We can all breathe a sigh of relief now.....

avatar for Longball300


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avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago
I'd make a comment. But someone might think I"m racist or sexist or non-progressive or uncooperative or something else . So I'll keep quiet. And let's try to keep Joe alive for 4 years.
avatar for Longball300
4 years ago
Well Trump must have told her NOT to take it so that means she decided it was OK TO take it...
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
Is this going to be a political thread? if so I give you Marco Rubio the senator who jumped the line.
avatar for Longball300
4 years ago
Just a public service announcement so more peeps will feel comfortable getting the vaccine.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
She prefers hot beef injections - not cold needles!

Sorry - I couldn’t help myself!
avatar for datinman
4 years ago
We are at the point where demand far out-cedes supply. Front line medical residents at Stanford demonstrated because they were excluded in the first round. There is currently not enough for all health care professionals, let only assisted living residents and at risk populations. Any politician, regardless of party, that gets inoculated when middle aged and healthy under the pretense of "Hey, look it's safe" needs to be voted out of office at the soonest opportunity. I hope their cowardice is revisited in 2022 & 2024.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Of course Kamala Harris and other politicians will come first. One would have to be an abject moron to think any of them give a shit about anyone other than themselves, especially those who bleat the loudest.
avatar for TheElmerFudd
4 years ago
continuity of government plan. one can disagree with that on moral grounds i suppose. but practically speaking, it seems silly to argue that the importance of the life of a high government official (e.g. the president) is the same as that of an average citizen
but standard government procedures aside, yes there is of course politics involved. e.g. both pence and harris are not in phase 1 but both got the vaccine...on national tv
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
We must protect our precious elites.

I believe there are two types of politicians getting the vaccine: those who believe their preeminent importance entitles them to jump the line, and those who feel it is a civic duty to demonstrate the ease, but secretly receive saline instead of vaccines because they know it is not proven to be safe or effective yet.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
4 years ago
These high visibility politicians should get the vaccine first to show the population it's safe to get.

On some level we must all understand that. Those that pretend not to just want to be pissed.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
Unless I can track the injection from manufacturer to muscle, I don't trust that some pols are just getting a saline shot.
avatar for datinman
4 years ago
"These high visibility politicians should get the vaccine first to show the population it's safe to get"

We currently don't have enough doses to inoculate direct contact health care workers. We are no where near the point where we need to stimulate public demand. For healthy 40 something politicians to get first dibs is wrong in my opinion.

Besides, if you want to inspire trust in the population, forget politicians, have a live TV show where Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Beyonce, & Billie Eilish get the jab. Let's face it, to the public, one Oprah would be worth a hundred Marco Rubios.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
Justin would be right, but the same folks who are crying foul wrt Pols getting iy would bitch about celebs jumping the line. It was just a few months ago that celebs were accused of buying access to the COVID testing when those were in short supply.

What Lone_Wolf said, some people just want to be pissed.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Why would anyone with even half a brain do anything because a celebrity or politician said it was the right thing to do?
avatar for misterorange
4 years ago
^^ ski
The problem is that a majority of Americans don't have half a brain.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
The problem is that skibum doesn't have half a brain.
avatar for Huntsman
4 years ago
Unfortunately, the powerful are just doing what the powerful always do. They’ll help themselves first.

And I don’t buy the idea that they are setting an example for a reluctant general public. As Justin said, there is not enough vaccine to meet demand right now and no need to convince more medical workers and long term care residents to take it. If that were the real concern, it would be a stronger message if the ruling class got the vaccination when there was plenty to go around and it was their turn.
avatar for mike710
4 years ago
I don't know if this is happening with primary care givers but, as someone who works in medical facilities, I am required to get vaccines if I want to work at most medical facilities. I suppose I could fight it but that would be more hassle than it's worth to me. Because this is in initial roll-out, I'm not required to have the vaccination yet but I'm sure that day will come sometime next year.
avatar for lotsoffun201
4 years ago
And from someone who specifically said she wouldn’t take it because it was developed under Trumps presidency
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
The libs denouncing any vaccine developed under Trump was sheer lunacy. Them now jumping line on the same vaccine is typical hypocrisy. I have little hope for the future of this nation.
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