
Comments by Subraman (page 107)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    F'ing A
    I use TunnelBear and like it -- it's free to 500MB per month, or small monthly fee. I can recomend it personally, it's always worked well for me. ExpressVPN is probably the most highly recommended VPN if you're interested in looking at that. The thing to be careful about with VPN software is every once in a while a bunch get busted for keeping data they claim not to keep, etc., so do some research if you're not going with one of those. I would never connect to a public wifi without a VPN -- too easy for someone to steal your credentials, etc. You should be using a VPN regardless when attached to Starbucks wifi
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Do y'all carry on conversations with dancers when getting lap dances
    -->"Before and after - small talk During - sexy talking" Exactly. Before, up to an hour of warm-up talk -- not small talk, which I hate, but fun banter. Sexy talk during. Then again, I typically don't do lap dances, only VIPs. I would think if, for example, my goal was LDK, I might want her facing away from me grinding hard on me, and not exactly easy to talk that way. As it is, I want her spending much of her time facing me, and it's easy to talk
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Added Precautions for the Anonymous Customer
    -->"So the central question is: Is more required in 2019 to preserve your anonymity when visiting a strip club?" I think the answer is "yes", if by "preserve your anonymity" you mean completely stay off the grid even theoretically. Yes, there may be cameras pointed at the parking lot or main room. Someone could, in theory, connect you to the strip club. The question is, is this something even a married guy has to worry about (assuming he's not committing criminal acts like assault or larceny in the club)? The only act most of us here commit in the club is various lewd acts, but those tend to happen in the private rooms -- which sometimes also have cameras, which are a bit more of a concern. What kind of example scenarios worry you about exposure to parking lot and main room cameras? I'm not challenging you here, but I do think it's worth a quick examination of how far off the grid you need to be, as a practical matter Just a curiosity question -- does anyone know about any cases, anywhere, where police used strip club video to pursue prostitution charges? I know they pursue assault cases that way, and minor larceny cases... has anyone ever
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    F'ing A
    Can you get around this with a VPN?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Do y'all carry on conversations with dancers when getting lap dances
    We're going to make with the sexy talk
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    San Fernando Valley day shift
    I pretty much know when I'm going to an extras club. I ask directly but respectfully for what I want. I might be more circumspect if Iwent to an extras club I didn't know well
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Do strippers usually makeout
    I'm not sure I see a clear obvious difference between them... In trying to think it out, I come to the same conclusions as you: non-extras girls both have far more limits already, plus they're being watched more closely in a strict non-extras club. But extras girls are already giving you an awful lot of themselves, so there's little reason for pressure to offer more, whereas it's something exciting a non-extras girl can offer without risking getting fired (though she may get fined if caught). But PLs aren't always great at understanding stripper motivations. I've gotten kissed by more non-extras girls, easily; but in my extras days I was a variety guy and in my non-extras days I've been a CF/ATFer, which in itself seems to raise the probability of getting kissed
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Do strippers usually makeout
    As I said in last week's thread about the exact same topic lol... strippers kissing isn't totally common, but it's not all that uncommon either. It merits a passing mention when I recount the story for my buddies, but no one's surprised. Used to happen more often when I was younger, happening less often as I get older. I go almost exclusively to non-extras clubs these days, so it's always non-extras girls with me. There's no use trying to figure out why she did it. Nor does it necessarily mean she wants you to be her boyfriend. It does probably mean you've passed some revulsion bar.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Hotel room or in home strippers
    Tiburon, these are through "stripper services", businesses that have strippers come to your room or bachelor party or whatever. My experience is that these businesses overpromise and underdeliver ... and that's not even including the fact that you don't get sex. Just go to the club and find a stripper to OTC with, it's a 10x experience. At least if she bothers to show up
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    -->"That's one scary looking woman." I have to say that's the common theme among the vast majority of these stories... nearly all of the SB/POF/Stripper/etc. robbed or killed her SD/date/customer/client story, the women are horrible at best and terrifying at worst. Not all, but I can't remember seeing one of these stories in the past few years where I wasn't scratching my head thinking, "you were going to pay money to have sex with THAT???". Obviously, plenty of completely crazy hot chicks around, too, strippers prove that lol. But they haven't been showing up in these kinds of reports very often
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Told my atf it was my birthday (it really was)
    -->"She tells her manager who proceeds to buy me not one, not two, but three shots. Should i wife this girl?" I'm not sure about the girl, but the manager at least deserves a reacharound
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Seeking arrangement app
    The app was pulled, you'll have to use the website from iphone. App still available on Android
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    Met a brand new dancer. First night dancing.
