Looking back at covid

avatar for mark94
Everything we’ve been told about CoVid over the last 2 years has been based on lies. It was never a threat to the vast majority of the population. Lockdowns don’t work. “Vaccines” do far less than was promised. Masks don’t work.

As people are figuring this out, the backlash is coming.



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avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago
Do I think some of it has to do with a trump presidency?
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
You also believe Trump won the election the super bowl was rigged one income is better than 2 asking for condiments infringes on hour freedom and a recession is good for us.
avatar for RamPaige
3 years ago
I think lockdowns and masks would've worked better had the government not half assed it. It also didn't help that a good number of population were ignoring it because our politicians turn a health issue into a political one.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
That’s similar to what Socialists say when confronted with the fact that Socialism has never worked. The standard response is that true Socialism has never been tried. Socialism will work if anyone tries it full on.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
Any time you’re on the same page as SJG it should cause you to re-examine your position
avatar for jackslash
3 years ago
The 900,000 American deaths from Covid--they were all crisis actors! And the lizard people from Alpha Centauri! Wake up, sheeple! JFK and JFK Jr and Q will reveal the truth in exactly 7 days in Houston. Don't forget to wear your tinfoil hats!
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
“The 900,000 American deaths from Covid…”

First off, those were people who died “with CoVid”, not necessarily “from CoVid”. The average person who died was 82 years old and had 4 co-morbidities like COPD and Congestive Heart Failure. Did CoVid push them them over the edge leading to death ? Absolutely in many ( but not all ) cases. That’s also true with seasonal flus every year.

And, it’s true that the “vaccine” saved many lives of the old and infirm. But, we were also told that the vaccine would prevent future infection and lead to herd immunity. We know that was a lie.

We were also told that 2 weeks of lockdown ( which morphed into 2 years ) would stop the spread. That turned out to be a lie that destroyed millions of lives.
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
I think the backlash will come when people realize this was all done by government bureaucrats to increase profits for Big Pharma. Is it just totally a coincidence that the government approved inadequately tested and possibly dangerous patented drugs and vaccines Big Pharma could make more money from while blocking cheap expired patent drugs like HCQ and Ivermectin they could make little in the way of profits from? I'm not enough of a fool to believe that but anyone who thinks that you can convince intelligent people of that is a fool.

According to Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Pierre Kory, both of whom treated multiple patients using early treatment programs, we might have saved hundreds of thousands of lives if those early treatment programs had been widely adopted. Instead, people were told to wait until they couldn't breathe and then go to the hospital. In many cases, that was too late to save them. Not only were these early treatment programs not adopted, but information about their usefulness was also suppressed. Government officials told the media they needed to do more to stop "misinformation". Government has tax and regulatory powers they can use to punish anyone who doesn't toe the line so there was an implied threat here. Because of first amendment rights to freedom of speech and press, they should not have acted this way.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
One of the victims of the last 2 years is the inclination to always “ trust your doctor”.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
90% of the Covid response was political along with special interest$.

Countries around the world are getting rid of all restrictions yet Trudeau in Canada is digging his heels in so he can shouw "he's the boss" and that the people answer to him vs him answering to the people - even here in the U.S. u have blue politicians wanting to continue with various forms of mandates bc leftists can never have enough power and hate Democracy, Freedom, and The Constitution, getting in the way of their power.

By mid-2020 it was obvious that a lockdown wasn't gonna work and the way to go was to protect the vulnerable and let the rest of society get back to being productive - the lockdown in most ways caused more problems with the non-vulnerable population than it solved.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
So all of you are on the same page as SJG regarding covid... yet keep trolling him. Guess you hate looking in the mirror.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
Rather than dispute the lies listed in the article, those opposing it have arguments that amount to “ You’re an idiot”.

That’s the left’s Achilles Heel. They are certain they are smarter than the Neanderthals on the right. So, they don’t need to understand or debate the issues.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Tell us about how Trump won yhe elections and the super bowl conspiracy
avatar for JamesSD
3 years ago
The vaccines definitely work. They are the reason it's 900k dead in the US and not 1.5m+.

