1. What will be the next big thing to go out of business? Macys? something like Cheesecake Factory? Don't count JC Penney or Sears which have been on borrowed time for the last decade.
2. I traveled to a large metro area the other day and actually went into a mall because I needed to buy something in there. Man that was eerie. I can see why they're going to all go out of business.
3. I traveled past a casino in Pennsylvania and it has been "Temporarily Closed" I didn't know that, and I didn't know when it closed because last time I checked (early November) it was open.
4. Since the pandemic began, I have not flown or stayed in a hotel. I can't tell you the last time in my life that I have gone that long without doing either.
5. A lot of us ordered more online for the holiday season. As of today, I still don't have 3 packages I ordered, and the latest of those 3 orders placed was December 7, the closest one was shipped less than 150 miles from my doorstep.
6. One thing I don't miss at all, STRIPPER DUST (aka) STRIPPER GLITTER
I was hearing malls may go the way of completely out of business and possibly become warehouses like for Amazon. The one closest to me in AZ is now part of the community college campus I believe (it's a huge community college with at least 20,000 students and right next to it and this was planned before covid obviously). That doesn't really count since it was already under.
I think casinos in AZ are all open-with restrictions I'm sure.
If no spring training (with fans) our hotel and restaurants will be hit hard again-especially since it was canceled right after starting this year. Summertime business is so slow here anyway.
Glad I don't own a small business! Glad I'm not a higher up at a restaurant/hotel or working in the entertainment industry at all for that matter.
Wonder if/when minor league baseball will come back and if minor league hockey is gone for several years.
XFL (which was terrible last abbreviated season) now has the Rock I believe so they will be fine and it will actually probably be better. But Arena football league (which I haven't watched in probably 10 or more years so no loss for me) may crumble for good. I think they had financial difficulties anyway and missed a season due to a lockout/bankruptcy of some kind-and that was during good times!
I do miss the stripper glitter, well actually I dont. I just miss the strippers!
1. My only prediction is that several smaller independent businesses will go under.
2. I haven't been directly in a mall in years but I was in a Dunham's sporting goods store attached to a mall with it's own outside entrance about a month ago to buy a waterproof Carhartt hoody that I wanted and it was dead in there. It was my first time in a Dunham's in years, I used to be a regular customer around 15-20 years ago and they've never been busy so maybe I should add them to #1 above.
3. I don't do casinos but I was speaking with a friend who lives just this side of the Penn state line and he said he and his wife go to the casino around Youngstown to pass the time so they're still open.
4. I haven't flown since years but now that I think of it some airlines and also cruise lines might be added to post #1 above.
5. I placed 3 different orders with Home depot online in November and 2 arrived within a week, the other within 2 weeks.
6. I FUCKING HATE GLITTER so much that I started a thread about it here a few months ago.
I said it here several months ago, I hope I'm wrong but I don't think the virus is going away. Vaccine or no vaccine it's become a fact of life and we're going to have to live with it as well as live with the power grabs and control that the politicians will pull while they use the virus as an excuse/reason.
Excellent post thee osu. I forgot about cruises. Never been on one, never wanted to, especially nowadays.
One more I forgot about also. Movie theaters have to be hurting badly, but there aren't really any small ones in AZ (that I know of anyway). I think the large ones will be fine and probably have enough reserves that they will maintain even with limited capacity/attendance. Dont know though as they were one of the few businesses that would do well even in the summer months (and I'm sure did not this past summer as most were closed down!)
Here's another prediction, 99% of the time I, gammanu, skibum, papi if he was still posting, or another not left of center poster posts rumdummoron's silent alter ego little jonython99 will be along to give us a dislike because she's a genuine pussy.
Macys announced in Aug, I believe, they are closing 125 stores and cutting a fair amount of corporate jobs, locally Malls are just for high school students and fairly ghetto folks to hang out, they seem to move from every mall that closes and now one has a curfew of either 8 or 10 cause they keep fighting, last weekend dozens of fights brought out between teens, parents and grandparents and a Month or 2 ago it was "over a hundred" teens fighting in the mall
Minor league hockey has started up again, but the baseball team pre covid got evicted from the stadium here for lack of funding
Casinos are open with temperature checks, limited capacity, are giving away hundreds of dollars in free slot play, food, giveaways to try to get people back, won $250 this month without spending $1 (I don't gamble but I work close by so I take advantage of free money)
All strip clubs are open but seems like some have different rules to go by, in Lawerence all but 1 close by 10 but Paradise stays open til 2, Whispers seems to be not only the strip club open til 2 in the KS side of KC but only bar as the county requires bars to close at 10 and KCMO all clubs close by 11
Almost all AMP have been run out of town in KC, even legit ones are closing
1. As more and more buisnesses go under and flee places like California, I think your going to start to see a lot more cities filing for Chapter 9 Bankruptcy. They are just drowning in debt, in particular unfunded pension liabilities. Decades of unions having these politions in thier back pocket to get a bigger piece of whats in the pot, only now there's no more money in the pot for anybody. It's all fucked.
