avatar for datinman
Not in Kansas anymore

Comments by datinman (page 34)

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4 years ago
avatar for Longball300
I'll sleep when I'm Dead...😈
OT: BOOBS from the past...
How sad if BOOBS are now considered OT on a strip club board. Great link. Thanks.
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4 years ago
avatar for bdirect
Trump/Pence will overrule the Electoral college on Jan 6
"Vice president has the constitutional power to reject any State’s electors " Thank God that's not true. Otherwise, we could have been stuck with President Hillary the past 4 years. She won the popular vote and remember bogus Russian interference claims? Vacating an election for unsubstantiated fraud allegations is a double edged sword for sure.
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4 years ago
avatar for twentyfive
Living well and enjoying my retirement
Football is back who ya got ?
Allen vs. Brady I'm a dreamer, This is why I don't bet on sports.
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4 years ago
avatar for bdirect
Trump/Pence will overrule the Electoral college on Jan 6
In 2000, Gore lost Florida by 537 votes. There were legitimate discussions about what to do with the so called dangling chad ballots that would have changed the outcome. This was settled by the courts. Imagine for a moment if Gore was recorded on tape in 2000 with the Florida Secretary of State saying: "The people of Florida are angry, the people of the country are angry. And there's nothing wrong with saying that, you know, um, that you've recalculated." "So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 538 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state." "All I want to do is this: I just want to find 538 votes, which is one more than we have... Fellas, I need 600 votes, give me a break." Gore would have been a political pariah. Probably been jailed. Now 20 years later, it is just Shrug? I can only hope my Republican Party recovers their core values quickly once Trumpism ends Jan. 20th.
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4 years ago
avatar for Longball300
I'll sleep when I'm Dead...😈
Now and then, an Angel
Midge Pincioti, the ultimate MILF.
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4 years ago
avatar for wallanon
2020 Hobby Playlist
Jan. 1999 Prince Feb. Sex and Candy Marcy Playground Mar. WAP Cardi B Apr. - Dec. My Ding a ling Chuck Berry; Turning Japanese The Vapors; Spank Thru Nirvana; Blister in the Sun The violent Femmes; and Longview Green Day were in heavy rotation.
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4 years ago
avatar for amorgaudium
When will I be able to go into a strip club again, without masks?
We have a viable vaccine that hopefully won't have significant adverse effects. Production, distribution, and application are currently the rate limiting factors. There is yet another new variant. B.1.1.7 is up to 70% more transmittable. It spread rapidly in the UK. It has now been identified in CO, CA, & FL. To date, none of the variations have resulted in higher levels of morbidity or mortality, but that may not always be the case. With a potential return to normal in sight, why is wearing a mask indoors for another 6 months such a big deal?
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4 years ago
avatar for shailynn
They never tell you what you need to know.
2021 Predictions / Observations - Let Er Rip
The viral spike proteins produced by the vaccine trigger the X-gene and 20% of the population develop mutant superpowers. Google goes into consumer sales. Amazon responds by unleashing advanced AI leading to the Drone Wars. The Detroit Lions win the Super Bowl. Naah, the last one is too far fetched.
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4 years ago
avatar for skibum609
Words that lost their meaning in 2020
Gender - used to be a genetic fact, now it is a whim. Smiles - Thanks to covid masks, it is now something done with her eyes. Delusional - Now just a different point of view. Thanks to the internet, if you believe, say, pigeon poop is a cancer cure, you can find like minded individuals. Landslide - 2016 landslide is a 2020 too close to call.
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4 years ago
avatar for Longball300
I'll sleep when I'm Dead...😈
We can all breathe a sigh of relief now.....
"These high visibility politicians should get the vaccine first to show the population it's safe to get" We currently don't have enough doses to inoculate direct contact health care workers. We are no where near the point where we need to stimulate public demand. For healthy 40 something politicians to get first dibs is wrong in my opinion. Besides, if you want to inspire trust in the population, forget politicians, have a live TV show where Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Beyonce, & Billie Eilish get the jab. Let's face it, to the public, one Oprah would be worth a hundred Marco Rubios.
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4 years ago
avatar for Longball300
I'll sleep when I'm Dead...😈
We can all breathe a sigh of relief now.....
We are at the point where demand far out-cedes supply. Front line medical residents at Stanford demonstrated because they were excluded in the first round. There is currently not enough for all health care professionals, let only assisted living residents and at risk populations. Any politician, regardless of party, that gets inoculated when middle aged and healthy under the pretense of "Hey, look it's safe" needs to be voted out of office at the soonest opportunity. I hope their cowardice is revisited in 2022 & 2024.
