I am getting ready to take the plunge into a Private Room. I have heard everything from watch for the popular dancers, sample first with couch dances and listened to their sales pitches for private room treatment.
I have received behind the scene advice on what can be had and interested in as much as I can get with extras.
I was just wondering if it is considered proper etiquette to maybe ask the Floor Manager for the best dancers to take to a private room in exchange for a tip of course? I figure these guys know first hand about the most popular dancers and what goes on since they handle bottle service, track time and collect the house part of the fee.
Is this a sure fire way for them to watch me closely, get busted or worse yet get kicked out?
Asking the floor manager will get you the girls that tip THEM the most, not the most "innovative" dancers. Buy a lap dance or two with a few dancers that interest you and go from there.
Hell a cheeper way is 2 tip at stage and see who gives the most conntact......then get that girl to the vip ! And oooo ya if u ever hear other girls strash a nother girl 4 extras or mileage run and get that bitch ! Alos u can set on your ass and watch to see which girl gets more dances then get that girl homie !
I thought about this. If the bouncer or whomever has a favorite girl or girlfriend working in the club and her friends, that will be who he suggests. They may not offer what you want but that could be what you get.
For what it's worth my opinion is that the floor manager is the guy I would never ask for the same reasons that Samsung suggests.
I am not sure that asking another dancer is that much better either, unless two dancers happen to be good friends and both offer what you are looking for then why should one dancer suggest another one to you?
I think the best thing to do is to rely on your experience of the girls and go with your instinct. Speak with the girls that you are interested in taking to VIP and ask them either in a direct or indirect way what your hopes are and if they can satisfy you, most, if not all, girls know what a high percentage of guys are hoping for so it won't be a shock to them and they must get it all the time. Think with the head that's on your shoulders.
The answer depends entirely upon where you are and the type of club that you are in.
I have done it in some clubs in NYC, but one needs to be damned careful about it and do it selectively. It ccan also backfire on you badly. You need to have a feel for how receptive the floor managers will likely be before you attempt something like that.
Gator, the floor managers know. The issue is whether they are receptive to hooking you up or if they will react badly by screwing you over, misdirecting, lying or just telling you to leave.to the request
I have never sought out a bird dog for help. Chanel makes a good point. I have seen this. rickdugan makes a good point. It can vary a lot from club to club as far as VIP action goes. Further bouncers have a high turn over rate just like waitresses, which meams they don't know shit. Some times a good source is other dancers. But the absolute best source is your TUSCL buddies.
I am the care taker of "the list". This is a list compiled by myself and so far 6 other trusted TUSCL members of dancer that go the extra mile at a popular club. As of today there are 21 names on it.
I have never asked the floor mgr or other male employees about the dancers - I suspect that Sharkhunter is right - they have a different motive than you do (including the possiblity that he does not want you to enjoy yourself too much with the dancer of his choice).
While patience (using a mix of stage contact, length of time a dancer spends in the booth, and relative quality of "regular" dances)is usually reliable, I have had several good experiences with bar maids/wiatresses steering me in the right direction. if you are going to ask anyone, ask them. PS Juicebox's second sentance is right on the moey!
As a Floor Manager I have to agree. We DON'T give a fuck about you. Ask me for a good champagne room girl and I will direct you toward whatever girl will tip me.
That being said, if you come at me with a good tip, say $50 and up, and aren't blatant about it in a way that could get me fined for complicity to solicitation, I can definitely hook you up with a girl who will gobble your prick.
i have never asked a floor manager or a waitress who I should spend time with, On a few occasions I have asked a a waistress or a floor manager to invite a girl over that I chose, but I am the one who picks the girls based on my personal taste. IMO You're better off asking a customer who just came back from a dance then asking a floor manager.
Floor managers, from my perspective, are completely useless. They are men in a strip club looking for tips. Most have a douchebag complex. Fucking useless air wasters.
last commentI am not sure that asking another dancer is that much better either, unless two dancers happen to be good friends and both offer what you are looking for then why should one dancer suggest another one to you?
I think the best thing to do is to rely on your experience of the girls and go with your instinct. Speak with the girls that you are interested in taking to VIP and ask them either in a direct or indirect way what your hopes are and if they can satisfy you, most, if not all, girls know what a high percentage of guys are hoping for so it won't be a shock to them and they must get it all the time. Think with the head that's on your shoulders.
I have done it in some clubs in NYC, but one needs to be damned careful about it and do it selectively. It ccan also backfire on you badly. You need to have a feel for how receptive the floor managers will likely be before you attempt something like that.
I am the care taker of "the list". This is a list compiled by myself and so far 6 other trusted TUSCL members of dancer that go the extra mile at a popular club. As of today there are 21 names on it.
While patience (using a mix of stage contact, length of time a dancer spends in the booth, and relative quality of "regular" dances)is usually reliable, I have had several good experiences with bar maids/wiatresses steering me in the right direction. if you are going to ask anyone, ask them. PS Juicebox's second sentance is right on the moey!
That being said, if you come at me with a good tip, say $50 and up, and aren't blatant about it in a way that could get me fined for complicity to solicitation, I can definitely hook you up with a girl who will gobble your prick.