2. They just opened the new mall American Dream in Jersey right next to MetLife stadium where the Jets and Giants play. It took almost 2 decades to build, if they knew what the future of malls would be when they started building it, I'm not so sure they would've built the thing in the first place. It does look cool though, I save my judgement on it until I visit.
3. I don't do casinos, I can afford one vice not two.
4. I'm not complaining with hotels having more deals than usual. I still use them on the road.
5. I still go out to do shopping but some stuff you can only get online like a certain cologne, I'm not traveling around the world get it, Amazon.
6. The one thing about stripper glidder if I come home covered it, as annoying as it is, I probably had a good time.
Yeah, as mentioned, movie theaters and add to that concert venues, bands that don't record much but rely on touring like tribute bands. Exhibition halls that rent to car/boat shows and conventions. The IX center in Cleveland, among the largest exhibition buildings if not the largest in the world closed a couple months ago.
Amazon takes over everything. Every last company, large and small, is either bought by or driven out of business by Amazon. The only thing they don't take over is strip clubs. So everyone in the entire world is either a stripper or works for Amazon.
Casinos are open in Ct. It's no longer fun. One strip club open with dances. It's no longer fun. If commercial real estate, hadn't crashed Sears and Kmart would be gone already. I fly tomorrow, 5th time, it's safe and better in many ways. Golf was saved by covid-19. Worst year trying to get a tee time since 2002.
Here is a sign of the times - there are two new covid vaccine centers opening near me - one is an old KMart and the other is an old Sears store.
I think some retail was already on life support - and covid simply pulled the plug a bit quicker.
If you mix glitter and oatmeal - and some other crap - you can make food for Santa’s reindeer. That could make for a convenient excuse around the holidays when coming home with stripper glitter on you.
According to the experts, we will have flying cars, a new ice age is upon us and California will steal all the water from the Great Lakes. Oh wait, those were predictions from the 1970s.
As for 2021, the love child of Bigfoot and the late Michael Jackson will emerge on the music scene, the Detroit Lions will win the Super Bowl and my stock in Blockbuster video will finally pay off. I’m normally very shitty when it comes to predictions so I thought I would try these.
Movie multiplexes are history. Went to a huge 16 screen multiplex yesterday and saw the Tom Hanks movie “News of the World” (pretty good). We were the only two people in a theater that probably holds 200+ people. A handful of people in the lobby so not many customers seeing other movies. They can’t stay in business, especially since everyone getting into streaming movies.
And don’t read anything into this it’s just an observation - we went to mall near me and there were customers, but not very crowded for the week after Christmas. Here’s the unusual part - we were the only white people there. I don’t know why or what to read into it, but that was different than pre-Covid.
>2. I traveled to a large metro area the other day and actually went into a mall because I needed to buy something in there. Man that was eerie. I can see why they're going to all go out of business. >3. I traveled past a casino in Pennsylvania and it has been "Temporarily Closed" I didn't know that, and I didn't know when it closed because last time I checked (early November) it was open.
In Maryland there's a casino that shares the same shopping complex as a mall and that mall is mobbed. Not sure if that's the reason. Anyway, some mall's seem to still be doing really well.
Red states, like Texas and Florida, will fully recover. Blue states, like California and New York, will continue their lockdown theater. Hundreds of thousands of middle class workers will flee those states. Only the very rich and the very poor will remain. After that, the very rich will flee. Law enforcement will disappear. Anarchy will reign.
May not be such a crazy prediction. Lately a lot of long time losers have been winning championships. In baseball there's Washington, Houston, Cubs. In football there's KC and Philadelphia. In hockey Washington and St. Louis.
Yahtzee and Justin, I have a neighbor who’s friend’s barber knows someone from Michigan. Word has it that the wins and losses in the NFC north have been fraudulently altered. There are lawsuits in the que to right this wrong. When only the games that should be counted are actually counted, the Lions will be 5-0 and in sole possession of first place. So they’re in the playoffs and have a chance to win this year’s super bowl. The Google v Amazon drone wars will be the halftime entertainment. Joe Biden sings any of the words from the national anthem he can remember. Donald and Melania Trump will team up to sing “Lift Every Voice”.
1. Malls will start being converted to family fun centers or bought by Amazon for distribution hubs. 2. It will come out that the dems cheated on votes, no one will care bc people are sick of Trump, but there will be some backlash and discussion on rules and regs. 3. Strip clubs make a small comeback, people are tired of staying at home and only fans is bs. This will be a good year for dancers. 4. Airplane travel soon to require Covid vac papers. 5. Mahomes wins another SB. 6. SJG resurfaces on TUSCL.
The retail experience will change for the better. Who wants to sit in a mall all day with clothing shopping thier wife. If I was the owner of Dave and busters or any fusion bar and games franchise I would look to expand like crazy in 2021. They make a killing and people enjoy the experience of catching up with friends. People will always need to attend social gatherings
last commentI think casinos in AZ are all open-with restrictions I'm sure.