Masks work when used correctly. They aren't invincible armor but the slow the spread of illness, and mask use reduced rates of regular flu infections.

Most of the US didn't really have lockdowns. There probably was some help in curve flattening.

A big chunk of the population didn't do anything to try to prevent covid. They are the people in the zombie movie who say zombies aren't real and run right at them.

Obviously we know some things in hindsight we didn't know initially. Although there were some unlucky healthy relatively young deaths, most of the hospitalized and deaths were the old and fat. We also worried too much about surfaces for the first six months and not enough about air circulation. The six foot rule was... Clumsy but helpful. Asymptomatic transmission turned out to be less common than originally feared.

Mostly I learned people are shit at mildly inconveniencing themselves for public good.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
I heard there would have been a billion deaths if not for the vaccines and masks. I don’t have any proof of that but I believe it. See, that proves vax deniers are morons.
avatar for Musterd21
3 years ago
Wish I could be around 75 years from now when the TRUTH comes out. lol
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
I think you only need to wait a year, assuming Republicans retake Congress.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
Actually, the next big Hoax is taking place this week. The Russians won’t enter Ukraine. Biden will claim it’s because Putin is scared of him when the reality is they never planned to go in. The only person saying they would was Biden.
avatar for datinman
3 years ago
I frequently see people like Zimmerman and Berenson claim it's a hoax for clickbait and cash; Preaching to the choir. Hell, Zimmerman included an extended plea for cash at the bottom of the linked diatribe.

You know what I don't ever see? EMTs, nurses, and physicians that have spent the last two years in the trenches going "Yep, total scam. All those folks were going to die anyway."

Will history reveal the errors that were made, of course. But, can you really fault erring on the side of caution?
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
"Everything we’ve been told about CoVid over the last 2 years has been based on lies. It was never a threat to the vast majority of the population. Lockdowns don’t work. “Vaccines” do far less than was promised. Masks don’t work."

Almost correct. The so called vaccine is not only ineffective, it is dangerous and it undermines natural immunity, and so that is the reason this is continuing.

The real motives for any of this have yet to be fully surfaced. But it all seems that the so called vaccine was motivated by non-medical reasons, so it all falls within Joseph Mengele territory.

There is no statue of limitations and the maximum penalty could be death.

We will be hunting down these perpetrators. Unless DNA analysis identifies their corpses, they will stand trial.

avatar for datinman
3 years ago
SJG, your ignorance about medicine is so profound, it makes me wonder if the crap you post about Gnosticism and Rosicrucianism is equally off base.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
3 years ago
@my buddy Scrubby “IF THE VAX worked - why did more people die in 2021 than 2020?”

I’m no scientist (which doesn’t seem to be a requirement for preaching one’s own version of science in this thread), but maybe the answer is … time? Covid didn’t hit the east coast until February 2020 or so. We didn’t close businesses in Maryland until Friday March 13. It didn’t hit Arizona, Texas, Florida or a good bit of the south until the summer when people went inside to get out of the heat. Most of the country in 2020 wasn’t exposed to covid for the entire year, with a good bit of the country only having widespread community transmission for 6 months or less. In 2021, the full country was exposed for a full 12 months. It’s pretty clear covid doesn’t transmit as much outside or in the heat, so we still get waves depending on the weather. But my answer to your question is time.

Also, isn’t more deaths in 2021 despite the vaccines and more treatment a bad thing? The virus is still mutating. Thankfully its symptoms appear to be lessening but declaring war on the truth doesn’t help anyone.

I’m vaxxed, as is anyone for whom I make decisions. Those who choose not to be vaxxed, are good by me. I don’t have tp agree with your logic as your decision doesn’t impact me, except in a really small tangentially risky way that I’ve accepted. Live your lives as you see fit.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Datinman, open your eyes. This is just commonsense. The medical community is lying to us and trying to promote hysteria.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
And some things aren't up for "debate" like 900k Americans dead due to the pandemic
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
^Thanks for proving my earlier point

“ Rather than dispute the lies listed in the article, those opposing it have arguments that amount to “ You’re an idiot”. “
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
^ @mark94
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
Winning an argument with an intelligent person is difficult, with an idiot it's impossible to win an argument, so why bother?
Take that any way you like, it's fine with me another lesson I have learned in the past two years, It's better to keep silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth (or type some gibberish) and remove all doubt.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
3 years ago
Remember when the head of the Coronavirus Task Force declared that there would be no second wave and that we were winning the fight due to the President’s leadership? That was Mike Pence in June of 2020 when the death toll was *only* 113k. Good times. Was he wrong? Should we never believe him on anything else he ever said or did? Maybe all y’all could be a little more open minded.

