
I was a very good year.

Sunday, January 15, 2012 8:29 PM
I am getting ready to start off the New Year so I thought I would put a recap on what went on in 2011. It was a very good year but my god man what have I done: 471 dances 158 girls 24 strip clubs 19 nights 13 BJ 9 FS 7 HJ My first visit to a top 10 club was to TJ in September of 2010 so I completed a lot of firsts in 2011: First ITC HJ, BJ, and FS First three-way - not just a two girl dance First favorite – oh there I just jinxed it First SC related doctor visit It was a very good year but I am probably ruined as an upstanding member of society. I did have a lot of fun. I found what could be the greatest strip clubs on earth, but since I haven't seen the all the journey will have to continue. My next new location hopefully will be the Miami area and I guess the new talk is all about Toronto. Still looking for: OTC A Squirter A Club that can compete on quality with a Friday night at Mons Venus Thanks to Founder and all the contributors to TUSCL. Without all the discussions and reviews I would have never have know what is possible. At least for one more year my journey continues.


  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Dude I love how you do this ! I might start doing this 2
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Silky - Question. How did you keep track of all the statistics? Notches on your belt? I could go back through my reviews and figure out how many clubs but the rest of it is history that I cannot recover. Glad you had a good time.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Silkypants, 19 nights 13+9+7=29 happy endings 29 > 19 Bravo man. Bravo.
  • sinclair
    12 years ago
    Cool stats. How much did you spend? I am guessing ~$10,000 on lapdances alone if you figure the average nationwide is 20-25 bucks.
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    My head hurts just looking at your stats! Trust me when I tell you that Toronto is surely worth a visit. 4 hours after leaving Detroit you will be wracking your brain trying to decide which Cannonball FS beauty to take to VIP. Just don't expect elegance or privacy when you move to that club's VIP.
  • Shamrock211
    12 years ago
    At a conservative accounting of $15 a dance that makes it something like $321 a happy ending. I don't count HJs because you can do those yourself and probably better than most strippers anyways. Seems like a great value. Congratulations.
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    silky, these are great statistics. I record data on my strip club visits too, but I focus on the amount of money I spend for dances, drinks, cover charge, valet parking, etc. I should add more information on my activities. You could develop some ratios from your data, such as BJ's per girl. From your data, I can see you have 13 BJ's and 158 girls, which is a .08 BJ/Girl ratio. This seems a little low to me. I hope you can improve this ratio in the year 2012.
  • dudeanonymous
    12 years ago
    What was the "SC related doctor visit" for? Severe lapdick?
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    I can't see the point in collecting such stats.
  • how
    12 years ago
    Those stats have me confused. But my ratio of dances-to-FS is as close to 1:1 as I can keep it.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Clubber its just like football its pointless stats but its fuckin fun to look at and compare over the years for the real fan !
  • bang69
    12 years ago
    Silky, Great job on the stats. Try BBFS nex time. Keep clubn dude. You got my respect
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Maybe he uses an Excel Spreadsheet. LOL It is nice Silky had a good 2011. I had very BAD 2011 outside of Clubs.
  • joesparty
    12 years ago
    Silky, I know you have reviewed Detroit clubs, but are you from here? If so, there's a FS squirter at FC. PM me. My head hurts just thinking about these numbers. I, too, want to know how you keep track. I only keep track of the money I spend.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Ok cheack this out Club: 1 Girls: 1 1/2 Lappers: 34 Hj: 6 BBBJ: 1/2 Bbfs: 9 Bank account: -789.93 Last night : pricless !
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    I will do one for real soon man !
  • Ermita_Nights
    12 years ago
    I might be close to 19 nights, but way under the other stats. You're averaging 25 LDs per night??
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    I did wait I have no fucking records
  • silkypants
    12 years ago
    SC - I use the reviews to jog my memory along with my reduced bank account. Sinclair - I spent way more than anyone should have. JackSlash - Because of the mix of clubs I don't worry about the a total year ratio. No BJ's or FS at clubs like Mons Venus or IRC, but always in Detroit/TJ. Joesparty - I am from MN, Detroit is adopted home. I will be back in Detroit on Jan. 27th and 28th. PM will be cumming? Clubber - It is just part of my story. It was a bigger deal to but the year end numbers together but just another version of my trip updates. Ermita_Nights - My best nights were over 50 lap dances, but you can do that at the IRC.
  • Blue42TX
    12 years ago
    Yesterday: Club: 1 LDs: 0 Lookers: 2 (with somebody in VIP) Beer: 3 Cost: $29 Regrets of not going to another club: 1
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Blue42 that was funny : )
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