tatoos and the story behind that response.
I dislike tattoos. Don't get them and have never seen one I like. My wife has two, all my siblings have at least one and my 85 year old mother just got two, making her a hero to her grand and great grandchildren. If someone asks me what I think, I tell them. I never bring it up.
I asked a stripper if she still liked the tattoo across her backside. She answered, "No regerts."
5,280 is the amount of feet in a mile.
Not into tats - on a young chick some small-ones can look kinda sexy in a bad-girl kinda-way.
I'm not interested in tattoos - and the few-times someone has told me "the meaning of their tattoo" I found their explanation just as un-interesting as the tattoo itself - I'm sure there are people that are genuinely into the art, but it seems to me most people just get them b/c they wanna draw some kinda attention to themselves or see it as some kinda rebellious badass-wannabe thing, or b/c it's "trendy" nowadays.
Actions speak louder than words/tats - if you have a certain belief or wanna project a certain image, then let your actions do the talking rather than painting your body w/ something permanent in order to draw attention to yourself.
My 2-cents.
I know that if I ever got a tattoo, I’d spend way too much agonizing on what it should be and likely get bored of it, and wished I had put another image instead. I wouldn’t be able to commit to any particular image.
Plus at this point in time, I’m not willing to needlessly reduce my options with the clean cut men who aren’t fond of tattoos.
But at some point, I’ll probably get some realistic looking temporary tattoos just for kicks when I am on vacation. It will be giant sleeves all over my body. I’ll take a few selfies and have fun with it until it wears off in 3-10 days.
My guess is if somebody has 1-2 tattoos then it’s very likely there’s a lot of personal meaning. Past that, it’s more of a having fun with it and less “meaning”
No one ever asks strippers about their tattoos, so I think they're thrilled someone noticed and highly energized to discuss them
-->"Not into tats - on a young chick some small-ones can look kinda sexy in a bad-girl kinda-way."
Yeah, I used to say that I never find tats attractive, at best just neutral, but that's not really true... sometimes some (not too big) tats can just make a girl look super slutty, and occasionally that presses my buttons just right.
A couple of weeks ago a dancer asked me if I liked all her tattoos. She had a lot of them. It was probably not a good thing to say if you're trying to make points with a stripper but I told her "No. That I did not like them ". She didn't appear to be too upset. Still gave me a couple of good dances.
I have met mid 20ish dancers with tattoos that are 10 years old and they were already becoming blurry. They are not a good lifetime investment even for art's sake.
the only tat that i would consider is DNR over my heart. (Do Not Revive.)
I love them. But from what I've found out a lot of dancers get them on a whim only to eventually get them removed. I've seen bitches with nasty tattoos saying they just felt like it, or were drunk. But the meaningful ones are great to talk about.
Musterd and Lewit for the win... 5280=1 mile= Mile High City
@ nicespice. Why would you put a bumper sticker on a Bentley anyway. Makes no sense
I get my favs branded with my name on thier shoulders and above thier pussy. That way the other regulars know who's paying for her coke habit and to leave her be when im in the club.
When I notice that a girl has more tattoos than the last time I saw her I’ll point out the ones I think are new. I don’t have much interest in talking about the specifics of the tattoos, but they seem to like when I’m correct about which ones are newest. It shows that I pay attention.
Tattoos add an interesting dimension to the experience. I have gotten an assjob from a girl with a tramp stamp that said Julio. I guess it was meant to say you can f*ck her but you cant keep her. The only nice ones were an asian girl with a full back tat that made her recognizable across from the room. Many of the younger MILFs have baby feet tattoos which can start up a nice conversation. Nothing loosens up a girl like talking about her son's first steps before you ram your seed down her throat.
I just remembered a post I made years ago about a stripper's tattoo. Here it is:
"A new 24-year-old stripper came to my home last night. After banging her in missionary position, I requested a change to doggy style. As I'm about to enter her, I see tattooed on her ass, in a fancy cursive, the name "Larry." Who's Larry, I wondered. But fearing to ruin the moment, I just got down to business and did not inquire about the tattoo.
But my curiosity remains unsatisfied. Who's Larry? And what's he doing on my stripper's ass?"
Thank you chumps for contributing to my retirement fund.
aka Julio
aka Larry
"No one ever asks strippers about their tattoos, so I think they're thrilled someone noticed and highly energized to discuss them"
That's a good point. I remembered somebody asked not too long ago about how to get more attention from dancers that don't require money. Personal validation is a big one and asking about tattoos (and listening to the reply) is a good way to do so. Btw I've met crazyjoe in person and he's definitely an individual I've noticed who excels at this. He's one of those individuals people feel comfortable giving out their life story to.
"randumbmembr has a tat ov Nancy Pelosi wearin a strap on on his ass cheek! ROFLMFAO"
Lol! And considering his posting history she's probably stuck it in him several times!
Back on topic, I've asked about and discussed dancer's tats with them and even though I'm over a thousand miles away I was aware of Denver being the mile high city.
I will never get a tattoo. There are t shirts I’m sick of wearing after a month I’m gonna get something permanent? Fuck that. I also don’t give a fuck what the tattoo represents. They get all philosophical about drawing on themselves STFU. Unless your a hot girl then I’ll just deal with it.
I do but that's not just to strippers. If it's well done there's usually a story to it. Keep in mind faking interest in her tats won't help you get laid...
A lot of strippers don't like talking about their tattoos, which are often from the civilian life they want to guard.