Trump/Pence will overrule the Electoral college on Jan 6

avatar for bdirect

i think it will happen


last comment
avatar for wallanon
4 yrs ago

Trying and succeeding are very different things. By all means speculate, because why not? But do us all the courtesy of sharing your thought process along with the prediction.

avatar for sclvr5005
4 yrs ago

lol never in a billion years. But you knew that already.

avatar for shailynn
4 yrs ago

What a shit show this could turn in to. Well after 2020 nothing would surprise me, only if they both conceded and gave the presidency to Juice and Mamisan.

avatar for Cashman1234
4 yrs ago

It sounds crazy. But anything is possible with Trump. His call to get more Ga votes shows he’s desperate.

I don’t think it will help the country.

avatar for CJKent_band
4 yrs ago

“They’re not going to take this White House.

We’re going to fight like hell, I’ll tell you right now.”

~ Con-Artist-in-Chief Donald Trump ~ Jan. 4, 2021 ~ Dalton, Ga. ~ Campaign Rally for two Senate runoffs

avatar for bdirect
4 yrs ago

the topic is really from a Election Odds gambling site, you can bet on it around the world. “The numbers show that this election may have well been one of the single most bet on events in history,” the US Election is bigger than betting on the superbowl

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 yrs ago

This is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

There is zero chance this goes anywhere. America has been watching Trump bluster for 5 years full of shit. If you’re a New Yorker, you’ve been watching him bluster for 40 years full of shit. He’ll continue to do so 2 weeks from now, but at least his Twitter account won’t have live ammo and we can go back to laughing at him.

avatar for bdirect
4 yrs ago

You cannot bet legally on political races in the United States, but in Britain and elsewhere there is a thriving market as bettors look to make money on whether Candidate A or Candidate B wins a big race.

avatar for bdirect
4 yrs ago

the president is most powerful man on earth, i would not bet against the President, that is why he is called the President

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

The President is stark raving nuts, and should be in a padded room like anyone else who was behaving this way would be.

avatar for datinman
4 yrs ago

In 2000, Gore lost Florida by 537 votes. There were legitimate discussions about what to do with the so called dangling chad ballots that would have changed the outcome. This was settled by the courts.

Imagine for a moment if Gore was recorded on tape in 2000 with the Florida Secretary of State saying:

"The people of Florida are angry, the people of the country are angry. And there's nothing wrong with saying that, you know, um, that you've recalculated." "So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 538 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state." "All I want to do is this: I just want to find 538 votes, which is one more than we have... Fellas, I need 600 votes, give me a break."

Gore would have been a political pariah. Probably been jailed. Now 20 years later, it is just Shrug? I can only hope my Republican Party recovers their core values quickly once Trumpism ends Jan. 20th.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 yrs ago

B - you wouldn’t bet against him. Would you bet on him? I’ll cover 100 bucks. Biden is president on Inauguration Day.

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

Six months from now Trump will be using those funds he raised to start a new company dealing in Port-A-Potties, his Schlick will be piss on Trumps not in them LOL

avatar for bdirect
4 yrs ago

JimmyMcNulty thanks for the friendly wager, but i am not a gambling man

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

The President may be mad, but unlike the Left wing of the Democratic party he is an American and they are filthy foreign scum. Biden is President and no one except for rabid Trump supporters and the useless vermin on the left is even listening any longer.

avatar for Tetradon
4 yrs ago

This will go absolutely nowhere. Trump is done, he's just keeping his brand as a "fighter."

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Fighter or whiny bitch poor sport? I choose the later.

avatar for Tetradon
4 yrs ago

@skibum609, hence the quotes. His supporters see it as fighting, even when it's a stupid lost cause that would do tremendous harm.

avatar for misterorange
4 yrs ago

"watching Trump bluster for 5 years full of shit" "The President is stark raving nuts, and should be in a padded room" "hope my Republican Party recovers their core values" "it's a stupid lost cause that would do tremendous harm"

Interesting how the mainstream media and people who can't see past the tip of their nose ONLY blame Trump for the weirdness going on throughout this election cycle, but there are two sides to an equation. Why is it these people find it so easy to ignore all the lies, corruption and illegal activity conducted by the Democrats since the day Trump won the nomination, but they laugh at him for fighting against those who have undermined every principle America was built upon?

