
Comments by Shamrock211 (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Sometimes it doesn't pay to be a strip club bouncer
    Nice! I'll consider that farmerart..
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    12 years ago
    Every Time I Think I'm Out, They Pull Me Back In.
    Thanks Canny and deogol. As (kinda) a writer, I enjoy being read!
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    12 years ago
    Every Time I Think I'm Out, They Pull Me Back In.
    Doug-that was me, same name but not quite a year ago. I decided discretion was the better part of valor seeing as how if the owner even suspected I was writing about his club, he would've cleaned house. And while this may have been a great lawsuit opportunity for me, I'm sure his lawyers are better than mine and he has more of them.
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    12 years ago
    Any Experience with Priligy (Dapoxetine)?
    As I sent to shadow cat I've ordered from this place 3 times: http://www.qzmeds.com/ The product (cialis) was just as good as perscription, reasonably cheap, and arrived safely all 3 times. The only problem I had was that my CC company declined the first purchase due to the parameters I had set up on my card. They called me for confirmation and once I gave it to them there was no further problem on either of the subsequent orders. They label the package as 'computer parts' which caused a bit of confusion for me at first, but the company actually has a good customer service dept and cleared things up for me. The only other advice I have is to spring for the 'express' delivery. I didn't the first time and it took something like 21-24 days to arrive.
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    12 years ago
    Rate the Hottie Results of Rounds 1-10
    I agree that #1 should be #1. Beautiful woman if a bit overdone for me. However, at the risk of sounding jaded, there was nothing special about any of the others outside of #4 and that's just because I've never had an asian chick. I work with hotter girls than these every day. (Plus a whole bunch of skanks and chubby girls.)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The smell of pot in clubs.
    The girls at my club smoke weed constantly. At least in summer they do it outside, but during fall/winter they do it in the dressing room or in the girls bathroom and stink up the whole place. Management doesn't seem to care, so why should I? Do what you want, skanks.
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    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stay away from this club.
    Mmmmm-mmmm-mmmmm. Taste the ghetto. Clubs like that should be leveled so maybe something can be built that actual humans could go to.
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    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Stripper Rage
    You know nothing about stripper rage until you've had to break up a fight between 2 strippers doing their damnedest to kill each other. Until that day, consider yourself ignorant on the subject.
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    12 years ago
    "Making it rain" (or "cash carpet")
    I Hate it when people make it rain. I have to pick that crap up and make sure other customers aren't 're-tipping'. Judging by the discussions I've seen here I would say that most of the regulars here probably wouldn't be in that particular club. Looks like it might be a bit ghetto-y in there....
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Columbus, OH no longer has nude clubs!
    All of Ohio is now pasties and non nude. Thank the fundies down in southern OH and the American Family Association. I guess its the lesser of 2 evils compared to the 'six foot rule' which is what they were trying for. We got politely warned about a month ago that we were in violation of these rules when 2 liquor control agents came to our club. Some clubs are choosing to ignore the 'new' rules (which have been on the books for 5 years or so) but most are following them. Sucks to be in Ohio....
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    12 years ago
    Tipping floormen/hospitality?
    I've been a 'monkey' for a long time now and at a variety of different style clubs. I can tell you that I appreciate customer tips very much and that I'll go out of our way to help those who help us. Let me give you a couple of examples. A place I used to work at was monitored like a maximum security prison, cameras everywhere and the girls were NOT allowed to go to VIP without a floor guy watching the cams. As you can imagine this place was pretty strict, any kind of sexual contact was completely out of the question and even grinding was forbidden. In the same night I had 2 guys in from out of town for business. We had talked about what could and could not happen in the club because I'm a pretty stand up guy and I'm not going to mislead people until they've done something to piss me off. That being said they both got the picture that they weren't going to get their dicks sucked but both opted to stay. One guy tipped me a 20 to "look the other way" and the other didn't. So when they both went back to VIP, the tipper got A) a girl who didn't mind being groped a bit and B)got a much dirtier dance than the non-tipper. Meanwhile his buddy who opted not to tip got warned like a regular joe to please keep his arms to the sides and not touch the girl. He didn't get nearly the bang for his buck as the guy who threw me a twenty. Another guy who came into the same club tipped my a hundo and I let him get away with murder in that same strict club. I even went back to warn him the manager was coming around and that both he and the dancer had to back it down for a bit until I gave them the all clear. He had a great time and the dancer, myself and the club all made money. That was a good night. The only thing I can tell you that bouncers are people too. Treat them with a bit of respect and generally they'll do the same. If your local place has hardcore, asshole bouncers-find a new place. I'm just trying to make a living like everyone else but I have to do it with the within the parameters of whatever club I happen to be working in.
