Comments by PhantomGeek (page 64)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Questions about distance
    The nearest strip club to me is 75 miles away. The nearest strip club that I enjoy is 300 miles away. But my preferred vacation spot of strip clubs is currently over 900 miles away. Hopefully that'll change...someday...soon...please?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    What do you do/bring to win the favor of your fav?
    Clubber, with the way stuff rattles around loose in my noggin, a lot of that is just really good guesswork : )
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    smooth talker
    Joe, let's hope he doesn't start pimping out the bouncers.
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    10 years ago
    A healthy skin tone is attractive for me, not one that's overly tanned or overly pale -- or red. If you look like you've just been boiled and you'll screech at the slightest touch, you might want to call it a night.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    What do you do/bring to win the favor of your fav?
    One dancer I knew enjoyed Cherry Lifesavers or root-beer barrels. Every time I went to the club, I made sure I had some with me. Actually remembering some of the stuff they talked about in previous visits always seems to help, too; I guess they think I'm actually paying attention.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Messed up lives of strippers
    Have to agree with you, Giraffe. One guy I knew sneered at strippers and other sex workers for the type of work that they do. I told him that at least they're willing to work, as opposed to people who are on welfare and refuse to work.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Tales from the stage – according to the SW ladies
    That's some funny stuff.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Handjobs for the Homeless
    When will pizza guys get tipped like that?
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What a PL says to his wife or girlfriend ...
    The dancers have SS. I guess we have PLS.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    "TGTBT" -- that sounds like it could be a really good name for a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Employee, Unruly Patron Get in Shootout at West Side Strip Club
    When a bar kicks someone out, it doesn't mean that the person is put on detention. It doesn't mean that he's on probation. It means the person shown out the door, not to return. I work in a pizza place. We've had one drunken, belligerent customer threaten to bomb our store and to cut the throat of one of our drivers. He's not welcome in our store any longer, and we do not deliver to him any more. Last week, I went to a strip club in Fargo. The girl at the door asked for my ID, then searched from my name on a long list of names of guys who are banned from that club -- who were kicked out for one reason or another. Hmm. Can you explain Columbine? Virginia Tech? Sandy Hook? Fort Hood? Any of dozens other shootings with absolutely no rational reason? People are irrational creatures by nature, and drinking just makes them all the more irrational, not to mention all the more stupid. Why are you trying to defend the drunk customer, trying to say that he was in a rational state of mind? As far as bouncers carrying concealed weapons, I very much prefer that. One, for me, out of sight, out of mind. I'll be able to enjoy my drink and the show, and feeling apprehensive and watching for guns. Two, again, drunks by their very nature tend to get not only stupid but cocky and macho. The last thing anyone in a club needs is for some drunk to try to go for a bouncer's very visible gun, just to see if he can do it. Agreed, neither of us were there, but you're applying such an irrational and twisted logic to this, it really boggles me, not to mention just plain pisses me off. I know you're not this stupid, but you just seem bound and determined to prove otherwise.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Forget Macy’s: Strip club putting on live Xmas window show
    And here I thought Amsterdam was supposed to have the best window shopping.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Would you go for it or pass?
    Good to hear you're passing on her, Shadowcat. For whatever it's worth, my vote would've been to pass, too. If this guy's really a drug dealer, there's always a chance he'd have someone around, watching the place and maybe watching her. And if she's serious about saving up some money to get away from the guy, maybe she could talk to her bosses at the club, see if they can put some -- not all, just enough not to raise her boyfriend's suspicions -- and one of those prepaid cards and get someone she can trust to hold onto that card until the day to run comes.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Messed up lives of strippers
    Stories like this one make me glad to know a dancer or two with her head on straight. Got to visit one ATF last week -- first time I had seen her in probably five years. Hands down, one of the smartest and sexiest women I've ever known, even at 53. She put her daughter through college by stripping. She said that on the Mother's Day she got last year, her daughter wrote, "Thanks for stripping so I didn't have to." This dancer's planning on retiring in a couple years, and she's thinking about buying a small B&B down in Panama (yeah, Central America) and moving there. In fact, she'll be on her way there next month to check it out. Just gotta love a smart woman.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    How to tell a dancer that she has an odor issue?
