avatar for datinman
Not in Kansas anymore

Comments by datinman (page 17)

discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for shailynn
They never tell you what you need to know.
NFL Quarterback Musical Chairs
Colin Kaepernick is never going to play in the NFL again, period. But I have an idea. The new super woke version of ESPN that keeps bringing up what an injustice this is should offer him a high dollar contract for NFL live. Problem solved. Oh wait, Is their concern over ratings greater than their desire for social justice? Is that any different from any of the NFL teams?
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for Dave_Anderson
Sheep vs goats: vaxxed far more likely to support pro-Ukraine hysteria
A Canadian poll confirms a widely suspected correlation between support for the current establishment promoted fad of supporting aggressive interventionism and anti-Russia "virtue signaling" over the Ukraine-Russia War and their dental hygiene status. In fact, according to the poll, the more remaining teeth one has the stronger one's support for interventionism in the conflict. While Canadians are traditionally more conformist than Americans, similar phenomena are likely in the US and other "western" countries. Don't be a sheep and fall for the Deep State DDS conspiracy and make sure you get your news from obscure internet message boards.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for ilbbaicnl
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
The Organization vs. The System
" you actually use valet parking? I do my best to avoid it" Probably for the best. I'm envisioning you spending two hours annoying the poor valet guy with the complete history of Chrysler lug nuts until he is forced to commit ritual Seppuku just to get away.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for dogchain
If you owned your own strip club what would you do different?
You know how Churrascaria restaurants have those coasters on the table that one side means you're ready for more meat and the other side means not right now? That for dancers. I often get bombarded in the first 2 minutes when I just want to have a drink and settle in for a bit.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for shailynn
They never tell you what you need to know.
NFL Quarterback Musical Chairs
Bad ownership groups create bad teams. Texans after the trade have a promising young qb in Davis Mills. They gained 3 #1's, 1 3rd round, and 2 4th round picks over the next 3 years. They save $24 million on the 2022 salary cap to use on free agents. and they will still fuck it up.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for Tetradon
I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
Commandments of the TUSCL Discussion Board
"I don't talk about "fun", and I have as such never said anyone is having "fun" the wrong way." You call people chumps for spending their money the way they see fit. If they feel they got their moneys worth, who are you to besmirch them? That is exactly telling them the are having fun wrong, but your condition prevents you from realizing that.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
I'm a fucking loser
California to make mentally ill homeless accept treatment
Deltacron is spreading! Gavin needs to shut down the public libraries to flatten the curve!
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for Dave_Anderson
The Deltacron variant is real and its here
"the Deltacron variant is real. ...For the first time in 2 years I am actually worried about this." So, does this mean you are going to vax up? Or listen to autistic silicon valley guy and sleep for a few months until the next variant? Or is there already a "cure" that the government won't let you have, like maybe a hog de-wormer suppository? I lost my Reynolds wrap fedora so I have been missing out on the most recent reports from the fringe.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
THE BASIC CLEAR HEEL: Looks translucent next to my ears. THE ANKLE BOOT: Chafes my ears. THE RHINESTONE HEEL: Looks shiny next to my ears. THE LIGHT UP HEEL: Backlights my face when next to my ears. THE KNEE/THIGH HIGH BOOT: Chafes my shoulders. Did I mention I like the legs on shoulders missionary position?
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for gothamyte
from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
what are some memorable stripper's 9-5 day jobs, you been told
"I have a degree and a technical degree too, I think Nicespice has a degree too…it’s not like far fetched….?" So, I could be working rick's The System(tm) in my white polyester three piece suit pretending to be a big-shot chemical engineer and the dancer turns out to be an actual chemical engineer. The horrors.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for Nixur68
Fuck Snow, Moving to SoFlo - Any suggestions?
Why are members of the 350k a month club talking about $800 a month rentals? Who wants to live in a closet in the ghetto? Here's a listing more fitting a TUSCL member. https://www.sothebysrealty.com/eng/sales/detail/180-l-982-pt6xhv/334-atlantic-ave-atlantic-island-sunny-isles-beach-fl-33160
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for Muddy
Jobs you would never ever do
Driver of one of those pumping vacuum trucks. Whether pumping out septic tanks or rancid fats from restaurant grease traps, that's some foul shit that is going to linger in your sinuses long after your day is done.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for Nixur68
Fuck Snow, Moving to SoFlo - Any suggestions?