If your an anti-Trump person, then I get it that you don't care what corrupt tactics were used to get him out of office. I agree that there is almost no chance he will be successful with his ongoing efforts, but if you can't see that his unwillingness to surrender is simply a reaction to the fraud perpetrated against this country then you're a fool.

Politicians who pulled off the scam of the century MUST keep up with the lies to ensure their "victory" remains in place. Everyday people posting anonymously on a website will not jeopardize the Biden Presidency by admitting the election was stolen. So they're either so deeply committed to fraudulent behavior they refuse to speak the truth, or they're just so stupid they actually believe there was nothing illegal or immoral about the way this election played out.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 yrs ago

If you have proof of the fraud you should go talk to the Lt. Gov. of Texas. He has a $1 million bounty waiting for you. Also, please let Rudy know he doesn’t have to keep going to court with horseshit cases and zero evidence. Trump wins!

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 yrs ago

That is true,Scrub, however, all 3 of the democratic challengers conceded. Except for maybe Gore, until the Supreme Court ruled. The objections were for show. I’m completely chill on the subject because I’m 100% positive that it will be over in two weeks when Biden is inaugurated. Nothing can stop that train from coming down the track.

Until then, it’s fun to watch Trump tweet so he can keep fundraising.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 yrs ago

Big difference between Abrams and Trump. She wasn’t in office so her concession wasn’t an abdication of power. Trump not conceding is him refusing to cede power. Plus, he is commander in chief of the military. Not even close to equivalent to a private citizen in GA refusing to concede. Honestly, I’m kinda hoping he refuses to leave the White House. It’d be pretty funny in a very awful way to watch him get evicted and all his furniture put out on the street.

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

The simple fact is that the democrats cheated and the Republicans have just as much proof as the Democrats have when they lie about voter suppression and structural racism. None of these three things are proven at all and all can be called what they are: lies.

avatar for misterorange
4 yrs ago

The genius of the modern-day Democrat party is divisiveness which (to an extent) was always present, but multiplied several times over by the Obama administration. One example: Do you really think him "bowing" to the Saudi king was inadvertent? It was perfectly executed, probably rehearsed in advance, so that it would be noticed, and then an argument could be made on both sides regarding whether he did or didn't "technically" bow to the king. If you already didn't like Obama, after that you fucking hated him. And that gave his supporters reason to hate the other side, for accusing him of such an atrocity.

Trump was probably the only guy who truly understood the tactics being used by Democrats and he used the "new rules" to his advantage. Example: Remember the John McCain comment, "He's a hero because he was captured?" It worked for him and he beat the Democrats at their own game. But they invented the fucking game, and they couldn't have that - so they turned to cheating. FAKE dossier, FAKE impeachment, FAKE Russian collusion. Nothing was off limits. And the icing on the cake, the true genius of their efforts, was to get enough people to hate Trump, and hate him so completely, that they believed they were fighting Trump while not even realizing they were fighting the patriotism that used to unite Americans. Without that level of divisiveness, they never could have pulled off the FRAUD we are now calling an "election."

I can't say for sure whether the degree of cheating made a difference in the final outcome, shit, maybe Biden would have won anyway. But it happened (a lot) and it caused the results to be in question, not just by me, but by over 70 million of your fellow Americans. Now you accuse Trump of being the one to cast doubt on our electoral process? Why? Because he and all his supporters got screwed? If you Democrats were so sure everything was on the up-and-up, you'd want your opposition to not only acknowledge it, but truly believe it in their hearts, for the well-being of the country and the future of our political system. But you don't care about that. You're more like the victor in a long and bloody war. You don't give a shit what the other side thinks since they don't have a choice in the matter.

Way to go. What a great way to support the true spirit of America. Congratulations on your so-called "win."

