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SAN DIEGO (AP) — San Diego will pay nearly $1.5 million to settle lawsuits filed by more than a dozen exotic dancers who claimed police violated their rights during strip club raids.
The City Council on Tuesday approved settlements for two suits filed by 17 dancers.
The dancers said they were held against their will on threat of arrest and subjected to humiliating searches when police raided Expose and Cheetah’s Gentlemen’s Club in 2013 and 2014. Police showed up in bulletproof vests.
The suit said the women were subjected to demeaning comments, ordered to expose body parts and had their tattoos photographed.
In March, a federal judge ruled that the city’s Municipal Code violates the First Amendment because it doesn’t limit the power of police to use inspections to harass adult entertainment businesses.
The City Council on Tuesday approved settlements for two suits filed by 17 dancers.
The dancers said they were held against their will on threat of arrest and subjected to humiliating searches when police raided Expose and Cheetah’s Gentlemen’s Club in 2013 and 2014. Police showed up in bulletproof vests.
The suit said the women were subjected to demeaning comments, ordered to expose body parts and had their tattoos photographed.
In March, a federal judge ruled that the city’s Municipal Code violates the First Amendment because it doesn’t limit the power of police to use inspections to harass adult entertainment businesses.
Will this verdict have any impact on the strip club scene in San Diego, as in relaxing the overly stringent regulation of these clubs?
Enquiring minds would love to know.
The night shift scene in San Diego is pretty lame. You can pay 100 dollars for a VIP with titty sucking and stick shifting and a lapgasm if you want, and there are night girls open to OTC. During day shift there are some hookers but they often are 6s and 7s and not dimes.
On the flip side two of the mediocre clubs are being gentrified out of existance. One sold the property to a megachurch and another will be zoned out of existance I'm the next 3 years. It's impossible to open a new club in SD county.
We get shit on more than we deserve, but it's fair to say SD is not TJ. But we do have some hot dancers and from all I've read here we are sort of in the middle for mileage if you are careful where you look.
JamesSD is right, and I've probably made comments to the same point before - you'll get nothing in SD for a single song lap dance. At Cheetahs, you might get something for a 5 song $100 VIP, but it can be pretty YMMV, and I've since lived in two places far worse for mileage than San Diego.
Good to see them taking the necessary precautions when dealing with violent criminals like these.
And I don’t give a shit whether or not they’re desperate for money. I have what I have, and I offer what I offer. If that ain’t good enough, so be it.
TJ Street…………
Jennifer Lopez…
JohnSmith69 has a front room makeout session with an 18yo hottie. Only problem is that he is so cranky that he describes it all in negative terms and blames it on the girl.…
san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
Bullet-proof vests? So the cum-firing wouldn't stain their uniforms? Geez...