Would you go for it or pass?

I have been doing VIPs with a 24 year old white chick for over a year. She is attractive and all of my TUSCL buddies that know her, like her and her dances. She has a nice personality and is easy going. She does like her pot. I know that she lives with a black drug dealer and that he get physically abusive to her at times. I knew that she had a daughter that her mother has legal custody over because of her legal problems with the law over drugs. She just recently showed me a photo of her daughter and it is obvious that her BF is the father. She has told me and a couple of other guys that she is saving up so that she can leave him. I don't think that is going to happen because she can't seem to save anything, because he is abusive and because he is her daughter's baby daddy.
The problem is that she won't do FS ITC because she is worried about getting caught. Or at least that is what she tells me. But she tells me she will do FS with me OTC but only when her BF is out of town. The little head wants to go for it but the BIG head is saying I see red flags. What if the BF finds out what she is doing behind his back? I can't continue to do VIPs with her ITC with out it leading to FS. It is becoming too frustrating even though I don't leave with blue balls. But I don't want to become a 2AMer either.
There are other choices available for FS ITC but currently not much in the way of OTC gigs. OK lets hear it.
last commentI'm guessing she gives you BBBJ in VIP? I thought at this club that management doesn't care if people are fucking VIP?
If you do fuck her OTC, you've got to be 100% sure he won't find out. Also you don't know if she'll have a guilty conscience and tell him that you and her fucked. By the sounds of it, it sounds like she's not actually fucking many other people besides him.
I don't know shadow. This girl sounds like a shitload of drama just waiting to happen. Might be best just to wait for the next OTC opportunity and continue to enjoy your ITC action in the meantime.
Too much drama. On to the next
Sounds like a fuckload of drama to me, too
It's a tough call SC. If it was me I'd do her OTC if I thought the advantages outweighed the disadvantages. If you want a completely clear mind it might be better to pass. It would appear you have quite a thing for her though having had so many VIP's with her over a year? Let us know what you do?
All dancers have a shitload of drama and OTC makes it worse when others are involved. That being said, what I do with dancers is between me and her so I'd just go for it. Get a room somewhere; don't go to her place.
Pass. The risk outweighs the benefit. And this is coming from a goofy cat who's prone to risky behavior.
I think you know what the objective answer is, and it's exactly how you would respond if it was someone else posting the same scenario. But man it's tough to stay objective when it's YOU with the dilemma. Been there, didn't do it (but it sure was tough to decline)
I think if you have to ask for advice whether or not to fuck a cute 24 yo girl, the answer clearly must be no. You can't go through life worried that every big black guy who walks into Follies has come to kill you.
I've been through this when I was younger. Hot chick, super crappy dude hanging around her. I will say super pass.
I count you among my friends, and because of this, I think SS and JS69 are spot on. You have but one choice, I believe. Since you state, "I can't continue to do VIPs with her ITC with out it leading to FS. It is becoming too frustrating...", so the status quo is out. And I don't want to be the old guy here, pass is the only choice.
SC - I haven't been posting much lately, but your situation seems it might be best to keep it in the club. You know what your doing but my 2 cents is that you proceed with extreme caution.
Run, don't walk away from this girl and her drama. It just isn't worth the risk and the abuser clearly isn't ever going to be left.
There will be another one coming
along soon.
There always is in this business.
Shadow, this girl is not worth the risk. It's dangerous to get involved in a couple's drama. Find another dancer for OTC.
Dam ! ... Flip the script, I've been dealing with a similar situation, with a 29 yr old white dancer, her husband is a white 30 yr old disable Afghan Vet.... A few months back, Once a week Girly had been giving me the full menu in the ViP room, at this same club...
This dancer goes both way, and often bring her husband a treat ( another dancer ) to their bedroom... When this other dancer had a falling out with her....She informed my CF husband about me ,, a 60 yr old black man .. I understood he made some threats... My, cf said for me not to worry, her husband is wheelchair bound,,, And they live in Peachtree City , which is a long way from the club... I've also had had the full menu with the girl that snitch on us.. in the ViP room ... ( just today)...
In your situation , I will pass on OTC...
In my's , I'm getting the full menu in ViP
eyeamlong - I find that interesting because I am in the process of selling my Peachtree City home. I wouldn't have thought that a stripper could afford to live there.
Y know, a lot of you guys who do OTC probably have been in this same situation, the dancer just didn't tell you about her abusive BF.
This chick has drug problems. The BF will find out eventually. Probably not worth it.
I think one should not discount their SC gut feeling – it’s kinda like ignoring a fire alarm and the consequences could be serious.
