
If you owned your own strip club what would you do different?

Monday, March 21, 2022 2:55 PM
I feel if clubs were better run they would make a lot more money. What would you do to increase revenue / customer experience if you were running things?


  • RockAllNight
    2 years ago
    The most important things to me - level of mileage allowed - quality of dancers - prices and value for services Other things like club decor, bathrooms, management style, drink prices, etc. are not nearly as important
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    Seems like a bad way to make money. But perhaps a discussion of sc business models is in order…
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    I could never do this. Local authorities would close me down within a month.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    I'd find someone with a track record of running strip clubs at a good profit (while staying out of the headlines and off the cop's radar), and hire that person to deal with all the bullshit and make me money.
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    A perfect club for a customer might be free lap dances from pretty strippers. A perfect club for a stripper might be guys walking in and handing her money and then walking back out. A perfect club for a club manager might be one with no extras that doesn't get raided and shut down by the police and the customers and strippers never complain about anything. The reality of a strip club is that the way it is run is a compromise between what the strippers, customers and club manager want. In order for a club to be successful it needs to successfully balance the desires of all three. Customers make a mistake when they make up lists of what they personally want in a club and think implementing that list is all that is needed to boost revenues. They are not taking into account the wants of others involved and by not doing that they are being unrealistic.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I'd have as much female staff as possible. Hire servers managers etc from within the dancer pool. Run it as a couple op to make sure everyone has a vested interest in keeping profits high. A weed lounge where you can smoke with stripper hoes. A make your own all you can eat taco bar. Zero tolerance fight policy A nude wrestling tournament for stripper hoes Different theme nights. 1920s speakeasy night. Hippie commune night. 90s gangster rap night etc $50 cover that comes with 2 free drinks. $500 bottle service.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    No extras. $90 10 minute dances.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Vip in $100 15 minute increments
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    I'd put a ban on wanna be pimps and rapists
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    Someone (I think Ilbbaicnl) mentioned that he asks dancers if he can just pay X dollars for X time, and then uses a countdown timer on his phone. I think that's smart and more logical than this legacy "by the song" system that sometimes leads to confusion and miscounts (intentional or not), and awkwardness over the "can we start on the next song?" question. I think something like that can be systematized to make all involved (club, dancer, customer) relatively happy and reduce drama. Aside from that, I'd let someone else run it for me and keep close track of the books.
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    First thing: I would know the area and what demographic will realistically come into the club. Or if not already there, can I draw them there? I was at one club not too long ago that was a busy one I liked and I found out it wasn’t as busy an environment before Covid, but I get the impression they made changes and after that it’s been a steady place. Similar with another club in Wisconsin when an ex-dancer who worked at one club in particular, bought the building from the owner, and runs it herself currently and it became a more popular club with the locals out there. How selective I’d be when hiring dancers, house fee, tip out, etc would depend on the local area. Good luck requiring dance cuts in Texas for example. In the Midwest, oh heck yeah I would. I’d want to be fairly inclusive and there to be diversity with dancers and customers alike, if that’s possible and I’m not in South Dakota or somewhere like that. If I had to acquire a club, I’d find a place that I could make to be a steady locals spot and it would be a comfortable midtier club or a at least a dive that’s not scary/hostile. That’s the type of environment I enjoy the most anyways, so that is probably what I’d feel comfortable running.
  • mark94
    2 years ago
    First step: Find a location near a population center where law enforcement will leave you alone. Second step: Let dancers set their own rules. Third step: Count the money rolling in.
  • Leonard313
    2 years ago
    I'd set up a dual club in a college town where the male to female ratio is high. One half the club will be topless, alcohol served, 21 and up. The other side would be fully nude, no alcohol, 18 and up, and you'd need a student ID. That would separate the "townies" from the "students"...hopefully avoiding confrontations. It would also give the dancers a choice as to what type of dancing they want to do and for what type of clients. The fully nude club would be less mileage, but you'd need to be comfortable dancing nude and (if the dancer is also a student) potentially in front of your classmates. The other side would be more mileage which means more opportunity to make $$$. However, you'd have to be okay with that type of environment.