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

^ The major flaw in your rant above is that Trump was a pretty much despised liar long before he ever decided to run as a Republican, truth is that most of NYC and the Boroughs are Democrats so he never could have gotten the nomination if he had tried with the people that know him longest and have gotten conned by his machinations the worst, now after 4 years the rest of the country is waking up to his lies, and I predict six months to a year after the inauguration of Joe Biden the Republican Party will be pretending he never existed, and most will be trampling over each other to get away from Trump, and the remains of his failed legacy.

avatar for SanchoRG
4 yrs ago


avatar for misterorange
4 yrs ago

Nice theory 25. Stick with it, and I hope your comrades do also. Trump's been playing the Democrats' game his whole life to get where he is, then he tried to blow it up. It's not over you fucking moron.

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

Some people are really triggered easily I guess if you realize you’ve been conned it starts to sting

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

The Democrats sole purpose in allowing in criminal foreign garbage illegally is the hope they will regain control allowing these welfare leeches and thugs to become citizens. They created gerrymandering and because they suck at doing anything well get mad when others do it better than them. If you want to see how a 100% Democrat controlled state is run, just look at California murdering its citizens.

avatar for ATACdawg
4 yrs ago

If Trump has any brains at all, he will be winging his way to Costa Rica on the 20th - the U.S. doesn't have an extradition treaty with Costa Rica. Too bad.😒

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 yrs ago

Trump lies. It really shouldn’t be up for debate at this point. The only reason 70 million people doubt that the election was fair is because they believe Trump’s lies. There has been ZERO evidence of fraud. Even OANN, Newsmax and Fox had to back down on the lies about Dominion and Smartmatic because they were going to get sued. Trump lied again today when he said Pence could overrule the electoral college. Think how silly that sounds. The presidential election can be decided by the VP and ignore the states? This lie brought to you by the party of states’ rights.

Can we at least agree that if Trump has any evidence at all of fraud it will be presented tomorrow? There’s no reason to hold it back. If he comes up with zilch, can we move on from this lie that the election was stolen?

Trump is in this for himself. Always has been. And his latest campaign of “rigged elections” just handed the senate to the democrats. As a moderate, that scares me.

avatar for ATACdawg
4 yrs ago

And I'm still deciding how to change my banner headline....

avatar for minnow
4 yrs ago

JM- Really?? Has the race even been called ? Looking like the old man (R) and the preacher (D) are holding slim leads. Dems must win both runoff slots to gain control of Senate.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 yrs ago

Race hasn’t been called by anyone but me. Loeffler is behind by 30k. Perdue is up by 1200. 130k votes left to count mostly from Atlanta area so I’m guessing Loeffler is definitely done. Perdue has a chance but I think we’ll wake up tomorrow with a 50/50 senate.

avatar for misterorange
4 yrs ago

Fuck you JimmyMcNulty. In a way I hope the Dems win and get everything they ever wished for. Good luck with that. You're so far over the cliff there's no coming back.

avatar for NinaBambina
4 yrs ago

My guess right now is that there's a likely chance Schumer gets a promotion after tonight...

avatar for misterorange
4 yrs ago

^^ Nina, Maybe Chuck wants to personally come and take my freedom away. That would be fun.

avatar for NinaBambina
4 yrs ago

Don't blame me, that's just my guess.

avatar for misterorange
4 yrs ago

I'm not blaming you, just sayin'... Lol

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 yrs ago

What did I say to get an eff you? I was guessing at the results just like Nina, only my tits aren’t as nice as hers. And I’m a republican. I just believe trump is awful for the country.

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

^ the eff you was by a triggered turd that in previous posts, had admitted he’s stopped being friends with and patronizing businesses that he knows have different political views than his own,
Nothing to see here he called me a fucking moron a few posts earlier on this thread, he is la real loser.

avatar for mark94
4 yrs ago

Vice president Pence has the constitutional power to reject any State’s electors and require that State’s legislature review whether they should be certified. Does he have the balls to do this ? We’ll know in a few hours.

avatar for bdirect
4 yrs ago

mark94 i think it is game on, he got a bag full of balls, and a backbone to call the shots

avatar for gammanu95
4 yrs ago

If it could have been, the democrats would have already done it in 2000 and 2016.