    I was enjoying a nice, quiet, relaxing evening at Shieks -- until I started smelling cigarette smoke. Sinuses went a little nuts and the eyes started burning a little. Looked around, didn't see anyone smoking, but a young woman, maybe ten feet away, was nearing me -- and the stench grew stronger as she got closer. I quickly crossed my legs and started shaking my head, but that didn't stop her. She grabbed one leg, tried to uncross it, and told me she wanted to sit on my lap. I told her, "No, I'm sorry. I'm very sensitive to cigarette smoke." She turned and left in a huff.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Clubber, yeah, I saw that you mentioned not having any first-hand experience. I was just sharing some anecdotes, that's all. Something I did forget to mention was that both of those visits were in the middle of the afternoon -- in fact, I think both of them were on weekdays -- so evenings and weekends could well be different.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Merry Christmas, perverts
    I wish I could see girls like that.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    My Dream
    John, something I forgot to add about the mall imagery: you might feel like you're getting drawn into her world. Bubba, I agree -- your interpretation was funnier. Having a hotel key but not remembering the room number? You might've felt like you hadn't earned what was behind the door quite yet. Just an idea.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Ha Ha
    Soft kitty, warm kitty Mikey, there's only two-hour parking though.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: AMPs
    Clubber, P411, Date-Check, and RS2K are some different sites that act as screening services. They'll do one screening with you and then act as a reference. A number of different escorts and agencies use them. Also, when you start meeting the different ladies, be sure ask them if it's okay to review them on TER or some other sites (it's just polite, after all). If you get to know a lady well enough, she might even white-list you on TER, which can act as a reference as well. Another site to use when you're looking around online is With tineye, you can verify pictures. If a lady's picture starts flagging from sites all over the world, it'll be a pretty safe bet that she won't be the one answering the door.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Jingle Boobs
    Love that face and her expressiveness, and I really would've enjoyed the whole thing -- but the damn tats were just too distracting.
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    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Pugsley is Dead
    RIP, Ken. The Addams Family, like so many shows of the '60s, was a series for all ages and for the ages. "Addams Family Values" was hilarious, too, especially the part with Wednesday trying to smile at summer camp. Loved it when that little blonde girl started screaming. "Make her stop! Make her stop!" Last year, a traveling musical based on The Addams Family came to town. Wednesday had grown up, gone off to college, and there, she met the boy of her dreams -- a completely normal boy -- and planned on marrying him. Watching Lurch belt out a song had to be the highlight of the show, along with seeing Morticia's legs for the first time ever!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Employee, Unruly Patron Get in Shootout at West Side Strip Club
    Mr. SJG Again, first line: "...kicked out of the club." No room for interpretation. The drunk customer was outside of the building and he returned with a gun. And I take offense to people like you, people whose kneejerk reaction is to proclaim a person guilty because he cherry-picks a story to fit his own skewed worldview. Now quit sounding so all high and mighty and noble. You're not. With all of your indignant self-righteousness, you're just a thug yourself, your weapon being the keyboard instead of a gun. Someone who talks like you do, I have no doubt that your first reaction to these situations would be one of two things: 1) a gun or 2) peeing yourself.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Leo DiCaprio leaves club with 20 women
    Yeah, but if he was just a regular working joe and didn't have all that money, there'd be no way he'd be leaving with twenty women. Sorta makes me wonder how much he paid each one of them and if maybe they might've been pre-arranged.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Employee, Unruly Patron Get in Shootout at West Side Strip Club
    Mr. SJG Line 1 of the article: Two people were shot at Pure Passion Night Club early Friday morning after an unruly patron was kicked out of the club. Second to last paragraph: “In no way is it acceptable to come inside of a business, brandish a weapon, make threats forcible felonies at people, point firearms at people and expect them not to retaliate,” said IMPD public information officer Christopher Wilburn. He left the club. He then came back with a gun, and he started shooting. It's perfectly clear to any normal person reading the article. And we're talking about a drunk, someone who was already acting disorderly and irrational, so much so that he was ejected from the club. Why would you even try to ascribe "rational" to this person? These were not belligerent thug bouncers. Considering how frequently you fault the bouncers and call them "thugs," I'm guessing you've had some problems with them in the past and now you have a pretty big chip on your shoulder about it. I've been to this club before. Granted, it was only once and it was a few years back, but these were good bouncers, very relaxed, laid back, and personable. There wasn't a thug thing about them. Nuts, they treated me like I had been going there for years, like I was just another regular joe monger.