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    I would put it next to the local Olive Garden and put a daycare center across the street. Now convincing both those places to stay open past midnight…
  • Dolfan
    2 years ago
    @nicespice said: First thing: "I would know the area and what demographic will realistically come into the club. Or if not already there, can I draw them there?" ^ A thousand times this. I wouldn't try to force the market to adjust to me. What I'd put in a tourist heavy area is not what I'd put in an area with mostly locals. The same applies to income levels. Then you gotta appeal to them. If it's mostly a tourist spot, you probably want to generate a party vibe. A DJ doing the shit I find annoying would be high on the list, multiple stages, lots of attention for making it rain, VIP areas where the value is being the center of attention, make a big fuss over selling bottles. No extras, little focus on lap dances even. If it's a more local oriented place, then its more subdued likely. Probably one stage, let girls focus on mingling with customers to sell dances or get tips for just hanging out. The VIP areas value would be exactly the opposite, it would offer privacy and an escape from the commotion of the main floor. I'd focus on the demographic I wanted and I'd cater to them.
  • CandymanOfProvidence
    2 years ago
    A simple way to increase revenue for the club owner: pay toilets
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    I've always felt like, morally, does any bar have a responsibility to not feed anyone's addiction? Does everyone need to get a barcoded wristband at the door, and be limited to two drinks per hour?
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Pay by the minute for dancer's time, pay in advance. So, if a dancer claims to be owed money, her fuck up. Cost per minute is between dancer and PL.
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    I’d find a city that has many more problems for their police force to handle - than worrying about who is getting full service at Cash Man’s House of Hoes! I’d make sure everyone was paid off - very well paid off at that. There would be a small bar - a stage - and two poles. There would be no lap dance stalls - only dance rooms. It would be a simple business model - as it would be selling private dances - and the dances would be in comfortable and private rooms. The dances would be $25 for 5 minutes - or a half hour for $125. No DJ or roided up bouncers. If a dude got out of hand - he would get tossed and he would be done. No kitchen with steaks or sushi - and no buffet -
  • Hank Moody
    2 years ago
    @CMI. ‘I'd find someone with a track record of running strip clubs at a good profit (while staying out of the headlines and off the cop's radar), and hire that person to deal with all the bullshit and make me money.’ His name is Rick, he has a lot of clubs and his company is publicly traded.
  • mark94
    2 years ago
    It’s interesting that everyone so far has looked for ways to maximize profits. Some club owners have other goals. For some, it’s laundering money from other ventures. Other owners just want to get laid.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    ^There's an idea. Are there any Gentlemen's Clubs franchises to buy into?
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    The carrot was for Jimmy's comment
  • Hank Moody
    2 years ago
    It would’ve been Rick’s. The stock tripled coming out of covid. Nasdaq ticker is RICK. I haven’t researched any others.
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    Cheaper dances. You got to trick the PL’s a little bit get them in the groove. $40 dances just is a huge turnoff from the get go.