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4 years ago
avatar for bang69
North Carolina
Would you consider this a form of legal prostitution
"A league form of prostitution" How do I go about signing up for this league? Since Covid, I have limited to fantasy leagues only. They have definitely found a loophole. Paying for transactional sex acts is illegal. Paying an allowance to a woman half your age to regularly have sex with you is just about every rich old man ever. Don't really see the difference paying by the month vs paying by the hour, but they can't prosecute every guy that gives his girlfriend an allowance.
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4 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Do you intend to get a COVID vaccine?
I also agree with JamesSD and Gammanu95. The the analysis of the AZ/Oxford was based on only 5,800 non-placebo participants in their phase 3. Showed 62% efficacy except for the 1,300 participants that accidentally got 1/2 strength in the initial dose. Nothing in those last two sentences should instill confidence.
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4 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Do you intend to get a COVID vaccine?
The Pfizer phase 3 trial was on 22k subjects. Safety and efficacy was extrapolated from that data. Guillain-Barre Syndrome occurs approximately 2 per million in the annual flu vaccine. A serious adverse reaction occurring 1 per 250k, 1 per 100k, or even 1 per 50k might not have manifested in a 22k sample. Most serious adverse reaction to vaccines historically present within 6 weeks. I'm okay waiting my turn since I am not in any high risk category. With a larger pool of data Spring 2021, I will likely take it. Currently, CDC is not advising convalescent patients on the vaccine because there is no data. Likewise for pregnant women. Finally, this is a very individual decision, so I don't get the people who are down-voting responses whether one choses to be first in line or wait a bit.
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4 years ago
avatar for Dave_Anderson
President Trump's historic Presidency
Hey Dave, Your thesis is very well written and will certainly appeal to his vanity, but if you really need a Presidential Pardon that badly, you should probably publish it in a more publicly visible forum. I mean, you've really only got like 30 days at this point.
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4 years ago
avatar for joker44
In the wind
Time Person of the Year 2020
Trump won Time Person of the Year. He got way more legal votes from the Time editors. A barge arriving after midnight had all the illegal Biden votes. Trump is going to the SCOTUS to stop the publication and distribution of the magazine. It is not over. Trump is POTY. Sorry, Mark94. I couldn't stop myself.
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4 years ago
avatar for joker44
In the wind
Time Person of the Year 2020
The person of the year is a ticket. I rarely see or hear Biden that Harris isn't included. I don't recall any previous ticket were the VP got this kind of exposure, it's almost like they are foreshadowing something.
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4 years ago
avatar for misterorange
Kamala, you're FIRED!
MLB umpire Brian O'Nora caught in sex sting.
So glad to hear Youngstown has eliminated more serious crimes such as murder, rape, car theft, burglary, drunk driving, vandalism, loitering, and jaywalking. They are so crime free that can now spend their limited LE funds going after middle aged men for being horny.
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4 years ago
avatar for TheeOSU
Just another forgiving all inclusive demoncrat!
@ski re: 90/40 A. I'm jealous of any business that does enough cash to make that an option. B. You have far more confidence in the anonymity of the internet than I do if you're willing to put that in writing.
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4 years ago
avatar for shailynn
They never tell you what you need to know.
Names - Cool or Not
Anyone that goes by "Stephen A", the A stands for asshole.
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4 years ago
avatar for mark94
Presidential Update
When the president was questioned by Kristen Welker, an NBC News White House Correspondent, on whether he maintained confidence in Barr, he said: "Uh, ask me that in a number of weeks from now." Sooo, now even Bill Barr is on the RINO enemy list. At what point do MAGA fans scratch their heads and say this doesn't make sense. Everyone is Deep State except Trump and you (and we're not really sure about you.) What is the definition of paranoia?
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4 years ago
avatar for nicespice
Who would you rather?
I have two ex-wives. I'll take the one without a gun.
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4 years ago
avatar for Studme53
Dancers married to cops
@Serenity, you should definitely write an article or three. Seems like you have some interesting stories to tell.
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4 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Satan's Female Sex Slaves , Story of O and Maria de Naglowska
My fear is it will be some kind of Beetlejuice shit where after you bump 3 of his old threads he reappears. Shutter at the thought.
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4 years ago
avatar for gammanu95
Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
OT: 'tis the season
Pineapple belongs on a pizza about as much as pepperoni belongs in a pina colada. I don't what kind of twisted mind first thought that one up, but I'm guessing it was on a dare by a stoned teenager working at a Pizza Hut at 2 A.M..