
Comments by Subraman (page 109)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Does checking 2 boards suck?
    like some others, I just open up two tabs -- even my phone browsers are tabbed. So it's a minor inconvenience abut not a huge deal
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    To bidet or not bidet
    Shadow: yes, pat dry with toilet paper
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Strip Clubs & Lunch Time
    Another reason I like getting to the club at 11:30 or noon -- and am glad that there's girls there at that time -- it means I can spend 3 hours at the club, and still get out of the city before the among-the-worst-in-the-country rush hour kicks in. It makes the difference between a one hour drive home, and a stressful 90-120 minute drive home
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    To bidet or not bidet
    No, I just bought one that seemed to look decent enough, and had good reviews on amazon. If I have any complaint about mine, I'm only slightly exaggerating when I used the term "hydraulic needle". I'd prefer the spray be spread out a bit more; perhaps look to see in the reviews if there's specific mention of the spray being too tight even when put on low
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    The return of pubic hair
    It is definitely the case that groomed-bush is trying to make a comeback among the millennials and Gen Zer women. Right now it doesn't seem to have all the momentum, but there's definitely an effort.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Does checking 2 boards suck?
    I'm hesitant to speak with any confidence at all, since I thought the notion of two boards was ridiculous in the first place -- and yet, it's worked out amazingly well. VIP board is a roaring success -- very high signal to noise ratio here, plus it's accomplished something that merely bleating "duh, just use ignore" never could, which is that there's been a bunch of new posters (some of them long-time reviewers) that I've never seen before, because the VIP doesn't scare away new people. I still can't figure out why the trolls aren't just putting in dummy reviews and then coming in here to do their thing, but they're not. So I'll say: - Checking two boards is a minor inconvenience - But it's a major win that signal-to-noise is so high in VIP - It's a major win that the VIP is attracting new posters, something merely using ignore could not accomplish - It's a major win that I don't log onto the board and see 6 new posts from Nicole about her shoes, 5 attack posts from Icey and Trap, all of SJG's old posts about politics bumped, etc. Not even seeing those things is what's getting new posters to use the forums. Just like I supported the split even though I was against it, to at least give it a chance, I'd give the merged board with hidden VIP threads a chance. But once again, I think the huge downside is any potential new contributor looking at the board will see a high noise-to-signal troll board.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    To bidet or not bidet
    You will never go back once you use a bidet, you'll wonder how you went so long without it, and you'll feel dirty those times when you're relegated to toilet paper or wipes. It's like a lapdance for your butthole
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    To bidet or not bidet
    The text for the top bidet attachment you linked, specifically says "no electricity or plumbing needed". I'm guessing you tap into the hot water line under the sink, and the heat control knob just controls how much hot water gets into the spray
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    To bidet or not bidet
    sjg: some might have heaters, I dunno. But every bidet that shoots warm water that I've ever seen, does it by feeding off both cold and hot water (e.g., you tap into the hot water pipe under the bathroom sink). I'd say: Purpose built toilet/bidet is much much better than... Bidet attachment that runs off both hot and cold water, which is much better than... Bidet attachment that runs off only cold water, which is much much much much much better than... Just dry-wiping using a regular toilet with no bidet, and talking about how you'd like a purpose built toilet/bidet in theory :) :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    To bidet or not bidet
    Right, it feeds off the clean water spigot that's attached to the wall, that normally feeds to the toilet. The bidet kit comes with a splitter to send some of that water to the bidet. When you're sitting and turn the bidet on, water pressure forces out the little nozzle, and it starts squirting you with the aforementioned glacier cold water. When you turn the bidet off, the nozzle recedes back into its housing. It's completely independent from the toilet itself (that is, it isn't automatically activated by the toilet flushing or anything)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    To bidet or not bidet
    Fuck to the yes. I have one, I'm sold on it. It takes some time to get used to the glacier-cold hydraulic needle of water, but my ass is clean. Clean, I say. Seriously, totally understand why the Europeans think it's gross that we don't use bidets. They rock
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    I believe in karma, the way I believe in bloody mary. I mean, I'm a grown man, I don't believe in bloody mary. But I'm home alone, no fucking way I'm saying bloody mary 3 times in the mirror. No way, man. Similarly, I don't believe in karma, but...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Girls that leave stuff in your car
    When I was married, for many years, I wouldn't have a stripper in my car, period. I'd meet her at the restaurant, we'd go bar hopping in the local area and I'd get a hotel there too (I OTC in a big city and there are multiple awesome neighborhoods where everything is walking distance). No uber back then but we'd grab a taxi if we really needed to go across town. I can't remember when I dropped this policy and started having strippers in my car, but if I remember right, it was after we separated.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Strip Clubs & Lunch Time
    There are a few trains we take up to the city, and the earlier train puts us there right when the clubs open at 11:30. Usually, there's a few girls there. From 11:30-12:00 they're usually up to 1/2 to 2/3 of the shift present. So yes, I do expect girls there. In clubs with a lunch buffet, the place has girls right from the opening, usually. That said, it's club-by-club. There's at least 2 clubs here that I don't bother going to until they've been open 30-60 minutes.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    VIP room warning
    I'm guessing founder realizes that "icey" is being animated by a troll who has been here many years, who has been banned (or banned himself) before, and that trolling this forum is such a fundamental part of his miserable, lonely life, that he'll just keep coming back as other personas. As I've said before, 0% chance that someone who has made trolling and viciousness in this forum so much a part of his life, is just going to go away. But maybe the icey persona has run its course. I find icey's completely in-organic street persona to be downright cringey, but if he's going to continue to create personas, the one good thing about icey is the totally unbelievable street persona might be easier to identify as a troll to even newbies
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Cactus league price increases?