  • Omega_Entertainment
    2 years ago
    First off - those wanting weed inside the business will be in jail by the end of opening night as no matter what the state says is legal, its federal law your breaking being a business owner allowing a controlled substance. 2- there have been places where dancers set their own rules before, they have all ended with the club owner going bankrupt and the management in jail with the dancers. 3- RCI Holdings runs all Ricks, Scarletts, Jaguars, XTC, etc, Robert Watters aka Rick retired years back. 4- Cash would be in prison for bribery, since democrats only take in million dollar increments 5- iibb you would have to put digital clocks in every room with seconds included or they would fight over when the minute started, causing more drama and breaking the no clock rule inside the club thats taken from casinos 6- Daycares cant be within 1/4 miles of clubs in nearly every city. 7- Dual side clubs have been tried and need double security to keep the 18 yr olds from sneaking to the other side, doubling security costs. Very few last more than a year. 8- Owners who want to get laid are always running dives, places where law enforcement doesnt bother you takes all those profits Mark wanted to count. 9- You can pay X amount for X time, its called Champagne suites. Dances by the song are best when the clubs set low end limits such as $25 dances with 5 to the house, then you wont have the im a $40 dollar girl running around full of herself. Legacy or not it works. 10- Never use your dancer roster as potential servers or anything else, as they will see an income drop and become miserable people with bad attitudes. Retired Dancers sometimes make good Housemoms or Managers but its very rare. 11- If you are going to call them or think of them as Hoes, you are the wrong mentality to run a business in this Industry. 12- DJs have a place in Mid tier and Upscale clubs but they have to be banned from any contact with the dancers during their shifts, and have to be paid like a normal worker. 13- Tipouts and House fees work best when done as a flat rate and are taught to be counted a tax deductions for the dancers. Fines are penalties listed for breaking written rules with proper paperwork. 14- Lifetime Ban for anyone named Icee, Theme nights, coupons, free cover, Beer buckets, and anything of this nature brings nothing but cheap people without disposable income like people named Icee. Toss them all. Same with Pool Tables and Draft beers. The goal is to make money with the dancers and alcohol, not penny pinching pool people. 15- Pimps and others who are bad for business are easy to spot and easier to remove and ban from the property. Working with local law enforcement helps and actually puts a halt on potential trafficking incidents. Any girl who works for a pimp, you toss them as well, as they cause nothing but problems. 16- Add Rock all night to the ban list with Icee so they can go to the local brothel together. And yes I do and have worked in the Industry for over 26 years.
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    I've managed and/or owned businesses for about 20 years. I have a personal policy of NO-fraternization. That means no messing around with the hired help. There is just no way I could do that with a strip club. So I wouldn't even try. This is a business I am not going to get into.
  • BGSD3100
    2 years ago
    I think safety is the most important thing.
  • Jascoi
    2 years ago
    No fat girls.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    Slight tangent ... RCI Holdings is publicly traded (RICK on NASDAQ, hilariously) and had done well for me.
  • shadowcat
    2 years ago
    No rap crap, dress code to keep out gangbangers, no pimps, husbands, boy friends or drug dealers.
  • goldmongerATL
    2 years ago
    Doors that close on the VIP rooms.
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    Omega just burst my bubble! My dream of owning a strip club that is basically a brothel is over! I knew it wouldn’t last!
  • azdd
    2 years ago
    Clearly many of you have spent a lot of time thinking about this, and there are some great recommendations. I have only one to add - BETTER MUSIC! I would hire real DJs with much broader musical knowledge and taste, and strongly encourage the dancers to find songs that match their personality and dance style, and then build on that. Install a killer sound system, avoid smothering the building in overcharged bass, and play a variety of rock, hip hop, R&B, blues, never repeat a song the same shift. If a stage set is really good, it should serve as an advertisement from the dancer for those watching to want to get dances from her.
  • misterorange
    2 years ago
    Girls would be naked 100% of the time and every hour a Lesbo show on stage.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ You pervert 👀👀👀
  • gSteph
    2 years ago
    Sell it, hopefully at a profit, so I could enjoy a strip club without the hassle of running one.
  • motorhead
    2 years ago
    what azdd said. I know plenty say they don’t care about the music but music does make a difference in the overall enjoyment of the visit. Whether it be too loud or poor quality (think of the dives that still have juke boxes) or the type of music. I think a club (or DJ or dancer) should at least try and select music somewhat appropriate to the time of day a clientele.
  • datinman
    2 years ago
    You know how Churrascaria restaurants have those coasters on the table that one side means you're ready for more meat and the other side means not right now? That for dancers. I often get bombarded in the first 2 minutes when I just want to have a drink and settle in for a bit.
  • Lone_Wolf
    2 years ago
    Not much really... Have a honey on stage every song even if i had to hire a ringer. The club would be up and running with a honey on the pole at the designated opening. Charge a cover at all times to keep broke fucks out Not allow past their prime drugged out, hard hustle dancers to work there chasing away good customer...this one always baffled me.