Pence: “In recent days, the media has taken to sounding the alarm bells over a “second wave” of coronavirus infections. Such panic is overblown. Thanks to the leadership of President Trump and the courage and compassion of the American people, our public health system is far stronger than it was four months ago, and we are winning the fight against the invisible enemy.”



avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The mRNA Covid shots are killing teenagers

The journal of the College of American Pathologists has a stunning report today on the cases of two teen boys who died following mRNA Covid vaccines.

Both boys died in their sleep less than a week after the second dose, and neither had any known health conditions prior to death.


And Icey, people die everyday, its called finite life expectancy. You have to have at least a 1% annual mortality rate, otherwise that would mean that average life expectancy is exceeding 100 years, and we know that that is not true.

The normal death rate for this country exceeds 3.5 million per year, or 10,000 per day.

That 25% of these people are testing positive for COVID, so what? The precautions do not stop it. And the so called vaccine is making it worse.


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avatar for mark94
3 years ago
Fuck Mike Pence
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
The Trumpublicans are still mad at Mike (pray away the gay) Pence, that's why I have hope for the future LOL
avatar for JamesSD
3 years ago
Wait so China doesn't believe in freedom? Record scratch!
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
You're putting private sector profits over the rights of the average citizen. Corporate fascism.
avatar for JamesSD
3 years ago
I'm seriously sad partisan thinking has made us ignore experts like doctors and scientists.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
If someone wants to make revolution with a gun, the legalities of that will not matter.

You Dixie_Normus just want bozos parading around with guns and shoting themselves in the foot. Your ideas about guns are rooted in the fear of slave revolts.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
“… I'm seriously sad partisan thinking has made us ignore experts like doctors and scientists. …”

These “experts and scientists” are acting mostly like career bureaucrats covering their ass, agenda, and backdoor deal$, than “experts and scientists” – plenty of genuine experts and scientists have been gone after and defamed, intimidated, and silenced, by the Fauci mafia and all his cronies.

The fact is that this virus has been way more political than science and the “experts and scientists” have put ideology, power, and special interest$, over science and the well-being of people.
avatar for DoctorPhil.
3 years ago
Wait wait… Mr. Mark, you think covid policy was totally based on lies?

Let’s assume, for the sake of argument, that you’re correct. It was all lies. Now who told those lies first. If I remember correctly there was this Orange Man in the presidency at the time. Yes, that’s right, his name was Mr. Donald John “Pipehitter” Trump. So you’re saying Orange Man lied?

Whoa. That’s some pretty harsh allegations right there. Did you know that old Orange Pipehitter is also alleging that he won the election and the other dude - a certain Mr. Joseph Robinette “Smells like Old Spice” Biden - stole the election. But here’s the crazy thing: he wasn’t able to prove any of his allegations. Even though he appointed a lot of judges. Isn’t that crazy! His own judges decided he was a loser.

Now that you say old Orange Pipehitter lied about covid I’m going to suggest something else: maybe he’s just a big fibber and he’s fooling all the hoi polloi that believe in him.

Discuss. As always, you’re welcome!
avatar for DoctorPhil.
3 years ago
By the way, for those of you who don’t know what a pipehitter is: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.p…

avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
The Covid reaction is part of the larger issue of medical freedom. The medical monopoly is enforced by the government. It's the government that decides who is and isn't a doctor. Government officials at the top making that decision, or choosing those below them who make the decision, are picked by voters. So, ultimately, it is the average voter making the decision here.

