How do you treat dancers?

avatar for steeldog65
OK, I know this can open me up for some serious criticism. I was on another discussion board and the way one of the members was discussing how he treats an escort really caused me to look in general at some of the verbiage that was used on that site. I'm hoping the most these posters were simply talking out of their ass and don't really treat women the way they say they do. It was kind of like Icey's bitch and whore comments. And then they complain that they don't get good service. My personal belief is if the dancer or escort does not give me grief, I am going to treat her with as much dignity and respect as I can. I try really hard not to be judgemental because what I'm doing in many cases is seen as immoral so that gives me no leg to stand on when judging them. So my question to you all is, how do you treat the women who are dancers or sex workers?


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avatar for sayonara
6 years ago
If they nice I'm nice.
I'm treat like I would any other woman I meet.
And if they mean or annoying I just leave them to themselves.
@Steel I’m in complete agreement with you, I’m respectful and polite until there’s a reason not to be, so are most of the guys I know including many that I know here on this site, those scumbags you’re referring to are just posers.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Yeah I treat them like friends....that I would also like to have sex with.

I just have to be careful putting them on the pedestal. I’ll get tempted sometimes where I’ll just be daydreaming about a girl all day.
I do my best to treat them as human beings doing a difficult job, which is what they are doing. They are sharing their time and bodies with you, trying to maintain the illusion that you are special, and that they enjoy your particular way of fondling them.

I mean, come on, that is a unique and wonderful service. I don't fondle/c unless we're 'on the clock
I don't fondle/caress unless we're on the 'clock' - money being exchanged for their time.
And unless service is poor (never happened), a genuine thank you is expressed.
There are some customers who are serious assholes. But I have a feeling those types of guys are not on internet forums. I agree it's poseurs who are posting on internet forums, calling women bitches and hoes -- they think this makes them an alpha type to be admired, or they're projecting the opposite persona from their usual meek selves, or something.

Insanely beautiful and charming girls, decades younger than me, who will send me to sexual ecstasy for mere money? With my CFs, or even a new girl once we get to the point where we're sitting and drinking and on our run up to a VIP, I treat them well and with appreciation.
Yeah, I’ve long held that there’s no profit in treating a girl like shit if she’s gonna suck my dick and eat my cum. Seriously.

I’m probably gonna want her to do it again, so what’s the point?
I ALWAYS treat strippers and desploogination service professionals with courtesy and respect until and unless they prove unworthy of such treatment.

That said, I would never trust any desploogination service professional with ANY of my personal information including, but not limited to, my real name, address or phone number and I NEVER allow myself to fall asleep with a desploogination service professional still in my room.
What about in her room? I have had some great sleepovers at my hotel or her condo/apt.
avatar for Gabebj
New York
6 years ago
How do you end up going to her place? Do you ask for it or does she ask? Do you also do it same night you saw her at the SC or just call and grab a bottle of wine and just go to her in her off day?
Depends, I prefer my hotel room normally but after a while I might go to her place IF it is nice.
I treat dancers as no different than any other girl except I know she is $ hustle. That's ok since we all know the rules here. Give love, get love is my motto. If she wants to be treated rough she will tell you that later. You don't have to be an asshole up front to tell her you want to be dominant.
I think I treat them better than most people I encounter in normal life. Something about the club very quickly puts me in a much better mood. I can’t figure out what it could be.
I treat all the dancer that I meet with respect. I enjoy their company when I travel on business. They literally are my social life and I see them
as a type of sanity for me. I can hang out without judgment. I can speak my mind freely on topics. I can literally have unapologetic fun and that is a service that the dancers afford me. They have a difficult profession, no less difficult than my profession. They have to put on a smile even when they are having a bad day, must endure hours of bullshit from customers, and make ends meet at the end of the day. I love the service they provide to me.
strippers are awesome and should be treated as such.
my life would be so much more difficult without strippers. one time a stripper and i were talking and she asked me what i do for a living so i told her and she said,"i wish i had a job like that". i said, "i'm pretty sure you bring a lot more joy to people than i do when i'm at work"
I'm a little surprised that we have a had a dancer comment on this. It seems to me that maybe its the website, but most of us seem to understand the dancers have a pretty difficult job and they make us feel better. And for that alone they should be treated as people not simply as things. Yes we objectify them, is hard not to when you're looking at naked women that are half your age but when we get to talk to them certainly we don't see them as anything other than another human being.
-->""i'm pretty sure you bring a lot more joy to people than i do when i'm at work"

