Many dancers will just leave and sometimes come back when you so no thanks, maybe later, not right now. Then there are some dancers who don't even bother to ask if you mind if they sit at your table. Take one example I just ran into. I"m sitting by myself. Dancer sit next to me. She starts trying to sweet talk me and starts rubbing my arm asking if I work out. I'm thinking as far as my arms go, maybe 20 years ago. I just decide to tell her sometimes. I occasionally lift barbells but it's just an attempt to keep the muscles I already have. Anyway I'm about 4 feet from a stage watching dancers on there ignoring her for the most part as much as you can ignore someone rubbing your arm. Suddenly the shot girl comes over and asks if I want anything. I say no. Then she asks if I want to buy the dancer anything. I say no thanks. She leaves. Then the dancer says "You suck!" and walks off. Ok, she just spent several minutes being friendly, now I'm not even going to tip the dancer and will not get any dances from her as long as I remember her. Is this just dancer stupidity? On the bright side for her, because I was ignoring her, after one to two weeks, I may have trouble identifying her.
Another example. A dancer whom I thought looked pretty good comes up to me and asks for a dance. I told her I just said I would get dances from the dancer who just went up on stage who was coming back in two songs (if she immediately came back to me). Anyway she says about the dancer on stage, "I think she dances nasty" "I can't even stand to watch her". I'm thinking ok, I don't need a dancer who is either upset, bitter, or just speaking bad things about other dancers dancing for me. I let her go. She's like the negative campaign ads attacking everyone else to make herself look better. If enough dancers did that, I might think negative thoughts about all the dancers and not bother visiting.
hmmm, maybe she wasn't talking about her stage dancing being nasty but I thought she was at that moment. I probably could have gotten rid of the dancer talking just by saying something like "yeah, she said if we got alone, she would start off by sucking my cock" but then that probably would have started more SS.
i have a real good memory. if a girl is cheeky with me once, even if a year later i'm back in that club, i'll remember who it was and give them a hard time if they dare try ask again.
recently was watchin a fave who i did loads of dances with that night, on stage putting on a great pole show, which i enjoy, when some annoying youngster comes barging up. i try explain sorry but am just watching stage show at the moment, so she calls me a cheap bastard and loads of other shit. next night am back in the same club and she comes back up again forgetting who i am, or maybe just having the balls to ask again after that. just told her no i dont do dances cause i am a cheap bastard so can fuck off. i've also turned away dancers always politely and they go yeah, you prefer dances with ######, and then proceed to say loads of shit about my girl, before storming away.
you can be as polite as you like and i always am, but some girls just dont know when to leave it. i find it's mainly the younger newer ones, or girls fresh over from europe. you would think they would very quickly learn though when they are wasting their time.
i never say maybe later or not right now though, unless i mean it and would do actually prob do a dance later. that just gives them the excuse to keep coming back. an annoying dancer hassling you can really spoil the vibe of your night.
I need a do not call list for Politicians. After more than a dozen phone messages on my answering machine, I'm glad I have a delete button. The Ron Paul campaign just mails me literature so that I can read it whenever I want to. Not the other guys. I don't want to listen to a bunch of long political messages on my answering machine. I was a bit surprised when Romney addressed me by name on my answering machine. His message was short and addressing me by name makes me think he actually made the phone call. I was impressed with that message. I still prefer letters over all the messages.
The main reason I started saying maybe later when I don't really mean it are a certain percentage of dancers who seem to not take no for an answer. I found most of them will leave with a maybe later. It might be 98% will leave and not bother you with a no thanks. That 2% of dancers who don't leave with a no thanks can be annoying. However if you say maybe later, it might be 95 percent of that 2% will leave and come back later. I'm often in another spot or with a dancer I like so they often can't find me. Then there are the times when you have a dancer that says she is more stubborn than you and refuses to leave you. Sometimes those dancers act like they don't even care about money. I had one dancer refuse to leave me alone and thought I could rid of her by saying something about dance prices. She offered to do them for free. I didn't really trust her though and didn't want her to dance for me anyway. She was crazy. That night she kept upping the free offers until she said something about her taking me to her house. Now that is one stubborn dancer.
Shark this has to be in pp in greenville sc ! I've had some good times in their but some of those bitches act just like this ! a rule for me a ho acts like this I will never by her shit ! Hell I want even talk with her ! I've even got the fuck up and walked off as she sat down just becuz I. Was treated like shit last time verses a king !.....if I'm paying then I'm the fuckin king and them bitches need to be happy sucking me off !
Yes it was in Platinum. Some dancers come and go and usually the ones that do this are the ones just passing through. That makes sense because if they piss off all the paying customers, they will rightfully say that they aren't making any money in the club and be forced to move on. Unless everyone has a short as memory as mine. I do remember a general idea of what she looks like even if I'm ignoring her for the most part. It does hurt other dancers because I didn't want a dance from anyone for the next hour or two I was there that is until I recognized some favorites I hadn't seen in a couple of months.