There is no reason to think the average voter has a right to decide what medical choices I or anyone else get to have. This country was based on the idea of freedom and individual rights. It was not meant to be an unlimited democracy. It was the widespread belief in the idea of freedom and individual rights that made this country the most prosperous country in history and it is the moving away from that idea that is causing our slow decline.
avatar for DoctorPhil.
3 years ago
Like many posters, you’re missing the point Mr. Savage.

Mr. Mark said everything about covid was a lie. Who lied? The government. Who was in charge of the government when the lies started? Mr. Donald John “Orange Pipehitter” Trump.

All your rambling about “freedom and individual rights” is irrelevant in the context of this thread. This is Mr. Mark’s thread about the government TAKING AWAY your freedom and individual rights. He just didn’t name the person at the top of the government when the lies began. I did!

Seems like only a total dumbass would vote for the guy who was in charge of the government when they lying began. I’m sure your smart enough not to do that. Right?
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
Okay to the people that are on here complaining about how COVID was handled in the USA (and yes I realize there were plenty of fumbles) what should the United States done in the past 2 years instead?
avatar for JamesSD
3 years ago
I'll take a stab at it.

No masks. No lockdowns. No vaccines. Let everyone get covid. Horse medicine on tap in every bar and Walmart. No deaths!
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
“Mr. Mark said everything about covid was a lie.”

Actually, I think the article lists 3 lies. Maybe 4. But they are doozies.

Sure, Trump was President for some of the lying. So, he gets some of the blame. Most of the blame goes to that skunk Fauci and about 100 other bureaucrats in the Government. Plus plenty of blame to Governors and bureaucrats at the state level.

Our government is filled with power hungry politicians and bureaucrats who manage to be incompetent and corrupt at the same time.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
Here’s what we should have done. Exactly what Sweden did. Encourage older people to isolate. Encourage vaccines. Other than that, allow everyone under 65, and healthy, to carry on with life.

Beyond that, focus much more time identifying treatments and encouraging their use, rather than putting all your efforts into vaccines. The pro-vaccine bureaucrats literally prevented the development of treatments. I have a feeling that Big. Pharma had something to do with that.If we’d put just a bit more focus on treatment, hundreds of thousands of lives would have been saved.
avatar for yahtzee74
3 years ago
>I'm seriously sad partisan thinking has made us ignore experts like doctors and scientists.

It's also sad that partisan thinking has influenced the opinions of the doctors and the scientists.
avatar for yahtzee74
3 years ago
The majority of the population have had the shots and the majority of deaths are from the un-shot so the vaccinations have helped but not as much as we have hoped. In Maryland 27% of deaths and hospitilizations over the past year have been vaxxed. 39% of confirmed cases have been vaxxed.

BTW, did you know that if you are immune compromised that there are 2 additional shots you can get? That's a total of 5 shots.
avatar for yahtzee74
3 years ago
Not that 5 shots is a bad thing if you need it.
avatar for yahtzee74
3 years ago
Does everyone need to get the shots? The younger and healthier a person is the less covid is a personal threat. No more of a threat than anything else required to live life.

Not too long ago doctors would give out antibiotics and opioids liberally. Is it wrong to be skeptical about everyone needing a covid shot?
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
Here’s another experience that points out the politicization of the CoVid response. You may recall that the vaccine was ready to go by September/October 2020 but the FDA delayed approval until after the November election. No new information was provided. The bureaucrats simply delayed. Then, a few months later, the vaccine became mandatory and you were cancelled if you didn’t get it.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ Who was the President in September/October 2020 ?

avatar for mark94
3 years ago
“In Maryland 27% of deaths and hospitilizations over the past year have been vaxxed. 39% of confirmed cases have been vaxxed.“

And, the average age of death of those who died from CoVid, nationwide, was 82. From this, I think we can learn that vaccines are helpful for senior citizens ( though less helpful than we were promised ) but accomplish very little for healthy people under age 65.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Mark So you're against the vaccine but think it should have been approved when Trump was president. But believe Trump won the election. Yet claim Democrats are taking credit for trumps vaccine which you oppose. And you're against politicizing covid 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡👍
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
Me: Vaccines saved many lives in the categories that were most at risk. They don’t do much for healthy, younger people who were never at risk.
Icee: why do you oppose all vaccines ?
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
There is essentially zero probability that a healthy teenager will die from CoVid. There is a small chance that a healthy teenager will die from myocarditis caused by the vaccine.