Pence is too pragmatic to take such an unconventional, divisive, and explosive step. He also his own future aspirations.

The objectors are doing the right thing, but this can only be resolved at a state and federal legislative level. To exercise executive power to change the results of an election would be catastrophic.

Trump can try to discredit the Democratic system evem more than he already has but he'll keep failing

avatar for bdirect
4 yrs ago

like they say, Get ready to Rumble

avatar for datinman
4 yrs ago

"Vice president has the constitutional power to reject any State’s electors "

Thank God that's not true. Otherwise, we could have been stuck with President Hillary the past 4 years. She won the popular vote and remember bogus Russian interference claims? Vacating an election for unsubstantiated fraud allegations is a double edged sword for sure.

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Once the Democrats started importing foreigners democracy ended. My goal is to prevent my life from changing for as long as possible. If it means damaging the future for Democrats, so much the better, as they are the enemy. You are 100% wrong Mark. Pence has no power at all to change a damn thing.

avatar for bdirect
4 yrs ago

wow, lots of drama today, pence allowed the protest of the arizona votes, then Pence left the building, the debate has been delayed, they are removing the protestors out of the capital building,

avatar for wallanon
4 yrs ago

"take a chill pill, enjoy politics, make sure you watch more TV news and click more stories (that is what funds the machine!!)"

Well, that happened. Thing about it is a lot of the people who decided they wanted to storm the Capitol today as rioters with no serious plan of overthrowing the government (after this known as fucking idiots) were probably sitting around last year talking about how savage the riots were over social issues. They were much better than those other people behaving badly. What about now? Protests whatever. Riots no thanks. What was the point?

avatar for Uprightcitizen
4 yrs ago

Crazy is as crazy does. This legacy is going down in a flaming wreck

avatar for bdirect
4 yrs ago

fuck you wall, your a cocksucker troll on this board, your a piece of shit

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

^ Do you feel any different now that a Capitol Police officer is among the dead, blood is on the hands of all those involved the congresspersons the senators Trump, Both of the sons, Guliani and all of the rest of those Orwellian perpetrators of the big lie, as well as their Quislings Traitorous bastards

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

No proof that the cop didn't fall down the stairs and the simple fact is that those who supported the burning of federal courthouses, the occupation of cities and the burning of police stations when Democrats were doing but whine like bitches now are just fucking pathetic. Wah, I support black people killing cops, but .....The only fucking traitors to this former great land are the scum called liberals/progressives/ democrats. Go back to fucking hiding in fear.

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

^ If he fell down the stairs during a riot as a lawyer you know that the rioters are just as guilty as if they pushed him that’s long established law, just like if a robber dies in the commission of a robbery his accomplice will be charged not the policeman who fired the gun

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Thats not established law at all and you are comparing people entering into a joint venture with a mob. Under your theory everyone who supports BLM is guilty every time someone is killed, burned out, assaulted or injured at one of their riots/looting/burning events in support of criminals. Wrong again. I guess people who focus on money as equating with happiness, really understand nothing else either.

avatar for sclvr5005
4 yrs ago

@twentyfive- don't waste your time trying to reason with a bitter angry old man. Don't you realize that he's right all the time and the democrats are the reason for every bit of evil in the world? It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Lmao scl proving day after day why it sucks to be a young "man". Fuck off little girl I have poker and skiing this weekend, even though I am betting Kenilworth and smoking weed right now. Go make fries.

avatar for sclvr5005
4 yrs ago

^lmao proving once again what a joke you really are.

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

I just make little monkeys dance like an organ grinder. Dance little monkey; wear your cute cap and dance to my tune. ^

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

I’ve said many times that at BLM events if someone gets killed many of the participants can be liable, I don’t suppose you think that rioting is rioting no matter whom I’m opposed to both, but the stupid is believing the big lie( (Trump win the election is nothing more than a big lie) that’s the same whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican, a Conservative or a liberal, putting words in my mouth or trying to spin what I said doesn’t make you right it just makes you argumentative, although I guess it’s common for lawyers to like to argue, unlike businessmen like myself we find common ground to collaborate on. BTW that’s really ridiculous thinking that I equate happiness with money, I

avatar for sclvr5005
4 yrs ago

Your ass must be pretty jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth.

