These are the phone messages that came from my friend's Rose's phone. She let me keep them as proof in the event Don ever tried to harm her or worse. Like I said before, I don't hate strippers but I am sure that after hearing these messages you will probably conclude that Don does hate strippers now.
If you, or a friend, has fallen in love with a dancer, just be very careful and don't let this happen to you.
Message 1 Don tries to figure out a way to see her outside of the club.
Message 2 Don is still wondering why his strip club girlfriend doesn't call back.
Message 3 After a few more visits to the club and some "deep" conversation, Don decides that he wants to marry her. Keep in mind that they have yet to see each other outside the strip club.
Message 4 Don decides to buy her a wedding band and give it to her at the club.
Message 5 She told him that she can't see him outside the club or get married until her bills are paid. Don has a plan and "he loves it when his brain works"
Message 6 Don asks for a big loan and has his Dad cosign the loan to help pay her bills.
Message 7 Don gets his parents to mortgage the house for his stripper girlfriend.
Message 8 Don has some trouble getting the loan processed
Message 9 Don starts asking questions about how she will use the money and which credit cards she will be paying. The truth is she is using the money to fix her boyfriend's car.
Message 10 Since Don asked all the questions about how she would use the money, she yelled at him and pretended to cry on the phone. By doing this, she made him feel guilty about "not trusting" her about the money. He also brags about what a great husband he is.
Message 11 Don gave her a wedding ring that she thought was so cheap so she gave it to a girlfriend and told Don that she lost it in the bathroom at the mall.
Message 12 He complains more about the lost ring and he asks her to do something this weekend. He doesn't want to beg because as he puts it, "I am not very good at it".
Message 13 Don is wondering why she hasn't called him back and hasn't gone out with him anymore after he gave her the money.
Message 14 Don is trying to setup a date using his so suave style.
Message 15 Don has seen his babe so he decided to go get drunk and driving around to all the local strip clubs.
Message 16 Don is eager to get married. Keep in mind, they only saw each other once outside of the club and that is when he gave her $10,000 to pay her bills.
Message 17 She is trying to get rid of Don and the way she will do that is to pay her friend to flirt with Don so she can claim that Don was "cheating" on her.
Message 18 Don hasn't seen her so he now resorts to going to her work to stalk her.
Message 19 She is trying to get rid of Don and avoid getting married so she tells Don that she has some horrible disease. She figures that he will not marry him and maybe she could get some money out of Don.
Message 20 It didn't work. Don still wants to marry her.
Message 21 She figures she can yank Don for some more money by telling him that she has to pay hospital bills for her illness. Of course she tells him the hospital only accepts cash.…
last commentI never, ever give out my number to my customers. I'm awkward enough on the phone with people I know, what am I supposed to say to the random schmoe I met the night before?
"Hey, this is, Jim-Bob."
"You know, Jim-Bob. I bought some dances from you last night."
"Uh... I did a lot of dances. That doesn't help."
"I tipped you $5!"
"... everyone tips me $5."
Yeah, I never give my number to customers. If they want to see me, they can come in on Saturday nights like everyone else.
I'd like to believe this is fake but I've seen it happen numerous times so it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if its legit. Once a dancer has bled some poor, desperate moron dry, they find inventive ways to get rid of the guy.
Sad really.