Also, we know that the vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission.

So, why are school administrators mandating the vaccine for teenagers ?

Follow up question: Where did administrators get their medical expertise allowing them to overrule parents and the child’s physician ?
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Make your mind up. You claim vaccines save lives but are useless and don't help lmfao
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
“Make your mind up. You claim vaccines save lives but are useless and don't help lmfao“

Make up my mind ?

Better yet, how about you improve your reading comprehension ?

avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
Don’t get the point of this whole post or maybe I do, same attention whoring stupidity going on from the right and the left, Mark you ain’t much different from Icee, you too just like to stir the pot,
Bullshit threads are getting old.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Mark you can't have it all ways.

You blame the government for Covid yet Trump was president. But then you claim he won the election. You claim the vaccine saved lives but is useless. You call Biden a tyrant for covid mitigation efforts while he dismantled all of Trumps mitigation efforts . You don't even know what you believe.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
^ What color is the sky in the fantasy world where you live ?
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Mark Trumps administration is responsible for mitigation efforts you hate. You claim the vaccine could have been used during the Trump administration then attack its use.
avatar for JamesSD
3 years ago
Mandatory vaccination of children is a narrow and specific enough topic to have a sane policy discussion around. It seems less essential than it did a year ago.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
From the Babylon Bee

U.S.—The nation is preparing to celebrate what has become a beloved annual holiday: Two Weeks To Slow The Spread Day, to be held in March every year.

"This time of year we like to come together to remember the historic day two years ago when we put on masks and locked ourselves down, trusting that the lockdown would be over in just two weeks," said local man Paul Christof as he stared out his window longingly, his three masks securely in place. "This year, I'm going all out with a Zoom party with no more than five of my closest friends—I mean, closest, figuratively speaking, of course. We'll be literally far apart, because I want to stay home and stay safe, and I don't want grandma to die."

Traditional festivities for the newly christened American holiday include remote Amazon gift exchanges, ordering DoorDash feasts for just yourself, and the customary binging of the Netflix. Historians believe the holiday will become a hit, and people will continue to wear masks and stay home throughout the year as the festive day is celebrated for hundreds of years to come.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
The Babylon Bee | Fake News You Can Trust
The Babylon Bee is Your Trusted Source For Christian News Satire.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Having a lower death rate is desirable, and we get that the way that other industrialized nations get it, by having Universal Health Care.

Covid is only having a small effect on our mortality rate, but the response has made the populous neurotic:

Trust the science:

Step 1: Even though the world has not had a major respiratory disease epidemic in almost a century, insist one is coming SOON and we have to swab every bat in China to figure what virus will cause it.

Step 2: When you can’t find viruses capable of causing it, start making them more dangerous in a lab.

Step 3: When an epidemic finally breaks out IN THE CITY WHERE THE LAB IS, shout down anyone who mentions the connection. Instead spend two years instituting control measures that prove completely ineffective at stopping it - though very effective at ruining kids’ mental health.

Step 4: Invent “vaccines” that work against the virus in a completely novel way, test them for months, and give them to more than a billion people.

Step 5: Be surprised when the vaccines turn out to be far more effective than the virus itself at causing immune imprinting and original antigenic sin.

Step 6: Wonder why the outbreak has lasted far longer than previous outbreaks, when neither control measures nor vaccines were used.

Step 7: Call anyone who points these unpleasant facts out a conspiracy theorist; when that doesn’t work, censor them.

Step 8: Profit!