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

We used to use that as an insult too scl ....when we were 10. Amazing that ?young men" have the same intellect and maturity as us old folks did when we were 10. You fuckers are doomed, hence your anger at those who lived well and continue to do so. 25 I am sorry once again to point out why you're wrong: I have said since the beginning Trump lost. The fact you cannot understand it is on you. I have also said that rioting is rioting, but when the animals on the left do it its called protesting bye the filthy media and insurrection when righties do it. that too is on you, since they're your sources and co-believers. You can go after my profession impotently as you have before and you made the comment yesterday that my life was almost as good as yours, when in fact the only area in which your life could possibly be better than mine is money. As far as lawyers arguing and business people collaborating? Lmao. How fucked up is that. Criminal law and Constitutional law are each one semester in law school. Business law is 2 because battles between businesses are what clog up the courts. Business people as clients are just as inane and childish as parents in a custody fight. I wil shatre with you one thing I have learned about people: The more people hate a lawyer; the worse the human being. When people bash my profession I take succor in the fact that the worst human being is attacking me. Thanks for making me smile. We'll get that filthy lucre, the money, the geeters, no slippery guy named slip is ever gonna cheat us - Shemp howard and Larry Fine.

avatar for sclvr5005
4 yrs ago

Keep dreaming, Karen.

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Lol. Ok Buster. How dem fries coming along?

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

There was no lawyer hate, I was merely pointing out the difference between your training and mine, I actually count several attorneys among my close friends, Sure battles between businesses clog up the courts, most of that is attributed to attorneys arguing mostly useless points of law, but look on the bright side if businesses like our current White House occupants didn’t engage in pointless litigation it wouldn’t be very long before all of the members of the bar would be applying for welfare and food stamps. I’ve often said that the Congress and Senate were a lobbyist for the ABA

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Yeah to a progressive its always someone else's fault. All clients are fair and reasonable...its the lawyers who make them fight. How fucked up. I count zero lawyers among close friends. Pointless litigation lol, like Benjamin Crump. Got ya. Bitter, ignorant people who always fight over everything always blame the lawyer. Guess what dumb ass you come lookin g for us because you are too chickenshit and incompetent to fight your own battles. You embarrass yourself.

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

Calm down buddy you’re about to have a stroke, I m retired no need to look for lawyers anymore and believe me I’m not chickenshit but you know that also

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Stroke lol. I give people strokes. my average bp is 117/73 with a resting heart rate of 60 and no meds. Since I lost so much weight every physical ailment I ever had disappeared.

avatar for sclvr5005
4 yrs ago

Whatever you say, Karen.

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Do you really think some silly little progressive internet insult like "Karen" makes me think of anything other than you're a simpering little girl with tears rolling down your puffy cheeks as you sob into your screen? I had the mom of one of the kids a client of mine drunkenly ran down and killed spit in my face and call me a child killer after he was acquitted and I enjoyed beers and Club Desire afterwards, so calling me karen and expecting it to do anything other than make me look down on you is silly.

avatar for sclvr5005
4 yrs ago

Whatever you say, Karen. It's so easy to get you spun up and frothing at the mouth, lol. Keep it up for our amusement!!

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Pretending you make those who laugh at you mad is fine by me little girl. Who is "our" by the way? You and your parents?

avatar for sclvr5005
4 yrs ago

Whatever you say, Karen. Lolololololol. Too easy.

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago


avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Wow scl you have been here 10 years and posted 2 fucking reviews? Lmao you truly are a useless nothing bitch. 2 reviews in 10 years lol. Some strip clubber. What a fag.

avatar for sclvr5005
4 yrs ago


avatar for sclvr5005
4 yrs ago

Keep going, old woman. Great entertainment!