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    12 years ago
    North Carolina
    Bouncing in a strip club part 2
    Probably a good decision. Although if you get into a decent club that is managed correctly, you can make a good living without too much BS...
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    12 years ago
    OTC drivers
    Ha. I've been that 'driver'. Usually escorting a girl to a bachelor party in which case its pretty much expected. But I have driven and escorted a few dancers going about OTC stuff. They were extremely professional about it, no drugged out lunatics (OK, maybe one) and they informed any new guys that they would be accompanied by me until the rapport had been established and I was no longer necessary. On the other side of the coin I know of two confirmed incidences where customers at clubs I worked at got set up and robbed by a dancer who agreed to meet him OTC. My advice is insist the initial meet is somewhere very public. It makes if difficult to rip you off and should (if she's legit) set the girl's mind at ease. Go from there and happy fornication!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Pink site makes me shake my head
    OK, I can see going to a strip club and wasting your money on dancers and whores. I make my living from it so by all means, come on in. But paying some girl to strip and play with herself on a webcam strikes me as desperate and pathetic. There's more free porn available than you can spank it to in a million years on the web. How needy are these guys for any sort of female contact that they'll pay some distant bitch to diddle themself on camera? Some dudes are an embarrassment to men everywhere.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    should i be a dancer
    Trolling or SNB? I vote troll. A shame. What club couldn't use another quasi-literate ghett-ho?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Here's a couple of examples from my blog 10, enjoy. http://plightofthestripperherder.blogspot.com/2011/09/holy.html http://plightofthestripperherder.blogspot.com/2011/11/black-friday-maybe-its-because-youre.html http://plightofthestripperherder.blogspot.com/2011/01/beating-dead-whore-or-oh-how-i-wish-i.html
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    A year or so for the full thrill to wear off. After that it all becomes product. Product that just won't shut the fuck up........
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    12 years ago
    What is it with Dancers who don't know how to politely leave after getting rejec
    I'm to the point of contemplating murder with some of the girls at the club I work in. I had a girl on saturday night ask customers for a dance and if they refused she would run up to one of us poor Floor Schleps and accuse the customer of saying horrible things and try to get them thrown out. She actually told a guy (who happened to be a guy I used to bounce with years ago) that if he didn't get a dance she would get him thrown out by accusing him of being disrespectful to her. 90% of the girls who do this are completely ghetto-riffic (regardless of race or color). Personally I have no idea why the owner lets it go on. There are so many people in this town that won't come to this club it's ridiculous. Thank god for out of towners.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I was a very good year.
    At a conservative accounting of $15 a dance that makes it something like $321 a happy ending. I don't count HJs because you can do those yourself and probably better than most strippers anyways. Seems like a great value. Congratulations.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What's the best way to get rid of dancers who don't leave?
    I've had customers come up to me and ask me to get a certain dancer away from their table. I usually have the DJ page her to the booth and explain that the customer isn't into her and that she's wasting her time there. This let's both the customer and the dancer save face and generally avoids drama. Depending on the club I don't recommend being extremely rude to the skank as I have had to throw out many customers for being rude/mean to the girls. Management generally sides with the dancers in a 'your word versus hers' scenario.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    NYE and NY Day
    I'll be working both those days unfortunately. The owner of our club wouldn't let a day go by if there's even a remote chance he might make a buck.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    At the current club I work at, I've only had to break up 6 or 7 fights in the past 6 months or so and they were all between dancers or in one case a dancer and a customer. I had one girl come off the stage in the middle of her set and attack another dancer right on the floor. Super classy.....
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Don's Phone Messages to a Stripper
    She better hope 'Don' doesn't snap...
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    13 years ago
    Don's Phone Messages to a Stripper
    Sounds like Don is what we refer to in the industry as a 'fucking idiot'. I'd like to believe this is fake but I've seen it happen numerous times so it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if its legit. Once a dancer has bled some poor, desperate moron dry, they find inventive ways to get rid of the guy. Sad really.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Asking Floor Manager for the best dancers to take into a private room with a go
    I hate them too.