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avatar for CarlitosPeligro
3 years ago
I think masks vaccines etc are good, but the base problem is public officials setting expectations that we could actually control a virus. We can’t. Not in the US with the freedom we still have and the disconnected health system and not even in China with the most onerous lockdowns and socialized medicine. It needed to burn through the population, and now it’s finally doing that. I think it will have a hard time finding victims in future waves. I think vax did keep the mortality lower than otherwise, and I think we did dumb shit in 2020 in hospitals and nursing homes etc that killed off a lot of sick old people. We just have too many wimpy snowflake citizens who will punish any public figure who talks sense about the kinds of losses we should be prepared to accept, so idiot governors empower well meaning county health nazis who just want to save lives even if at unreasonable costs with very low gains. California still won’t relax masks in public schools, at this point it’s pretty clear that’s not scientific, that’s the teachers union wanting to flex to “protect the teachers, I mean children”. There’s idiocy all around, Trump, Biden, Fauci, Desantis, Newsom, Abbott, none can be trusted, doesn’t mean there’s a conspiracy, just incompetence, greed, craven ambition.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
I see the health bureaucrats testify to congress and I want strangle them. They never give a straight answer. They believe that nothing is their fault. They speak in some sort of coded language where it’s impossible to understand what they are saying. Still, their arrogance and smugness come through loud and clear.

Their only real skill is avoiding blame for anything.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
All the precautions were supposed to do was to flatten the curve, make it take longer for everyone to get sick.

But once it became about protecting people, making people 'safe', were were in the land of complete neuroticism.

avatar for DoctorPhil.
3 years ago
Mr. Mark, I’d like to, as Mr. Ricky Ricardo, splain somethin to you. People don’t want play debatey-debates with you because you cheat.

If we focus on debates conducted for educational and recreational purposes, put an emphasis upon logical consistency, factual accuracy, and some emotional appeal to an audience. But of course you know that because you claim to have trained in debate, logic, and rhetoric during you education. (Or something like that, I’m not interested enough to track down your exact quote…)

Anyway, most of the posts on this thread are irrelevant because the important point is to understand the logical consequences of your assertion that “Everything we’ve been told about CoVid over the last 2 years has been based on lies.”

LIES. Your word. Not mine. You may not realize this, but the word “lie” has a specific meaning: A lie is an assertion that is believed to be false, typically used with the purpose of deceiving someone.[1][2][3][4] The practice of communicating lies is called lying. A person who communicates a lie may be termed a liar. Lies may serve a variety of instrumental, interpersonal, or psychological functions for the individuals who use them. (From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lie)

You didn’t say that everything we were told about covid was based on mistakes. You said they were lies.

I replied with the logical consequence of your assertion that everything we’ve been told about covid is a lie: former President Donald John “Yumpin Yimminy” Trump (who I believe to be your man-crush) is ultimately responsible for those lies (at least in the United States of America).

You grudgingly conceded the following:

“Sure, Trump was President for some of the lying. So, he gets some of the blame.”

And followed it up with:

“Most of the blame goes to that skunk Fauci and about 100 other bureaucrats in the Government. Plus plenty of blame to Governors and bureaucrats at the state level.”

And how did the lying skunk Dr. Fauci and the 100 other bureaucrats get their power? It may have been challenging or even impossible for Orange Man to oust Dr. Fauci from his position at NIAID, but NIAID director has no actual power except over anybody, except those at NIAID. And even then there are limits on his power. Do you work at NIAID? I don’t think so.

Anyway, Trump wasn’t required to put Dr. Fauci on the covid task force. And he could have removed him, as soon as he detected the lying. Some with governors and state bureaucrats. As soon as your hero Mr. Donald John “Hittin’ Them Pipes” Trump sniffed out a lie he could have called a press conference and called ‘em out on their lies. Hell, he could have tweeted about it. Orange Man liked to tweet.

So, if we follow the logic implicit in your assertion that everything about covid was a lie, the person responsible for the lies is the loser of the 2020 Presidential election, Mr. Donald John “mmm…Pipes” Trump.

Now why did Orange Man lie? I suppose it could have been for shits and giggles. That’s what I would have done. But my lie would have been creative, like “the way to avoid covid is to wear a rubber glove over your head, a la mid-80s Howie Mandel”. But I suspect our government was doing something more sinister, like attempting to control the population. Do you agree with that? I suspect you do, but feel that Dr. Fauci was the fascist mastermind. But I’ve just proven that the real fascist was Orange Pipehittin’ wannabe Mussolini.

