
Comments by April9424 (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Man Austin has some great talent
    Op I’m curious where you went.. I like Austin but don’t find their club scene particularly impressive in any way.. as a customer or a dancer
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    6 years ago
    New York
    Nickle and Dime Story
    I agree that it sounds like you aren’t as generous and important to these girls as you seem to think.. but- I also agree that asking for tips is rude and stupid. I’ve tested it out before after dancers telling me I should but IME- the guys who want to tip will tip and tip well. If you have to demand one it will probably only be a few bucks and the customer will feel hustled. Not worth it
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    6 years ago
    Sandra Salas is my favorite political candidate.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Remember when there were lists here....
    I do remember the discussions here being sorta useful/informative when I first signed up and that’s why I read them.. now it’s more like mindless entertainment
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    A Question To Nicespice:
    I too wanted to beat up nicespice but upon meeting her became nervous due to her adorable and disarming nature, sorry guys but I just couldn’t do it
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    6 years ago
    Will voting affect strip club turnout?
    I don’t usually notice any difference in girls or customers during elections, but being here in the land of “hairy legged women and liberal fruitcakes” I think the bars and clubs might get busy if Beto wins. I saw some events on fb, one was posted by a dancer
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Valet parking an expensive car at the club...
    The girls do know at some places because the staff talks. If someone has a black card or $200k car the managers will probably hear about it and tell their favorite girls (usually the mega hustlers who tip out well, or whoever the manager is dating).. and they’ll expect you to tip big and try to shake you down
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What would you do ?
    "it’s ridiculous a guy who works in a strip club, knows what the dancers are about, shares the fact he just found a bundle of cash with a stripper. In my mind it’s ludicrous" why would it matter to him if the stripper knows? what is she gonna do, tell on him? rob him? no one can prove anything and he already spent it so why not brag. i turned in cash once and the manager didn't even pretend to put it in the safe he just told me i'm stupid and that it's his now. next time i found $ after that i kept it
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    6 years ago
    Trap Jumpin
    I’m her new lap dog. Ok bye
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What's the funniest thing you've seen in a strip club?
    Watching strippers fight never gets old
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Strippers and Smoking Cigarettes
    A lot of it is alcohol related, I think. I only smoke when I’m drunk and I probably drink more at work than anywhere else. A lot of girls say the same thing
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Extras Discounts for Regulars
    "That and 90% of the time there are enough customers circulating to make ends meet. Thoughts?" yes. if a regular tried to start paying less or ask for free stuff i'd say byeeee! but that is because i mainly work thurs-sun late night shifts at a busy club and don't have to rely on regulars to pay my bills. if i worked at a smaller club, or day shifts, or in a small town or something i'd probably consider it. i've given discounts and gone out to lunch with certain guys in the past when i worked daytime at a club with less business.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What's the funniest thing you've seen in a strip club?
    Chubby female comes in with her hot friend and the hot friends sugar daddy. Chubby girl is fucked up on Molly and gets annoyed that she isn’t getting attention so she strips down to her underwear and tries to get on stage. Bouncer comes after her so she starts running around, darting through tables while he chases her. People are yelling and cheering her on. Finally he catches her and she tries to make out with him as he carries her nearly naked body away. Me and some other dancers got to finish off their bottle of alcohol
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Most embarrassing moment in a SC
    Lol op, it’s even sadder when a guy gets a stack and tries to act like a badass and make it rain but it just sticks together and plops on the stage anticlimactically. I’ve given it back before to let them try again
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Was one of them a flip phone? I’ve noticed drug dealers always use a shitty old flip phone for some reason. I assume because non-smart phones aren’t as easily tracked?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    A little bit confused
    Meh maybe I’m high maintenance. Who takes a stripper on a lunch date to Krispy Kreme tho? Like a first date in the middle of the day? It’s plausible sure just weird lol he said they were supposed to get lobster
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
     All your base are belong to us.
    Kinda OT - the case for bolt ons
    also kinda OT: "cans" is my favorite term for boobs. i find it hilarious. + agree with PSD that telling a girl how to alter her body without offering to pay for it is grounds for telling a guy to fuck all the way off. i can't even imagine feeling that entitled. i've been with older guys who'd look better with a fuller head of hair but who the fuck am i to say shit about it unless i'm paying for his hair transplant? for fucks sake
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    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    News we like to hear.
    good. i never danced in SD but when i was going to school around there several years ago a classmate told me she worked at cheetahs and that cops would follow dancers leaving the club. said she was pulled over for failing to use her turn signal even though she did, then was basically harassed and interrogated despite being sober/doing nothing wrong.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    A little bit confused
    i was just about to type a serious reply until "she wants to meet at krispy kreme". why didn't i realize it was fun to post here until after it became a wasteland of nonsense, sigh
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Sexual Her-Ass-ment
    troll or not.. a lot of conventionally hot guys are especially creepy and think it's ok to harass women because of the mindset phatboy is describing. barf
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    6 years ago
    Sexual Her-Ass-ment
    "Saying “wow, you have gorgeous tits” to a girl in a bar, or nightclub, or house party, or beach club, or in the hallway of your apartment building, DOESN’T incite any amount of rage or offense in the woman being spoken to (unless you’re ugly)." a night club or bar when the girl is dressed up to impress? "nice tits" is super douchey but as long as you don't touch her then ok whatever. the hallway of your apartment?! fucking creepy. and no, it has nothing to do with being ugly. also when it comes to "signals" most dudes are clueless and want to interpret anything as being interested when the girl is just being polite or has a flirty personality. ---- "Where I disagree with your statement is the idea that men should "take out their sexual aggression on sex workers." I don't know if that's really what you were trying to imply. I may be reading you wrong, but I feel that in the strip club it is particularly important to negotiate clear boundaries of consent." if i am in the hallway of my apartment building, "nice tits" is sexually aggressive. if i am on stage at the club, it is a welcomed compliment. that's what i meant.
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    6 years ago
    Sexual Her-Ass-ment
    "I’ve noticed that a lot of the people complaining about the “metoo” movement and how speaking to a girl “incorrectly” seem to be the ones who most want to be able to speak to girls “incorrectly” without repercussion. " this, or they truly don't think they're doing anything wrong. it's like the guys who hear about a 26 year old female teacher fucking a 13 year old student and think he's "lucky". many men are so sex crazed and perverse they cannot comprehend that other people don't see things the same way so to them women are just being sensitive or making a big deal out of nothing. they wouldn't even think to themselves "i should take out my sexual aggression on consenting sex workers instead of innocent women" because they don't think they're being overly sexually aggressive. they're delusional. the rest are aware of what they're doing could get them in trouble and yes i think those men might turn to strip clubs as an outlet. i don't think those guys feel they are in the wrong either, though, just aware enough to know what society might punish them for now that all this "metoo nonsense" is going on
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    I am a hot girl on Seeking Arrangement... Day 1
    good idea, pretty informative for the guys. i've actually always wanted to make a sugar daddy profile myself and see what it's like on the other side. maybe i will
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Under 21 Strippers and Alcohol?
    I hate underaged girls who try to sneak booze from the bar. They are almost always annoying af. If you wanna drink drink then do it discretely in the locker room or before work, hold your alcohol, and who cares. Why put customers and the clubs liquor license at risk?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I've got a bad feeling about this.
    Stripper social media observations
    “My first instinct is to point out that the kind of stripper to allow a customer social media access (that isn’t specifically a work related one) would be a specific kind. The kind that TUSCL men would enjoy and dancers would not. :p” Nailed it.