Every Time I Think I'm Out, They Pull Me Back In.

avatar for Shamrock211

Hey all, although I enjoy lurking around and reading the posts here, it came to my attention the the owner of the last club I worked at reads stuff here, so I decided I would stop posting rather than get fired because the cunning hillbilly fuck figured out I was writing about his place.

Since then I have quit working at that shithole and got out of the industry for a few months.

But its hard to pass up the money, so I'm back at a new club in the same ole town. The cash isn't as good, but at least the inmates aren't running the asylum here.

For the curious as to what its like to work at a club in a non-stripper capacity (and other drunken nonsense somewhat related to the biz and some posts from a concert club I worked at as well) here's the site:


Now you too can experience the sheer joy of being a titty club bouncer.


last comment
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
I enjoyed the read. When you got new postings up, you should announce them on this site.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Didn't you used to post here a few years back under a different shamrock name?
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
You should use the handel "lucky" next time
avatar for Shamrock211
12 years ago
Doug-that was me, same name but not quite a year ago. I decided discretion was the better part of valor seeing as how if the owner even suspected I was writing about his club, he would've cleaned house.

And while this may have been a great lawsuit opportunity for me, I'm sure his lawyers are better than mine and he has more of them.
avatar for canny
12 years ago
Welcome back! I always enjoy reading your posts.
avatar for Shamrock211
12 years ago
Thanks Canny and deogol. As (kinda) a writer, I enjoy being read!
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