Now that I have won the debate with my impeccable logic, following your own statements to their logical conclusions, I will PM an address to send my trophy. As an honest debater I am certain that you will concede defeat and reward me. Thank you!
avatar for DoctorPhil.
3 years ago
Mind you, I was simply playing debatey-debates by taking your assertion of lying to its logical conclusion. I don’t think Trump lied.

I think he is an egomaniacal blowhard that thought shoving a UV bulb up yer keister would cure covid. He was less Benito Amilcare Andrea “Il Duce Dude” Mussolini and more Inspector Clouseau. But imagine Clouseau with lights up the ass and bleach injections. That’s your hero.

Hopefully the scales have fallen from your eyes and you have had your road to Damascus moment regarding the Orange Man. You’re welcome!
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
It is this subject matter. It was a built up response, whether appropriate or not. Everything the public health authorities have been saying is lies.

Some of it was just to embarrass Trump. Some of it has been to embarrass the Red State Governors like Ron DeSantis. This kind of shit has been the role of Gavin Newsom.



avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
And looking back? Covid is still here and not under control
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
It was idiocy to ever think that it could be controlled. This is how insanity started.

avatar for mark94
3 years ago
Dr Phil

I posted an article that listed several lies about CoVid. I don’t think anyone has countered any of those contentions.

You seem to think you’ve won the debate because using logic something like
-Mark claims there were lies/mistakes
- Mark has supported Trump in the past
- Trump was President when some of those lies were told
- Therefore there were no lies

The contention of this post was “ there were lies”. You haven’t disproved that. Your argument disproves a claim ( that I never made) that “Trump was blameless”. So, you’ve won a debate based on a lie about what I’m arguing. Ironic, huh ?
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Mark hownis the Arizona election recount going?
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
^ Criminal referrals were made to the Attorney General.

How is Biden’s Presidency going ?
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
See you're really credible. Now go put on the tinfoil hat and rant about the communist conspiracy making you ask for condiments
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
During the Trump presidency, the liberals I know pinballed from one idiot fantasy about Trump being removed from office, etc., etc., to another. And, somehow, they managed to be equally disappointed when every single one of those fantasy scenarios turned out to be exactly that ... a fantasy.

Now the only difference is that I get to watch the conservatives I know do the *exact* same thing with stuff like the Arizona recount, which is also a fantasy that will disappoint conservatives who should know better, until they embrace the next dumb fantasy.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
Here’s a fun fact. It has nothing to do with this thread buts it’s interesting.

All 5 major banks in Canada are now offline. Trudeau said he was going to freeze funds of anyone supporting the truckers. As a result there have been massive withdrawals from Canadian banks.

Trudeau has crushed consumer confidence in the banks in less than 48 hours. Some ATMs are still allowing cash to be pulled out but going empty.

The bank has now locked up EVERYONES funds!

This is what’s known as a bank crisis.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
Mark94 has officially jumped the shark
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
In a stunning admission for a government official, Canadian Justice Minister David Lametti admitted the political motivations for seizing bank accounts during a television appearance today.

Minister Lametti told CTV News today, citizens identified as supporting President Donald Trump are subject to “de-banking” as part of the Canadian government’s official target identification process.

During the segment, Justice Minister Lametti hedged and dodged questioning about what terms and conditions the Canadian government is using to instruct the RCMP and financial institutions. However, after equating the Trudeau order to the same principles around terrorism, the ‘Justice Minister’ finally said:

...”If you are a member of a pro Trump movement who is donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to this kind of thing, then you ought to be worried.”

What exactly Donald Trump has to do with middle class Canadian citizens asking their government to drop mandates is unknown. But the statement itself from the Justice Ministry of Canada speaks quite loudly to their political motives.
avatar for DoctorPhil.
3 years ago
Too true Mr. 25. Mr. Mark has indeed jumped the shark.

You see, Mr. Mark was trained in rhetoric, debate, logic, and I can’t remember the rest. It was probably something useful like going to a bakery and jizzing on the cupcakes. Anyway, it means that Mr. Mark is really bothered when he plays debatey-debates and loses, like he did with yours truly.

