
My Dream

layin low but staying high
I had a very realistic dream last night. I was headed for the date that I have scheduled this coming week with the DS. The details of the planned date in my dream were the same as what I actually have scheduled with her. I texted her that I was on my way to pick her up at her apartment and would be there soon. But for some reason I was running and not driving my car. Of course, it took forever and I kept getting lost. A couple of times I found myself running in a shopping center or a mall instead of on the side of the road. I had to find my way out of the mall and back to the road. I kept texting her an apology and excuses for being late, but could never get to her place. We have a specific appointment for the date we're going to have this week, and I was upset that we were going to be too late.

To make things even more confusing, I was in Southern California and running on the side of the freeways. So there are dozens of freeways with all kinds of number combinations and I can never find the one I want. For some reason I thought the way to her house was on the 405 south, that's the San Diego Freeway in case you didn't know, but I kept going in different directions on other freeways. She doesn't live in Southern California by the way.

I never got tired even though I seemed to run for dozens of miles. My overwhelming thought was simply frustration at not being able to get to her place.

What does this mean? I thought about asking my wife what she thought, but decided against it.


  • Duke69
    10 years ago
    It means u suffer from anxiety and need a xanex bar.......

    Learn how to hack your dreams...u do this by realizing your n a dream.....than start thanking on how u want it to go....with some practice your dreams will become grand theft auto
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    Those dreams are only in your head.
  • bubba267
    10 years ago
    "What does it mean".... Means you need to lose 25lbs and have a sleep study done. The running part was you kicking your legs like a sonofabitch in your sleep due to sleep apnea. Don't ask me how I know...I read about it somewhere!
  • Duke69
    10 years ago
    Lol ^
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    Bubba, let's hope he wasn't actually dreaming about chasing a squirrel *g*

    John, just a couple of ideas and these are just ideas, just my interpretations, so take them for what they're worth. First, when you're behind the wheel of your car, you're in control of where you're going. You've got the speed, the direction, the destination -- nuts, with AC and your radio, you even have your environment. But not only are you on foot, you're also lost in a maze of roads and highways you're not familiar with. So you might be feeling like you're losing some control and some direction.

    Malls, the way I see them anyway, are the modern habitat of the young -- i.e., your DS. You might feel yourself being drawn more and more into her world. When you two go out, do you do much shopping?

    As for the 405, San Diego, and Southern California, my guess is that with posters like JamesSD and SJG, along with the number of conversations about AMPs, Tijuana, and, if I remember right, even about some San Diego SCs, your mind might've just latched on that and used that as a setting.

    Just my two cents.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    PG, good theories. Yes, I do sometimes take the DS shopping.

  • bubba267
    10 years ago
    Right on the money Phantom, right on the money.... Mine was funnier, but you nailed it.

    I used to have similar dreams, but mine involved having a hotel key, but not remembering the room number. It was a movie scene too, but I dreamt it before that.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    John, something I forgot to add about the mall imagery: you might feel like you're getting drawn into her world.

    Bubba, I agree -- your interpretation was funnier. Having a hotel key but not remembering the room number? You might've felt like you hadn't earned what was behind the door quite yet. Just an idea.
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