    Ya, I imagine June-August in Phoenix isn't the height of tourist season :) lol ANyway thanks for the intel...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Cactus league price increases?
    azdd: okay... and this last until end of March? Sorry, not a baseball fan, no understanding of when this obscure ritual ends. Google seems to indicate late March
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    6 years ago
    New York
    Cactus league price increases?
    How long does this last? My buddies and I are planning a March trip to Phoenix
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Single vs. Married friends
    I'm already a weirdo by tuscl terms for preferring to SC with my buddies. Most of those guys are married -- my best buddy who has been my main SC wingman for years, the two other guys who (before they moved) were always with us, and at least half of the "tier 2" guys are all married. It just means that it's easier to get out for dayshift than nightshift, and since we all prefer dayshift anyway, no problem. That said, not easy to make friends when you're older, so if I can find a guy, married or not, PL or not, who is interested in going out once in a while to overpay for a great rye at a "mixology" bar with hot waitresses, hey, now he's my new bff. I have married buddies who I mostly just go out to eat with, get a few drinks with, or get together to watch the game with
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Older than dirt
    “What’s Your Price?
    WYP is definitely not my cup of tea, and once you really figure out how it works, I'm not sure anyone (except DC, maybe?) on tuscl would be interested. As Paul Drake said, it's owned by the Seeking Arrangement folks. As you described, you offer some amount of money (say, $100) to take a hot chick (or a chick whose pics are hot, at least) to dinner or whatever. That's all that's guaranteed. There's a chance she's an escort and you can negotiate extra $ on top of the $150 you already paid her, for after-dinner action. There's a chance -- in fact, a very good chance -- that going to dinner for $150 with some sucker is her side hustle, and the totality of your experience is going to be paying $150 for dinner with a chick who might be as hot as her pics. That's it. Nearly any other option is better, IMO. SA, OTCs, etc.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I'm with JS69, I don't get for-pay camgirl vids at all. But whatever floats your boat
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    North Carolina
    Skip the games
    Have tried escorts, the entire experience from beginning to end is not very appealing to me. By contrast, I love every part of SCing and OTCing, including "the games": going to the strip club, meeting a stripper (who is likely hotter than reasonably-priced escorts), partying with that stripper, getting her to meet OTC, and then best of all, typical per-otc rather than per-hour pricing. I have buddies who prefer escorts, just a matter of what you're looking for. But I imagine that, on a website for PLs, most of us enjoy SCs more
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Dealing with dancers who don't do regulars...
    ->"1. Gotten dances with this girl off and on for a few months. Got her number and would love to make her my new main fav. Texted her a few weeks in a row asking when she was working and maybe only got one response back that was a no (sick)" I am an appointment-driven PL. If a stripper can't or won't make appointments (e.g., she doesn't text back, she doesn't show up) then I move on. If you don't care about appointments, you can keep working on her, but a girl like this is relegated to "I'll hang out with her if my CF isn't there and I don't have any other options" girl for me -->"Obviously it is a terrible idea to be confrontational at all about the fact that she forgot to respond. But I am the kind of person that am not capable of saying at least something even if it's in a joking way." If it just happened once, and you've only ever gotten one dance from her, too early to draw conclusions. She might have forgotten who you are, and hey, even the best strippers fuck up on returning texts sometimes. It's not until it's a pattern that I write her off.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Dealing with dancers who don't do regulars...
    I run into girls who don't do regulars occasionally, even on the slower shifts I go to, and definitely at the busier clubs. This is very, very simple for me: I move on, no matter how much I like them. They're not going to provide the experience I'm looking for, I'm not going to break my budget for them or sit around strategizing my day around them. No disrespect or hard feelings. This actually happened pretty recently, she steadfastly maintained she did not have a google voice (so no appointments were possible -- she kept offering to just tell me her schedule, as if these girls ever show up on schedule and on time), and would always run off to dance with others. After the 2nd time I saw her, I just moved on to another girl who definitely knew how to treat a regular
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Follow up to Rick's question about when...
    -->"Another place where our experiences differ. I find that some girls don't like approaching groups and definitely are more cautious about discussing things like OTC. Also, the social awkwardness I'm trying to avoid is that of others when confronted by half naked girls, not my own. Too many guys don't know how to deal with strippers or to make the most of it and start running off at the mouth after getting all butt hurt, or are disappointed and want to leave, etc. It's even worse when I go with them in the same car because I have to leave when they do. " BTW, I do realize I'm projecting -- I feel like since I like groups better, you all should too :) But, the things you're describing are not things I run into at all in our group of PLs. We get there as a group, we leave as a group. We're going to be there 3-4 hours, and everyone knows it. If you don't find a girl, well, have fun drinking with your buddies and talking to the girls at the table. Sometimes we get a new guy, I give him the "don't be an asshole; don't be a little bitch" speech on the train ride up, and it's always gone fine. When I say we get more access to girls, it's for a number of reasons. Some of the guys in our group will already have appointments with strippers, who will meet us when we get there. You want another girl at the club? We'll send one of our girls to get her and bring her back. You want to dance with one of the girls at the table, even though she's hanging out with your buddy? No problem, we share! It's not uncommon we have what I think are the hottest 3-4 girls at the club at our table, and some of those girls would be otherwise unavailable because they're sitting with someone else -- you can dance with any of them though. I could see how an awkward amateur might want to leave early, or go full retard upon seeing a naked girl. I just don't experience it. If someone did that, they wouldn't get invited back