I think most people would agree that buying a car, or in general buying anything from salespeople who work purely for commission, is very often an aggravating experience. So why are we so surprised that strippers are often aggravating? To me the most aggravating thing is that 90% of dancers will try to convince you they like you more than they do. But most strippers think that they are world-class hustlers, so if you ever said "Oh please, spare me the BS already", they'd have a hissy fit about it. If a girl I like comes over (or I go over to her), I ask her for a lap within 30 seconds. Unfortunately, they generally don't take the hint. They sit with me and "bless" me with their BS schpeel after the dances. Hey dancers, 90% of you are very interesting people, but you don't really want to be my friend, not even in the very most casual sense of that word, so when we're not dancing, please stay away, let me watch the stag show, and don't jerk me around. But of course, I vent at the poor dancers unjustly. They have no way of knowing I'm not one of the many guys who, for reasons I can't fathom, would be pissed if the dancer just said goodbye and walked away after the dances.
Lol ! Shark I fuckin knew it was pp !....LMFAO ! This is part of why I don't go as much to pp in greenville SS just like this : ) they fix it I will show up more : ) I one time was getting a vip dane and a 2nd girl walked in and started in on a 3way without asking and was hustling extras ! I was like bitch I don't even want a fuckin 3way and no I ain't paying you shit for what your doing right the fuck now !......I was having a good time up until this point !.....pp in greenville needs to fuckin fix shit like this !
Unfortunately I think the dancers who come and go are sometimes like that. That's why I stick to favorites and often try to get rid of others coming around asking. I thought the dancer doing all the crap rubbing my arm would pick up that I wasn't even looking at her and just leave. She did but it wasn't until the shot girl came over, probably about 4 minutes and then she told me I sucked. Real classy move to get a customer interested in getting dances. NOT
Ya I know pp was for me the first club were I had to deal with a bitchy ass dancer for me nicly saying no thank you ! Lol......and don't even get me started on those shot girls !
Its a hazard going into a strip club. There are always a few twats. There is nothing you can do except refuse to give them your money. Don't take any of their crap personally. They do it to everyone and they do it because they are unhappy with the job in some way. Tell them to get lost and eventually they won't bother you anymore because they'll be mad at someone else.
I'm to the point of contemplating murder with some of the girls at the club I work in.
I had a girl on saturday night ask customers for a dance and if they refused she would run up to one of us poor Floor Schleps and accuse the customer of saying horrible things and try to get them thrown out. She actually told a guy (who happened to be a guy I used to bounce with years ago) that if he didn't get a dance she would get him thrown out by accusing him of being disrespectful to her.
90% of the girls who do this are completely ghetto-riffic (regardless of race or color).
Personally I have no idea why the owner lets it go on. There are so many people in this town that won't come to this club it's ridiculous. Thank god for out of towners.
I experience this too much at my favorite club. Most of the dancers there are allright, but there are just some who are total idiots, who are probably there only because no one else will hire them. I think they put up with it because eventually, there will be a point where they have so much rejection, they will quit, and a lot of those dancers do go away. OTOH, they have the so-called twins (they are not really twins, or even sisters, but they are ALWAYS together) who have been pulling this shit for years there. The trouble with them is, they are indisputably in the top half of the girls there, at least by looks, so they do sell dances, but then they do ROB stuff that is totally unacceptable. I did get rid of one once, who demanded a reason why I wouldn't get a dance from her, by telling her if she needed a reason, she was stupid. I think too many strippers just don't have any sense of manners, which isn't really surprising.
last commentrecently was watchin a fave who i did loads of dances with that night, on stage putting on a great pole show, which i enjoy, when some annoying youngster comes barging up.
i try explain sorry but am just watching stage show at the moment, so she calls me a cheap bastard and loads of other shit. next night am back in the same club and she comes back up again forgetting who i am, or maybe just having the balls to ask again after that. just told her no i dont do dances cause i am a cheap bastard so can fuck off. i've also turned away dancers always politely and they go yeah, you prefer dances with ######, and then proceed to say loads of shit about my girl, before storming away.
you can be as polite as you like and i always am, but some girls just dont know when to leave it. i find it's mainly the younger newer ones, or girls fresh over from europe. you would think they would very quickly learn though when they are wasting their time.
i never say maybe later or not right now though, unless i mean it and would do actually prob do a dance later. that just gives them the excuse to keep coming back. an annoying dancer hassling you can really spoil the vibe of your night.
I had a girl on saturday night ask customers for a dance and if they refused she would run up to one of us poor Floor Schleps and accuse the customer of saying horrible things and try to get them thrown out. She actually told a guy (who happened to be a guy I used to bounce with years ago) that if he didn't get a dance she would get him thrown out by accusing him of being disrespectful to her.
90% of the girls who do this are completely ghetto-riffic (regardless of race or color).
Personally I have no idea why the owner lets it go on. There are so many people in this town that won't come to this club it's ridiculous. Thank god for out of towners.
They should be fired. Is the Owner getting "Some" from the Dancers?
Twat? I cunt hear you.