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Very original lol. 2 reviews. You're a nothing.

avatar for sclvr5005
4 yrs ago

Whatever you say, Karen.

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago


avatar for bdirect
4 yrs ago

ski, congrats on getting fit, but on the serious note, it was a crying shame to see the republicans pussy out

avatar for ATACdawg
4 yrs ago

What we had here was a group of people, from the VP through the Congressional leadership and others who actually read and (gasp) understood our Constitution and would no go against it. Better late than never.

avatar for wallanon
4 yrs ago

"fuck you wall, your a cocksucker troll on this board, your a piece of shit"

Actually I'm taking a shit. Strange coincidence lol, but otherwise I wouldn't have anything to say about this.

avatar for bdirect
4 yrs ago

adam shit, crazy nancy, and the jew chuck are afraid of trump, he still has 9 days left

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

So did Mike Pence overrule the electoralgood call on your original statement OP looks like you have a solid future as a t v weatherman they too are wrong mostly

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

And the "Jew Chuck"? Fuck you douche; piece of shit.

avatar for wallanon
4 yrs ago

And this is why it helps to stay on topic on a titty bar forum. Someone gets offended by a throwaway comment two steps removed from being relevant to tits and ass.

avatar for bdirect
4 yrs ago

25- i thought pence had the backbone and bag full of balls to overturn the votes, but he didnt and betrayed our country

avatar for bdirect
4 yrs ago

25= pence made the wrong call, but i did make the right call that Ohio State would beat Clemson, so go i will stick with Ohio State against Alabama tonite

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

^ Picking football is easier than picking politicians 😁

avatar for sclvr5005
4 yrs ago

Pence couldn't have changed anything even if he wanted to. It's incredible that people contribute to spew this incorrect information.

"In writing the rules for tallying the votes, Congress intentionally minimized the vice president’s power because of conflict-of-interest concerns. Pence cannot just call the shots or “do what Trump seems to be asking".

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

^ never let facts stand in the way of a good storyline 😁

avatar for sclvr5005
4 yrs ago

^Lol that describes the entire ReTrumplican party!

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 yrs ago

@b “I thought pence had the backbone and bag full of balls to overturn the votes, but he didnt and betrayed our country”

You’ve watched Pence follow Trump around for 4+ years like a puppy dog, saying and doing whatever Trump wants. Remember the video of Pence picking up and drinking from his water bottle only when Trump did? All of Pence’s loving talk about Trump’s broad shoulders?

Why is your immediate reaction that Pence must’ve wussed out and betrayed the country? This is not in character for Pence at all ... unless Pence didn’t have the constitutional power to reject the votes. You know, that maybe 150 million votes are more than just a suggestion to the VP of whom to pick to be president.

Trump lied to you about how voting works. Maybe all that hugging and wrapping himself in the flag was just part of The Trump Show and he didn’t really mean it.

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Retrumplican? What a pathetic douche. Gubmint cheeze is the culprit.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 yrs ago

It’s pretty much a foregone conclusion that Trump will be impeached tomorrow. It’ll happen unless Pence pursues action under the 25th amendment which is doubtful.

How many republicans will vote to impeach? It won’t be zero. I’ll take a stab and put the over/under at a touchdown. 7 republicans vote to impeach.

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Why would pence carry water for the Democrats? Kind of funny that the House, pandering to their useless base, will send a months long trial to the Senate and fuck over Biden's plans. I bet the over.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 yrs ago

NYTimes is reporting that Mitch McConnell believes Trump committed impeachable offenses and is please the House is impeaching him as it will make it much easier to purge Trump from the Republican Party. They are saying up to a dozen republicans in the house will vote to impeach.

avatar for Musterd21
4 yrs ago

It will be interesting to see if they ever find election fraud!

I am against fraud on either side of the isle!

avatar for 48-Cowboy
4 yrs ago

^ Why does pictures of Joe Biden keep showing up on youtube where he is wearing hand cuffs?

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

^ that's a hallucination caused by eating too many beans

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