Often times when one gets involved w/ a stripper; often times inevitably one may get entangled w/ their issues – and for many a dancer; the baby-daddy is often their biggest issue and a black drug-dealing baby-daddy is not the kind of stripper baggage a SC playa should deal w/.
Shadow ... I know of Two Dancers that live in Peachtree City ... Dances at that club
Her, father inlaw was a longtime employee of a major airline ( mechanic) when he died the house was left to her husband.. I think she said it's payed for...
You guys are like kids in here talking how your head will get blown up.
If you can't deal with these I would suggest the following:
Do not get involved with any Dancer.
Just watch the show, don't even try having a convo.
Leave around 11:45PM right around the time when these bitches will start selling hard.
You'll be OK.
That's fo-sho.
Leave her alone. These guys have nothing to show in life other than their beautiful strip club girlfriends. You do not know how much he has spend on her and what promises she has made. These guys see their girlfriends as their property. Stay away for the sake of your life. There is a reason that she want him out of town before she meets with you. She is afraid of his violent temper tarades! Do not get caught in the middle of it. He has nothing to lose. You have everything to lose.
Don't worry. If anything happens I'll post a 2 amer. 60ish year old strip club guy gunned down by jealous stripper boyfriend after she told him the older guy was better in bed.
Then I'll join in the discussion of what happened to shadowcat?
I would move on. I'd rather read about2amers.
Which of your nine lives are you on....? Also, something just doesn't sound right, about "not getting caught" when she is taking care of things in every bit of a more "obvious way" if someone looked in the room.... Just doesn't add up.
Pass. If you have to ask, you know what the answer will be.
Well the votes are in and counted. I'll be dropping this one and moving on. Thanks.
That's would have been my advice SC. But I doubt you would ever become a 2AMer. Maybe a 2PMer though!
my vote is do it at least once and then don't do it again :)
Good to hear you're passing on her, Shadowcat. For whatever it's worth, my vote would've been to pass, too. If this guy's really a drug dealer, there's always a chance he'd have someone around, watching the place and maybe watching her.
And if she's serious about saving up some money to get away from the guy, maybe she could talk to her bosses at the club, see if they can put some -- not all, just enough not to raise her boyfriend's suspicions -- and one of those prepaid cards and get someone she can trust to hold onto that card until the day to run comes.
PASS. The bottom line is she likes the pot too much. If it was the typical situation with the shit-head baby-daddy, you could make it work. But she will never leave him or even jeopardize her situation because she likes the pot too much
More often than not; dancer/civies w/ baby-daddy issues end up going back to the douchebag time and time again and leave everyone else that is trying to help them holding the bag – this is especially true when they are young and just too inexperienced and stupid.
Um... just curious... why is the BF's race relevant?
^ Although many will take issue w/ the statement – young black men have a well-earned reputation for violence – especially if they are f’ing drug dealers.
Not to say that all, or even most, young black men are like this; but it seems that a disproportionate amount of violence is perpetrated by young black men.
Do you live or hang-out/visit in the hood – if not - why not?
Papi -
If a stripper lived with an abusive white drug dealer who found out she was fucking you... not such a problem? Those abusive white drug dealers aren't so dangerous?
I live in, hang out in, and visit fairly nice areas. I prefer clean and safe. There are many more problems in poorer areas, because they're poorer, not because they're blacker.
^^^Good points
I don't know why you want to make a race issue out of this but since you did, it was revelant to me because a black drug dealer scars the hell out of me more than a white one.
After hearing about the dealers in your favorite club and some of the discussions about girls that have dealer boyfriends, I decide that no I would not deal with this girl or anyone else like her. I would not see her OTC and I would not do dances or anything else with her ITC either.
Dealing with her means entering into her emotional world and it also means financially subsidizing it too. I won't do that.
You posted about one Gridget that you were seeing for 8 years. I replied to that. I bet she was not into drugs or abusive people. I don't see why you don't find someone else like her. You could still see others occasionally too. But you shouldn't have to deal with dancers that are involved in drugs or abusive people.
SlickSpic's Weed thread
ET, for better or worse, the bi-racial nature of the relationship between dancer and boyfriend introduces an added element of danger. I agree being an absusive boyfriend is a colorblind issue, but in our southern hip hop culture, there would be a higher probability of correcting being disrespected with shooting he who "dissed" him. Not because Shadow is white, but because, that's how local hip/hop culture teaches how to deal. And anymore, hip/hop isn't code for black... It has permeated and engulfed our city of Atlanta producing a hell of a mess of thugs and wannabe gangstas of all races - even Asian in the Buford hwy section.