recently at Oasis in ATL. hooked up with good looking blonde with nice ass and tits. while talking with her, another dancer came over to say something to her. this new girl was a 9 with a perfect ass and big natural knockers ( at least a D maybe a DD). when she walked away I made a comment about what a looker she was. the first dancers says , yeahs shes' at hottie but a total bitch. further conversation reveals that most of the girls are pissed off because dancer #2 really rakes in the money when she in on duty. the feel that the competition is a little to much. noticed that #2 was constantly giving lap dances while some of the others never gave one at all. at $10 bucks a pop for a four minute song, i figure she was making close to $150 and hour while she worked the floor!!
When I first became a regular at a nice strip club, I got a lot of dances from 2 very attractive young women. As soon as I walked in the bar, they would come over to my table and I would buy them drinks before going upstairs for dances. It took me a while to realize that these girls did not like each other at all. They were jealous and did not want me to spend time with the other one. I found it flattering for 2 attractive girls to be jealous over me. (I'm sure they loved me only for myself, not for the money I spent on them.)
I've run into this a couple of times when I've been spending a LOT of time with an ATF & spending a LOT of $$$$. It was just the other Dancer's NEED for money.
I used to see it all the time at the early days of my favorite club. My third ATF did not like me associating with certain dancers, which may have led to that particular relationship ending acrimoniously. Usually, in those days, since I knew she left at midnight, I just stuck around til she left, then what happened afterwards was not anything for her to know. Nowadays, it seems like everyone works together there, which is weird.
I find it amusing that this happened at Oasis. My ATATF danced there and after a VIP with her, she'd go back to dressing room for a bit before rejoining me to hang out for a while and maybe give another LD or three. And she always INSISTED that I get dances from others if the opportunity arose (and I was interested in them) while she was gone. Granted, she had just made big money from me, but she was still cheating herself out of more small money.
Another ATF (from another club) would actually pimp dances for other dancers. "Would you get a dance from so-and-so? She's having a bad night."
I know that both of these are uncommon. But the whole thing just struck me since you mentioned Oasis to start with.
I'm honestly pretty baffled by this... at Oasis, you say? I'm trying to remember which big-boobied blondes we have... I can think of ONE blonde girl with big natural breasts, but the two that come to mind when you tell your story have implants.
I'm not jealous of any dancers, and I'm pretty sure there are no dancers who are jealous of me. I don't undercut the other girls, and I'll help them hustle dances (and they do the same for me.) This is why I enjoy working at the Oasis so much - for the most part, we get along! Then again, I'm Asian, so I don't have much competition any way... I don't have to compete against 30 other Barbies in a club, only 3 or 4 at the very most.
RFCookie raises a good point, though. A lot of times when the dancers are at each others' throats all the time, there's a palpable sensation in the air as soon as you walk into the club. But I never felt that at Oasis.
Of course, if my ATATF was there, I'd forget to breathe, so maybe I'm not the best judge of what was in the air. ;-)
Well, the girls at Oasis are very kind to me - they tell me they love my outfits, my stage show, that I'm pretty... etc etc. It's a nice place to work. Seriously. I honestly believe that if there IS drama, it's because one girl was unnecessarily rude to another. I stay drama-free by staying out of the dressing room (I'm usually too busy to be wasting much time there anyway) and keeping a smile on my face. Plus nobody can claim I'm doing extras, since I spend so little time in the VIP anyway :P
Hell, I had one of my best nights over when another girl called me over to give dances with her to a customer who was dropping stupid amounts of money. She was too tired to continue on alone, even though she had made -- and I am not exaggerating -- at least $2000 off him.
At the current club I work at, I've only had to break up 6 or 7 fights in the past 6 months or so and they were all between dancers or in one case a dancer and a customer.
I had one girl come off the stage in the middle of her set and attack another dancer right on the floor.
last commentAnother ATF (from another club) would actually pimp dances for other dancers. "Would you get a dance from so-and-so? She's having a bad night."
I know that both of these are uncommon. But the whole thing just struck me since you mentioned Oasis to start with.
I'm not jealous of any dancers, and I'm pretty sure there are no dancers who are jealous of me. I don't undercut the other girls, and I'll help them hustle dances (and they do the same for me.) This is why I enjoy working at the Oasis so much - for the most part, we get along! Then again, I'm Asian, so I don't have much competition any way... I don't have to compete against 30 other Barbies in a club, only 3 or 4 at the very most.
I call bullshit :)
Hell, <i>I'm</i> jealous of you; you get to play with that amazing body any time you want!
Of course, if my ATATF was there, I'd forget to breathe, so maybe I'm not the best judge of what was in the air. ;-)
Hell, I had one of my best nights over when another girl called me over to give dances with her to a customer who was dropping stupid amounts of money. She was too tired to continue on alone, even though she had made -- and I am not exaggerating -- at least $2000 off him.
I had one girl come off the stage in the middle of her set and attack another dancer right on the floor.
Super classy.....