If no spring training (with fans) our hotel and restaurants will be hit hard again-especially since it was canceled right after starting this year. Summertime business is so slow here anyway.
Glad I don't own a small business! Glad I'm not a higher up at a restaurant/hotel or working in the entertainment industry at all for that matter.
Wonder if/when minor league baseball will come back and if minor league hockey is gone for several years.
XFL (which was terrible last abbreviated season) now has the Rock I believe so they will be fine and it will actually probably be better. But Arena football league (which I haven't watched in probably 10 or more years so no loss for me) may crumble for good. I think they had financial difficulties anyway and missed a season due to a lockout/bankruptcy of some kind-and that was during good times!
I do miss the stripper glitter, well actually I dont. I just miss the strippers!
2. I haven't been directly in a mall in years but I was in a Dunham's sporting goods store attached to a mall with it's own outside entrance about a month ago to buy a waterproof Carhartt hoody that I wanted and it was dead in there. It was my first time in a Dunham's in years, I used to be a regular customer around 15-20 years ago and they've never been busy so maybe I should add them to #1 above.
3. I don't do casinos but I was speaking with a friend who lives just this side of the Penn state line and he said he and his wife go to the casino around Youngstown to pass the time so they're still open.
4. I haven't flown since years but now that I think of it some airlines and also cruise lines might be added to post #1 above.
5. I placed 3 different orders with Home depot online in November and 2 arrived within a week, the other within 2 weeks.
6. I FUCKING HATE GLITTER so much that I started a thread about it here a few months ago.
I said it here several months ago, I hope I'm wrong but I don't think the virus is going away. Vaccine or no vaccine it's become a fact of life and we're going to have to live with it as well as live with the power grabs and control that the politicians will pull while they use the virus as an excuse/reason.
One more I forgot about also. Movie theaters have to be hurting badly, but there aren't really any small ones in AZ (that I know of anyway).
I think the large ones will be fine and probably have enough reserves that they will maintain even with limited capacity/attendance. Dont know though as they were one of the few businesses that would do well even in the summer months (and I'm sure did not this past summer as most were closed down!)
Minor league hockey has started up again, but the baseball team pre covid got evicted from the stadium here for lack of funding
Casinos are open with temperature checks, limited capacity, are giving away hundreds of dollars in free slot play, food, giveaways to try to get people back, won $250 this month without spending $1 (I don't gamble but I work close by so I take advantage of free money)
All strip clubs are open but seems like some have different rules to go by, in Lawerence all but 1 close by 10 but Paradise stays open til 2, Whispers seems to be not only the strip club open til 2 in the KS side of KC but only bar as the county requires bars to close at 10 and KCMO all clubs close by 11
Almost all AMP have been run out of town in KC, even legit ones are closing
2. They just opened the new mall American Dream in Jersey right next to MetLife stadium where the Jets and Giants play. It took almost 2 decades to build, if they knew what the future of malls would be when they started building it, I'm not so sure they would've built the thing in the first place. It does look cool though, I save my judgement on it until I visit.
3. I don't do casinos, I can afford one vice not two.
4. I'm not complaining with hotels having more deals than usual. I still use them on the road.
5. I still go out to do shopping but some stuff you can only get online like a certain cologne, I'm not traveling around the world get it, Amazon.
6. The one thing about stripper glidder if I come home covered it, as annoying as it is, I probably had a good time.
I was going to post that Amazon and Walmart take over the world and split everything equally
I think some retail was already on life support - and covid simply pulled the plug a bit quicker.
If you mix glitter and oatmeal - and some other crap - you can make food for Santa’s reindeer. That could make for a convenient excuse around the holidays when coming home with stripper glitter on you.
As for 2021, the love child of Bigfoot and the late Michael Jackson will emerge on the music scene, the Detroit Lions will win the Super Bowl and my stock in Blockbuster video will finally pay off. I’m normally very shitty when it comes to predictions so I thought I would try these.
>3. I traveled past a casino in Pennsylvania and it has been "Temporarily Closed" I didn't know that, and I didn't know when it closed because last time I checked (early November) it was open.
In Maryland there's a casino that shares the same shopping complex as a mall and that mall is mobbed. Not sure if that's the reason. Anyway, some mall's seem to still be doing really well.
May not be such a crazy prediction. Lately a lot of long time losers have been winning championships.
In baseball there's Washington, Houston, Cubs. In football there's KC and Philadelphia. In hockey Washington and St. Louis.
Google goes into consumer sales. Amazon responds by unleashing advanced AI leading to the Drone Wars.
The Detroit Lions win the Super Bowl.
Naah, the last one is too far fetched.
I don't know if I'm brave enough for that.
Better than last year? Please
2. It will come out that the dems cheated on votes, no one will care bc people are sick of Trump, but there will be some backlash and discussion on rules and regs.
3. Strip clubs make a small comeback, people are tired of staying at home and only fans is bs. This will be a good year for dancers.
4. Airplane travel soon to require Covid vac papers.
5. Mahomes wins another SB.
6. SJG resurfaces on TUSCL.