MLB umpire Brian O'Nora caught in sex sting.

Kamala, you're FIRED!
O’Nora allegedly responded by phone to an online ad posted by authorities under the name “Kandi” and agreed to meet at a motel in Youngstown, Ohio. There, he was arrested. O’Nora faces charges of soliciting, which is a third-degree misdemeanor, and possessing criminal tools, a first-degree misdemeanor.
Criminal tools? What... his dick?
last commentYeah this made the local news either yesterday or the day before. He used his phone to contact the stingers to engage in his "criminal" act so they consider his phone a criminal tool. It's a common practice that LEA uses to pile on charges and confiscate private property.
This is such BS.
Leave this man alone FFS
Maybe in Ohio this is considered aa crime, but not in the America where I live. Fundamentalist Christians and Progressives are opposite sides of the same sick coin.
Our hard earned tax dollars at work....
I thought the criminal tool might have been a condom!
damn. umpires don't get baseball groupies. mascots and the guys who play the ballpark music probably get some.
So glad to hear Youngstown has eliminated more serious crimes such as murder, rape, car theft, burglary, drunk driving, vandalism, loitering, and jaywalking. They are so crime free that can now spend their limited LE funds going after middle aged men for being horny.
Just let us fuck whoever we want for however much money in peace and go buy some coffee with cream or something.
If they have time for that maybe we should defund the police.
Vice police have got new funding and traction in the fight against “human trafficking.”
This is just wrong. These umpires spend lots of time traveling and time in hotels. They don’t get the top shelf pussy that the players get for free. Let the guy get some!
Some free advice for this dude. Avoid whores named Kandi - as that just sounds like a name LE would make up for a decoy whore. Same goes for Sweetie, Bubbles, Honey and other variations on the spelling of those names.
When I first read the title - I scrambled the letters and I was thinking - Why does BLM need umpires?