  • wallanon
    2 years ago
    +1 Cashman. Bwahaha
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    I agree with nicespice that the most important thing is running the club in a way that makes sense for the local market, demographics, and competition. Like there is no need to have a club prtending to be "upscale" with upscale prices in a bluecollar town with a bunch of jerks. I would never have a club with no cameras in VIP/Champagne areas which is a thing in some clubs I can think off the top of my head. I think unless ur in certain areas u can't expect every girl to be perfect all the time, but I mean there has to be like some sort of a minimum standard. I don't give a damn if it is some small farm town. There has to be some kinda standard, though not necessarily have every girl looking the same or similar. I think it is stupid when clubs do that honestly. There has to be some advertising. I don't think girls should have to put themselves out there on social media because clubs are too cheap to advertise and bring in foot traffic these days. I disagree that specials are always a bad thing. Some clubs will give free cover to people who can show they went to some event or other deals and honestly this does bring in a lot of people who do spend a ton, ime. Having too many specials tho is bad and yes brings out the cheap POS. Like why the fuck do some clubs have 2 for 1 every day before a certain hour or every week certain days of the week? like hell fucking no fuck that! I'd want to be in a location that would have a steady rotating local base and then a good amount of passing thru types. I think a dive or mid tier would be fine. I don't want too many rules other than don't be a whore and like the dudes may not touch the girl on the stage. they touch they go (as far as stage). Seriously this molesting girls on stage shit is not ok. What they do in dances I guess w/e just dudes get more for spending more but I wouldn't allow actual hookers at any club I have any say in. THat's just me. I'd want a topless or full nude club and absolutely no rules on bottoms other than not see through and i can't see their vag or butthole. Also none of this faggotass pasties shit.
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    O yeah I would want cheapo dances out on the floor in front of everyone and low/no mileage. Guys can pay more to get more and be somewhere more private. What the fuck is this going to the back or somewhere more secluded shit for $20/25. NOPE
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    ALso if I had a club I would at least have some tips for dumb new bitches that don't know any better or some basic training. cuz like wtf these clubs throw out some of these young gullible girls in front of predatory rapey customers etc. NO. Like I'd want girls to understand not to sit with customers for long. And how much I'd collect from them I guess depends on local area and club competition. Then if I wanted to run certain club competition into the ground and out of biz so i get the biz... etc so many factors LOL
  • wallanon
    2 years ago
    "No rap crap, dress code to keep out gangbangers, no pimps, husbands, boy friends or drug dealers." I dunno about this one. One of my favorite dancers deals drugs.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    I think there are very different things to consider and deal with as a club-owner vs a custy. As a club-owner one has to deal with local-regulations and the local-powers-to-be which can have it in for you - then deal with a whole bunch of strippers and having to keep them in line; and simultaneously trying to give custies what they want. I'm not a business-savvy person but if I owned a club I'd go for one that offered good ROI and felt cozy vs over-the-top glitz and pretentiousness. I would shoot for something like the old Inner Room - good value - friendly staff and dancers were u didn't feel like u were being nickel-and-dimed; etc - I def used to enjoy my time there and felt comfortable spending a few hours - the club seemed to have a good # of regulars which is often a sign of a well-liked club.
  • Omega_Entertainment
    2 years ago
    One club I worked in Dallas years back had a stack of legal pads hung on the wall with just the list of excuses for not coming in to work a scheduled shift. Everything from A frog in my shower and i cant get ready for work to Labor day is a religious holiday. One girl even had so many deaths in the family we had to keep track in her file once her grandparents died to the same manager three times over six months. The list took up four full legal pads back and front and a new one was ready for the next start carry over kept over the years, of course this was before it was converted to digital. @blah the club we are building now has a contract, and handouts for dancers that cover almost everything you just mentioned if not more. @wallanon drug dealing dancers alcohol smuggling dancers underage girl sneaking in dancers are all problems to running a club long term. All easy to fix and to stay out of jail. Drug dealers mean money not going to the club and the other obvious dangers, Alcohol being snuck in by a dancer or a bartender cuts into your profit margins, which is theft, and of course the underage issue is now being called trafficking and coercion which leads to federal jail time. None of these are worth putting up with and risking jail and the bottom line.
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