I know that the club owners and managers don't want anyone smoking weed in their clubs and will get a customer or dancer kicked out if they get caught but I have noticed that it still goes on.
What is funny is that I haven't noticed the smell until some one else pointed it out to me. Two months ago the DJ made an announcement "Whoever is smoking the weed, put it out or we will throw you out". Then I noticed the smell. Same thing, same club last Saturday. This time the dancer I was talking to noticed it first.
I haven't smoked it in 40+ years but I do know the smell. Yeah I went to College. LOL.
Yeah they are suppose to be non smoking but the dives tend to bend the rules. One club bartender mentioned to me the health department has banker hours so they usually don't show up past 5pm. They let smoking slide after 6pm.
Here is that review I was talking about so non-VIP members can see it.
"Will never visit again. All rap music, not enough rock or country. Everyone acts ghetto. The girls always seem like they're high or don't even talk to you. There's only maybe one or two half way decent looking girls. Just a complete waste of time and money. I hope they get a much better place built in there with a lot better environment and dancers before the casino comes in. This place is too ran down and the bad attitudes from the girls make it worse. A serious upgrade is needed here. Wouldn't suggest this place to anyone. Plus people come in and smoke weed right inside the club during business hours and noone does anything about it! This is NOT A PLACE to bring anybody unless you're a drug dealer or just flat out very low class. A sad waste of time and money. "
Shit, there's a couple of clubs around here where the smell is so thick outside that I've been worried about a routine traffic stop. I tend to leave the windows open on the way home when that happens.
I went to a club in Atlanta about month ago with a really ghetto and thuggish vibe. Haven't had a chance to write a review for it yet, but the place was really smoky and there was no denying the smell of weed in the air.
One of my old favorite clubs used to routinely smell like pot whenever I went there. Of course, the club owner was also the town drug dealer, at least until the state liquor authority came to check up on him, in the middle of the afternoon and before they officially had dancers.
The girls at my club smoke weed constantly. At least in summer they do it outside, but during fall/winter they do it in the dressing room or in the girls bathroom and stink up the whole place.
Management doesn't seem to care, so why should I? Do what you want, skanks.
last commentHere is that review I was talking about so non-VIP members can see it.
"Will never visit again. All rap music, not enough rock or country. Everyone acts ghetto. The girls always seem like they're high or don't even talk to you. There's only maybe one or two half way decent looking girls. Just a complete waste of time and money. I hope they get a much better place built in there with a lot better environment and dancers before the casino comes in. This place is too ran down and the bad attitudes from the girls make it worse. A serious upgrade is needed here. Wouldn't suggest this place to anyone. Plus people come in and smoke weed right inside the club during business hours and noone does anything about it! This is NOT A PLACE to bring anybody unless you're a drug dealer or just flat out very low class. A sad waste of time and money.
Management doesn't seem to care, so why should I? Do what you want, skanks.