
Dancers married to cops

Monday, December 7, 2020 1:01 PM
Just occurred to me while responding to another thread that 2 of my all time ATFs were married to cops. Is this a common thing ? BTW - both the ATFs were gorgeous blondes with really gym-fit bodies - and both their husbands were giant muscle heads. Maybe it was a gym connection?


  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    I knew one that was married to a deputy sheriff in the county adjacent to the one where she worked.
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    Sure do. I knew one married to a cop. She was a Hiliter dancer who got drunk on her shift and explained to me before going to VIP that she would take care of me and make sure there wasn’t any mess to clean up. Such a nice girl. I wonder why she moved back to Illinois and divorced?
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    I knew one. He was abusive and a dead beat dad.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    I knew a HiLiter dancer ( same one ? ) who was engaged to a cop from Prescott. She said all his cop buddies told him that marrying a stripper was a horrible idea.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    I saw a strange situation a while back. An obvious stripper ( tats, bolt ons) inside the doors of a Barnes and Noble talking on the phone with a cop sitting in his squad car parked outside the door. They were maybe 20 feet apart and could see each other as they talked. I’d like to know their story.
  • SerenitySinn
    4 years ago
    🤚 Prior L.E. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  • datinman
    4 years ago
    @Serenity, you should definitely write an article or three. Seems like you have some interesting stories to tell.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    Based on the OP’s post, it sounds as though the two dancers you know (who were married to cops), may have met at the gym. Maybe this is a coincidence related to your preferences in dancers? There are a number of muscle head cops here in Northeast NJ - and they usually want hard body hotties as their girlfriends. They can wear their tight spandex to the gym - or wear their tiny bikinis to the beach at the Jersey Shore - and the muscle heads go wild! There can be a lot of roid rage - so I don’t recommend staring at those hotties! I had a buddy with one of those high power speed boats - that he kept at the Jersey Shore - in Belmar. I went out on the water once with him. He had a horrible coke addiction. He loved coke - whores - and boats. We went out on his boat one night. There were a bunch of Jersey hotties aboard for the powder. The girls got naked when we got out on the water - and then one girl went into the cabin and guys started taking turns on her. Oddly enough - her boyfriend was there - and he was a muscle head state trooper. It was bizarre to say the least.
  • Studme53
    4 years ago
    Ha ha Cashman - no doubt - I love the hardbody fit dancers - they’re out there, to varying degrees. I’m always on the lookout and when I find one I have to indulge. I’m especially attracted to toned, muscled but slim legs - especially thin ankles with calve muscle in high heels. The stripper/dancer profession doesn’t necessarily attract healthy, disciplined women, but there are some pros who know their body is their money maker, take great care of it, and love to show it. They get off on guys drooling over them. I find the really fit dancers can have long careers and a large following of regulars. I venture to guess there’s more guys who are turned on by really fit dancers than those who aren’t. You speed boat Jersey story sounds typical. I knew a trooper from central Jersey who’s wife was a gym rat (although she wasn’t all that attractive) and they were swingers. Maybe the same couple.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    StudMe53 You make a good point. Dancers can age in dog years if they partake in the strip club lifestyle - with drugs, booze and late nights. It requires a discipline that many strippers lack, to maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle. However, discipline can pay dividends by prolonging a dancer’s earning career. Those dancers who avoid indulging, can retain a fit physique, and avoid aging as rapidly. I don’t think there is conclusive evidence that fucking and sucking lots of old perverts has an effect on premature aging.
  • rl27
    4 years ago
    It's not that uncommon, and occasionally you find law enforcement officers owning or managing a strip club, and a few even stripping. One club in Newark Ohio about 10 years made the local new. I can't recall exactly what, other than that the owner, a sheriff's deputy, was arrested in some sort of sting. Several clubs in Cleveland had an off duty police officer in the club as security. I found out later that one of my favorites years ago was married to a Ohio Highway Patrol officer, and worked as a guard at one of the prisons while she danced. Another was an ex-marine hand to hand combat instructor, currently a deputy sheriff at when she worked at the club. Both gave great dances, and both were quite fit. The funniest scene was after the muscle bound bouncer failed to control a drunk customer, the combat instructor basically bounced him out of the club herself extremely fast.
  • Book Guy
    4 years ago
    Also window-girls in Amsterdam. It's a common joke, that all the window-girls (prostitutes) are dating all the local street-cops.
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