    -->"@subraman. All good points. However, she did walk me through a very large amount of her phone photos which showed her in her regular attire, no wig and family photos including dog. So, she was either really good or reall naive. " Yeah, I'm not saying that happened. The outcome has just triggered my PL warning system. I could certainly see some girls hustling, very successfully, this way. But sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and maybe she was that naive, and maybe she did use your advice on the very next customer, etc. Just wanted to bring out that perspective and have it in the back of your mind if you continue to engage with her
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I just got a massage from some DUDE!!!!
    Papi: in all seriousness, there's nothing gay about it, and lots of people prefer men for their stronger hands, etc. I think it's just us casual massage fans who don't like them from other men. But, I give no fucks. I don't care if it's a big fat 60-year-old lady (which I've gotten before), she just has to be female. In other news, you guys who haven't gotten massages are crazy, you are missing out. Once you find a really good masseuse, it really is a fantastic indulgence
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Why so many Budweiser haters on here?
    ^^^ you better edit that to include "no homo", because not liking beer is very suspicious
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I just got a massage from some DUDE!!!!
    -->"I feel like it'd be very awkward though to go into a massage place and "request" that a girl massage you and they'd think you were a pervert. " DC, I have to admit I can't figure out if you're a really good persona, or for real; I just struggle with "for real"... But, just in case: 1. If what you want is a girl massaging you, who cares what anyone thinks? You'll pay $100 to be uncomfortable getting massaged by a guy, just because you can't ask? 2. You do realize that an enormous % of guys request female masseuses. It's not like it's remotely uncommon for guys not to want other guys massaging them; it's the rule, not the exception. -->" I think a lot of other guys feel similarly, so it just feels like yet another example of feminists trying to give bullshit solutions to male problems by ignoring our biology and trying to act like men and women are exactly the same and because girls can enjoy touching other girls then guys should too." No one's trying to do that. No one will bat an eyelash if you request a female masseuse. This entire struggle only exists in your head, man!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Why so many Budweiser haters on here?
    Ya, listening to people argue about Bud vs Miller vs Coors to me is like arguing about which brand of white rice tastes best :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I just got a massage from some DUDE!!!!
    I am a little concerned that nowhere in the initial post did you include the words No Homo.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Why so many Budweiser haters on here?
    -->"Because it's like water." I think the old joke, "Q: Why is American beer like making love in a canoe? A: Because it's fucking close to water" was definitely true 30 years ago when all we had was Bud, Coors, etc.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Why so many Budweiser haters on here?