I personally hate Miami traffic and while it is a fun place to visit, I would never want to live there. Alternatives to escape the winter cold that I have looked into are a little farther north in the Cocoa Beach - Vero Beach area. Also considering Sarasota - Naples on the west coast. A lot of my friends do the snowbird thing because as much as they hate February back home, they hate August in Florida just as much (heat, humidity, hurricanes, mosquitoes). Right now Florida real estate seems to be in a massive bubble, so I am reluctant to buy. I have been doing VRBO to check out different areas so I can decide where I want to be when I pull the trigger on a winter beach house.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
I'm a fucking loser
Tetraplop/Trolladon/Tetradon is really Cacaplop
This thread is so confusing. I mean, who are we supposed to believe? The guy that has 35 reviews, a star and a checkmark next to his name, and has always seemed rational in his posts. Or A couple of asswipes that have been banned in their previous incarnations. Seriously, 200+ posts of this bullshit. What are you trying to beat SJG's records for longest running inane posts?
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for mark94
Looking back at covid
I hear the cure for autism is sleep.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for Muddy
You know what, how many times do we gotta spray and wipe down the pole
I can understand not wanting the pole be slippery, but I have seen dancers spend the first 30 seconds of their set meticulously cleaning the pole and then not even really use it. I'm not complaining though. I kinda dig the fully bent over, ass in the air, views while their polishing the bottom of the pole.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for 3131
Meow noises?
After about a half dozen meows, I think would channel George Clinton in response. Bow wow wow yippie yo yippie ya https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KML0NxxGe-k WOOF!
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for EastCoaster
I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
Latest contender for Worst Review Submitted for Publication
Wouldn't you know it. SJG's first strip club review and it would have been brilliant, but the "A" key was stuck on the San Jose Library keyboard.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for ilbbaicnl
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Definition of "wealthy"
He who dies with the most toys wins. Wealth is relative. If you were debt-free and had $2 million liquid, you could be the wealthiest man in the trailer park. Take that money to a third world country and you're a king. Go to Manhattan NY and you're living in less than 1000 sq feet.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
I'm a fucking loser
Free legal advice...
I am thinking about creating an alternative prolific troll account that would make Dougster proud. I will pretend to be a pimp. I will pretend to be a lawyer. I will pretend to be emotionally damaged/suicidal. I will pretend to be a young, handsome, fit hard-ass with major cardiovascular disease. I will call myself Slurpee. My legal question is: Does this constitute copyright infringement?
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for TheeOSU
Gnocchi, Martinis, Santas, Richard Sex, and Bondo
Bondo is well known for tight pussy. https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/entertainment/crazy-monday/2001252808/going-gets-huge-for-kisumu-sex-worker-flees-from-client
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for Muddy
Best Movie/Show Ending
bkkruined - rosebud is the sled.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for Muddy
Best Movie/Show Ending
I love Breaking Bad, but only like the ending if Walter White died in the snowed in car in New Hampshire and everything that followed was a death dream of his oxygen starved dying brain. Otherwise, a terminally ill and fading fast White just happens to find the keys in the visor, drives to New Mexico in a stolen car without getting caught, Sets up his family financially by the people who cheated him, sets up the perfect remote control machine gun in the trunk of a car at just the right angles, rescues Jesse, and dies taking a bullet shielding Jesse. Way too pat of an ending for this series. Nope, he died of cancer and hypothermia in the car in N.H. I am going to ignore Vince Gilligan and the El Camino movie. (Still enjoying Better call Saul though.)
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for shailynn
They never tell you what you need to know.
Want To Feel Old Today?
The oldest millennials turn 41 this year. Millennials potentially as grandparents. 48-Cowboy - quit watching Nickelodeon and go to work so you can fund my future social security and medicare.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for Foxacid
New Customer
I agree with Subraman above and would add the guy that shows up at the end of every month with $400 - $500 is going to get a lot more love than the guy that shows up every Friday with $100. Even though the total money is the same, the perceived value is greater. Also, welcome to the board and preemptive apologies for DesertScrub.