Don't be so hard on yourself willy! If it weren't for you, who would give me a handtowel to dry my hands, offer me a selection of mints and men's colognes, etc?
a beautiful sexy woman is a gift from above!
I just use the Golden Rule. The Platinum Rule in strip clubs can bankrupt you in 30 min or less.
I treat them like strippers who have a job to do and are often young enough to be my daughters. My default setting is friendly and non-judgmental. If I don't like her I just send her away quickly without being rude. If I like her and she is a good egg, then the default is all she ever sees. If I like her and we have history, but she misbehaves, then we have a corrective moment and then I go back to my default.

I don't understand guys who treat girls like shit. Having said that, I do notice that some of them respond well to a little grit.

I also don't understand guys who get defensive with these girls, which I see all the damned time ITC. Why? Just send her away if she is misbehaving and stop dealing with her until her attitude improves. Simple.
I like bars and go out alone drinking all the time. I also do a couple of weeks vbaction alone each summer driving around, smoking weed, golfing and clubbing. I meet a lot of strangers. I treat everyone like I do evevryone else. Polite, courteous, respectful until they no longer deserve it. Dancers are everyone, so I treat them as I do everyuone. One rule for everyone, not different rules based on personal biases.
Ski: "Dancers are everyone, so I treat them as I do everyuone. One rule for everyone, not different rules based on personal biases."

I hear ya' I suppose, but they are not everyone. They are strippers who do things that most women could never fathom doing for money. They operate in environments which condition them to think of men, first and foremost, as sources of income. Hence they don't behave the same way or respond to inputs in the same way as civilian women do in normal social settings. Also, stereotyping accusations aside, they generally have tougher backstories than many civvie women we meet in our normal travels.

IMHO understanding these differences is important, not only in avoiding pitfalls, but also for creating opportunities. Like any potential negotiation, part of the process involves getting into the head of the other person. I'm always very friendly, but I don't behave like I'm seeking their approval, hence the "grit" comment above. Good things often come once they are seeking your approval - call it tapping into their Daddy issues or something else.
I try to keep in mind that there are a range of women in the club - from "hardened pros" to part-timers who don't even take the money all that seriously and just view it as "better money than babysitting"

I also assume most of them have difficult back stories, and their real lives may be incomprensible to me. As in: "Why would you so such foolish things with your money, your body, hang around such irresponsible friends etc."

I don't pry into their personal lives, but it seems like strippers size me up quickly as a stable, sensible, "square" - and they confess all kinds of crazy stuff in their pasts. Some of it violent and scary, unfortunately.
-->"I don't understand guys who treat girls like shit. Having said that, I do notice that some of them respond well to a little grit. "

One of the interesting things about SCing in a group of guys is seeing the different ways guys play it. Some are downright stereotypical: the shy Indian guy who keeps getting taken advantage of, for example. One of the guys comes on like a thunderstorm, always dominant, but at different turns either in command voice or patriarchal. Many girls hate him immediately and flee; what's surprised me is how many seem to comfortably fall in line. He doesn't treat them like shit, but it's definitely more than a little grit, it's classic alpha male dominance from beginning to end.
avatar for Htxx
6 years ago
Like an enjoyable business transaction
I treat them just like any other lady I'm sexually attracted to, only quite a bit more open about it.
Don't be a dick or demeaning and watch what you say, but nothing wrong with spanking or encouraging her touching the schlong.
I know some who want to be like Rocco in the back completely dominating someone, but I know some dancers who will play off that just as easily as they will play off the quiet shy guy who maybe wants just a little attention and some romance.... It goes both ways. BUT, for me regardless of what style of play I'm looking for, I'm polite, flirtatious and up front about what's what, and really enjoy the ones who return the favor in said fashion. Its easy to judge the ladies for doing what they do (society has trained us to do exactly that). But you do have to stop and think about the fact, that you are playing in the same pool, so you should be judged equally. I think those that mistreat their playmates, are deflecting their own self loathing.......
avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
I usually treat them like humaN beings. I talk to them, tell jokes, ask them how their day is. Some are shocked and do not know what to think. Some don't want to talk. Some appreciate it.
avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
I usually treat them like humaN beings. I talk to them, tell jokes, ask them how their day is. Some are shocked and do not know what to think. Some don't want to talk. Some appreciate it.
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