    Are there so many guys who hate Bud on here? I'd be a little cautious about judging quality based on "best selling in the USA". McDonald's is also the biggest restaurant chain -- that doesn't make it any less unhealthy chemical-laden slop that barely qualifies as food. And Bud, Coors Light, Bud Light, are in many ways the McDonalds (or at least the fast food) of beer. Anyway! I think the most important thing is you drink what you like and what makes you happy. Bud, Coors Light, etc., are cheap, don't have much taste, are easy to drink, and have alcohol in them; if that's the experience you're looking for, more power to you -- really! But, many people are looking for a different experience, with higher quality, more-complex (and sometimes much more challenging) flavors. Just a difference in what we're looking for. To make a coffee analogy: coffee's first wave democratized coffee (it was previously a rich person's luxury), with a focus on convenience and price, leading to it's pinnacle: instant coffee like folger's (height of convenience), diner coffee, Dunkin Donuts coffee, etc. With coffee having become ubiquitous, the second wave focused on higher quality taste and coffee as part of a social experience (albeit one scientifically designed), at the expense of a higher price: think Peet's and Starbucks. Coffee's third wave brought the experience to artisan-level quality, introduced responsibility and relationships into the supply chain, the introduction of micro-lots -- all at the expense of a still higher price. My parents are still thrilled with "first wave" coffee; many of my buddies love second-wave; I'm a fancyboy third-waver. Different prices, different experiences. I expect more $ is spent overall on first wave coffee -- it's cheap and affordable and has caffeine. Ain't nothing wrong with being a beer first-waver, if such a thing applied to beer. I'm not sure I have a fave beer, but perhaps Chimay Grande Reserve is as close to one as I get
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Hotel room or in home strippers
    My buddies and I did this years ago before we transitioned to strip clubs. They had the two biggest disadvantages of escorts: 1. Non-flexible, by-the-hour pricing, and 2. Rarely looked anywhere near as good as their pictures. They also had one of the big disadvantages of strippers: you were a captive audience (having already paid their hourly fee) and they know it, so it's a never-ending hustle asking for tips. Meanwhile, go to the strip club, pick out the girl you like based on how she looks in person, go during a slow shift so hustle is low, etc. I suppose that just like some guys prefer escorts over strip clubs, some guys might like those in-call strippers better than strip clubs. For me, neither are even remotely in the same ballpark as strip clubbing. If I wanted to give up SCing forever, I'd put all my energy into SA, I wouldn't do incall strippers.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Would you take a new PL to HKGC for their first time or to a local club?
    I haven't been to HK. But, if newbie is a friend of mine, he's got at least the minimum IQ to understand the words, "dude, HK is a brothel in Mexico, it's absolutely nothing like American strip clubs, so you won't be get the same experience here." I think I'd basically take my newbie to wherever we both felt like going. Back when MBOT was the best strip club in America, I used to take newbies there. Didn't seem much point working our way up to it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    How do you treat dancers?
    -->"I don't understand guys who treat girls like shit. Having said that, I do notice that some of them respond well to a little grit. " One of the interesting things about SCing in a group of guys is seeing the different ways guys play it. Some are downright stereotypical: the shy Indian guy who keeps getting taken advantage of, for example. One of the guys comes on like a thunderstorm, always dominant, but at different turns either in command voice or patriarchal. Many girls hate him immediately and flee; what's surprised me is how many seem to comfortably fall in line. He doesn't treat them like shit, but it's definitely more than a little grit, it's classic alpha male dominance from beginning to end.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    Met a brand new dancer. First night dancing.
    If we take the interaction at face value (more on this in a moment, but mark94 is thinking what I was thinking), then obviously you did a good deed. I honestly have to say I don't know what I would have done in your place. I absolutely get concerned about young, naive strippers, especially when they're displaying behavior that could jeopardize their safety. On the other hand, young people aren't always great about unsolicited advice from old guys who they are hustling, and not to be gratuitously insulting, but IME strippers are often emotionally immature even for their already-young age. Much advice that they smile and thank you for, they're venting about in the lockerroom. So I honestly can't say how or even whether I'd have given her any advice; I have to be in the moment and see how it all reads. That said, my other thought was, man, she got you to not just spend on her, but to develop downright protective feelings, and think about her so much that you wrote a thread about your interaction with her. My more cynical side says: if she happened to read SW before dancing, her entire backstory, name, etc., could be fake; as could her story about your advice "saving" her with the very next customer. Maybe I'm a cynical old fuck, but I read it 50/50 that we take this whole story at face value, versus played by someone surprisingly good at hustle.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    How do you treat dancers?
    -->""i'm pretty sure you bring a lot more joy to people than i do when i'm at work" Don't be so hard on yourself willy! If it weren't for you, who would give me a handtowel to dry my hands, offer me a selection of mints and men's colognes, etc?