
OTC during her period

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So you get to the hotel with this hot ass girl, eager and ready to roll. Then she springs it on you that she is having her period. So what do you do? Limit your activities to a blow job? Or, assuming she is willing, do you say fuck it and go for the whole enchilada anyway?


  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    I suppose this could also apply ITC where FS is available.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Tell her to call Uber and send her on her way. Go back to the Club and find a different girl.
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    I don't mind at all if we have had an ongoing relationship. Many girls get super horney on their period and are allot of fun. But if she is some random or a high volume provider I would have to say probably no.
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago
    If I know ahead of time I would cut my losses and reschedule or find another girl.

    I've had one experience where a dancer told me she just had her period right after we finished (I found the bloody condom later at home).
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Alas, it's "limit activities" to me.

    Of course, there's limit, and then there's limit. One of my favorite OTC moments ever, with my very first ATF: She tells me she's on her period. I guess I was buzzed and feeling a little randy, so I jokingly say, "your ass doesn't have a period, does it?". I figured she'd get irritated and I'd play it off as a joke, but she looks at me with a huge smile, obviously flushed cheeks, and says with a very flirty tone in her voice, "You want to fuck my ass?". I assure her I do. As she leans over (we were at the hot tubs, she was leaning over the bed, I was standing behind her), she looks over her shoulder and says, "I might moan or seem like I'm uncomfortable. Don't stop, just take me." And take her I did!
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    I posted the story years ago about when the DS was even more horny than usual but was on her period. Usually she would just blow me but this time she wanted her fun as well. First we fucked in the shower. Then she threw a towel on the bed and we fucked in the bed. It’s was a mess.
  • bubba267
    6 years ago
    This topic comes up every now and again. Like Upright my experience is that many girls get extraordinary horny during their cycle and most guys won't go there. So those of us that will, can have a great time.

    Like JS69, I had a memorable OTC experience that was also a threesome. The room did look like a bit of a crime scene. I left a $60 tip for housekeeping and prayed that the medical examiner wouldn't call me with a follow-up investigation.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    If she didn’t disclose it, I might get irritated. But I’d probably settle for less. As long as *she* will settle for less. If I’ve negotiated for the whole shebang and then can’t partake, I ain’t paying the whole amount.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"If she didn’t disclose it, I might get irritated. But I’d probably settle for less. As long as *she* will settle for less. If I’ve negotiated for the whole shebang and then can’t partake, I ain’t paying the whole amount."

    As per uprightcitizen, it depends if this is an ongoing thing -- and it nearly always is with me, my OTC relationships are usually arrangement-ish -- versus some chick I just met a few hours ago. In an ongoing OTC deal, you're going to run into this now and then, although normally she'll tell me in advance, really as long as it doesn't happen too often and there's other fun things to explore together, I'm okay with it. Would be very irritated if this were my first OTC with this girl and she didn't disclose
  • RTP
    6 years ago
    I must be getting old. I have no interest in having sex with a Stripper (or anyone) who is having their period. I don't get enough BJ's anyway, so I am sure that we could work something out.
  • magicrat
    6 years ago
    Better than her starting while she is riding you cowgirl style, which happened to me one time.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    It happened to me once ITC. Had I known before we went to VIP, I would have passed. Wound up settling for head. I can't imagine even wanting to finger her when she is on the rag.
  • TJ Lee
    6 years ago
    Yike. So all those stories in TJHK are true then. I've not encountered one luckily.
  • sinclair
    6 years ago
    I had a bad experience with this. The girl did not disclose she was on her period. I banged her, then pulled out and saw the condom and the base of my dick was covered in her blood. Not only was it disgusting, but this slut could have been exposing me to all kind of diseases with her blood. I am guessing when she ducked into the bathroom before the festivities began, she was pulling the tampon out of her pussy. I had to hold myself back from murdering that bitch after she pulled that and had to get checked at the clinic.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    fuck. if she doesn’t mind... i don’t mind.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    @Subraman: “and it nearly always is with me, my OTC relationships are usually arrangement-ish -- versus some chick I just met a few hours ago”

    Oh yeah, when my ATF and I were regularly seeing each other, we had that all arranged. Period week was for head and and the vibrator. I would have been willing to eat her, and did once or twice, since she was never heavy and always used a tampon, but she was weirded out by it.

    And she was regular as clockwork, so it was easy to know when.
  • playfulsteve
    6 years ago
    Hmmm While I'd rather not deal with the blood/mess that would ensue... Some of the most memorable experiences of a woman at her horniest were during aunt flow's visits...... I would rather the partner be upfront (read as, BEFORE I SHOW UP), so I can at least make the choice before it becomes and uncomfortable situation that she just knowingly put you in....... Worse comes to worst: that's when you just leave the bed alone and move straight to the shower, then the mess cleans itself ;)
  • Htxx
    6 years ago
    I had one who loved to suck her blood off of my cock
  • Dolfan
    6 years ago
    I've only had one girl spring it on me. And she sprung it on me way late in the game, as in after we were naked in bed with my cock in her mouth. I stopped things right there and sent her home with just barely enough to cover the uber ride back to her place. That said, like Subra I'm usually with a girl I know pretty well and there's one or two where I'll do it without a problem. They always tell me up front though, if its even a possibility or if they recently finished. Usually we'll do just it in the shower, or throw down a towel. Most of the time its very light anyway.

    Basically I'm not cool with surprises or strangers doing it but with the right girl (even stripper) it's not a 100% deal breaker.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Nope, not going to the nether region
  • Tiburon
    6 years ago
    I tell her ass to get out. How dare she waste my time and money by springing this the last minute. What a waste
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