
OT: BOOBS from the past...

Avatar for Longball300
Longball300I'll sleep when I'm Dead...😈

OK, I am sick of all the political news so what better to take our minds off it; BOOBS of course. Link is for all the Playboy centerfolds from 1953 to 2008; click to enlarge:


Interesting to see the progression over the years. For me there is just something about the 1970's ladies I like best. Mostly large natural boobs with long hair... my favorite body belongs to Linda Beatty, August of 76:


Sorry Scrub; yes, I know a lot of them are dead, grandmothers and have bush but, history should be revered, not torn down.


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Avatar for rockie

Thanks for the trip down mammary lane! As I reflect on the mornings sensory overload - Dorothy Stratton was smokin' hot!

Avatar for Studme53

Ha ha - great stuff. I may have spent an inordinate amount of alone time looking at Marianne Gravette’s 1983 pictorial

Avatar for Studme53

I remember really attracted to Darren Daulton’s wife’s playboy pictorial. She was also a model for Hooters. Can’t recall her name. Late 80s early 90s

Avatar for datinman

How sad if BOOBS are now considered OT on a strip club board. Great link. Thanks.

Avatar for Studme53

Just googled it - Lynn Austin ‘86

Avatar for datinman

Interesting that 1953 -1954 showed topless and then for the next 6 years they mostly had to hide the nipples.

Avatar for Studme53

Yes, yes, strictly research.

Those are 2 great pictures Longball. I like them because they show the model from head to toe - sexy legs and feet/heels turn me on too, not just boobs. I remember being kind of frustrated Playboy pics would crop the pic, like, mid-thigh.

Avatar for Longball300

@ Studme53: Agree the full length pictures are the best.

Avatar for gSteph

Holy curves Batman, Marilyn Monroe was my birth month? How did i not know that?

Amazing nipples to start '54.

Thanks for on topic post.

Avatar for Warrior15

As you are oogling those 1950's photos, realize that those woman, if still alive, are in their 90's. Imagine how much those boobs are sagging now.

Avatar for gSteph

^ well, thank goodness for film then.

Avatar for Longball300

^ Geez Warrior, don't go all scrub on us.... let us have our childhood fantasies.

Avatar for ATACdawg

Nice post! I'm still working through them all.

Avatar for skibum609

Not all boobs sag, though most do. We have a 55 year old play friend we've known for 18 years who still has perfect DD's. Until you feel them its hard to believe they are real.

Avatar for skibum609

Stephen Tyler of Aerosmith fame fathered a child with a 1974 playmate, Bebe Buell. Liv Tyler was 9 when he found out.

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