Therefore, rather than being an honorable debate partner and sending me my fucking trophy he changes the subject from covid to Canada.

Where is my trophy Mr. Mark?
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Dr Michiaki Takahashi: Why Google honours him today
A look at the life and work of Michiaki Takahashi, the scientist that developed the chickenpox vaccine.


This news article is totally fucked:
Back to Normal? Many Immunocompromised People Feel Left Behind as U.S. Lifts Pandemic Measures


A good movie about Marquis De Sade, using improvised pens to write on rolls in cloth to be smuggled out of prison.

Joe Bonamassa Official - "I'll Play The Blues For You" - Live At The Greek Theatre

Midnight Blues (note the 5 string bass)

Norah Jones - Something

avatar for JamesSD
3 years ago
Interesting the Canadian government is publicly blaming Trump when we all know it's the Russians funding the convoy
avatar for JamesSD
3 years ago
Hillary is a bit right for my tastes. Corporate Democrats are pretty meh.

I do blame Russia for a lot of online propoganda stoking the flames of division within western democracies.

I would vote for any president who ran on a platform of "get rid of Putin". Trump had a lot of flaws, but his continued fellating of Putin was his worst.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ Trump praised Putin verbally, but sent anti tank missiles to Ukraine, and his promotion of American energy hurt Russia.

Biden, through all his overtures to the greens, didn't just fellate Putin, he straight up gave up our asshole.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago

You are the exact thing that's wrong with this country. Go fuck yourself.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
You're whats wrong with the country. More worried about ahit in countries that will never affect you than you are about corporate price gouging at home. And your view of putting America first means right wing corporate fascism
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ Do you think corporations just got greedy in the last few months? If that caused inflation it would have happened a long ass time ago.

The left is just using their scapegoat to deflect from their failings.
avatar for JamesSD
3 years ago
... is this site actually just a Russian troll farm?
avatar for JamesSD
3 years ago
Inflation started under Trump during covid
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
The pandemic allowed for the opportunity to price gouge without repercussions. Just Blame everything on covid. $25 chicken wings? No one wants to work coz of covid. See its easy
avatar for Mate27
3 years ago
-^^^ more rhetoric from the victim culture whoah is me crowd!
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
You cacaplop et al claim to be victims of liberals all the time.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
I gotta laugh at this shit, Iceefag and Mark same pair of 🤡 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
We can't look back at it yet. The hysteria and threat of a medical police state are still real. And they are still needling people with that so called vaccine.

avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ You are a 🤡🤡🤡 too
Stupidity seems to be the watchword of this thread
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ Gotta give SJG credit, he's devoted to his delusions. When you put actual data in front of him, he pretends he didn't hear you and repeats the same debunked shit. Derp.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
What if SJG is right about covid and hookers and were all wrong?
avatar for yahtzee74
3 years ago
james> I do blame Russia for a lot of online propoganda stoking the flames of division within western democracies.

I don't think Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC are Russian trolls.

China is the real threat and grows stronger while we infight.
avatar for JimGassagain
3 years ago
Perception is reality. Bacon!!
avatar for DoctorPhil.
3 years ago
Why the fuck is this thread shifting topic again? Now you’re talking about Russian trolls and Mr. San Jose. WTF?

Let’s return to the important topic: the way I totally kicked Mr. Mark’s ass in the debatey-debates game. He fucking owes me a trophy!

WHERE IS MY TROPHY MR. MARK? I bet Mr. Mark learned how to play debatey-debates at Trump University and lesson one was how to weasel out of your obligations. Well…TUSCL isn’t going to let you out of your obligations Mr. Mark. I kicked your ass in the debatey-debates game and you owe me a fucking trophy!
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Alex Berenson
Don't Label Things 'Misinformation' Label It 'Disagrees With Us' | Adam Carolla | Dr. Drew Pinsky

We can look back at COVID when that vaccine is off the market and once the mandates are lifted. Covid is an irrational hysteria, and it is that so called vaccine and the mandates which perpetuate it.


avatar for datinman
3 years ago
I hear the cure for autism is sleep.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The cure for COVID is sleep. Autism/Aspergers/Neruodivergence is a hoax.

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