
Comments by Stiletto25 (page 32)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Stripper birthday
    Im sure not many will be surprised when I say that stripping can be rough just like any other job. When a customer goes out of their way to show you they appreciate you and see you as a person, it does get noticed. What better way to do that then to remember you favorite dancers birthday.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    OTC question
    If she does not want to do OTC with you but she likes you as a customer and thinks she will lose you if she doesn't see you OTC, then she may be stalling. I may not completely write her off though. There have been a couple of times that I've had customers want OTC. I didn't feel like it with these particular customers. It was just personal preference. However, they called and texted and called and texted. Then they called and texted somemore. Finally I was like "Fine, if it means that effing much to them I'll just go meet them for f's sake". I was happy I did. But it took some persistence on part of the customer.
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    13 years ago
    Adjust your junk?
    Yes adjust it facing north. Some customers do it without having to be told andsome I have to ask if they'd like to adjust themselves. Sometimes ill either do it myself or I can do it with my butt. When it gets hard and its not pointed north it can be uncomfortable to dance on. Plus I'm always thinking "isn't that uncomfortable?"
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    I need you advice!!!!!!!!!
    Tabb, You need to flat out ask her what she wants out of the relationship. You then are going to get a gut feeling from how she answers. Is she stuttering? Do you get a weird feeling she's lying? Ask her!! And if you get a bad feeling, Listen To It! And realize she's only interested in using you.. If she seems nice though and Does Not Ask You For Money EVER, she could be a winner.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Upcoming Business Trips to Indianapolis and Seattle - Recommendations?
    You can pm me if you would like suggestions
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    13 years ago
    Shave her clean or not?
    'We walk around in a thong grinding on people for a long time. We sweat. Hair attracts odor. I'm not talking about pussy odor but sweat odor. Without hair down there I can go into the locker room after dances and wipe with baby wipes, change into a new thong, etc..with hair that would make it more difficult to freshen up
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    13 years ago
    Would you ever marry a Stripper? Or do they simply function better like a lease
    And I agree with georgmicrodong
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Would you ever marry a Stripper? Or do they simply function better like a lease
    This is little off the subject but I did date a bouncer at one of the clubs I worked at. We were together for about four months before I got smart and put an end to it, which didn't go over well either. I was an idiot to get involved with someone I worked with. I did think he was secure, especially having worked at three upscale clubs in the six years as a bouncer. Yep, he wasn't. It turned out to be big trouble. I remember an instance where a group of businessmen in their 30's came in the club and sat in the second row. They were very attractive and one, in particular, was gorgeous. I started talking to him, touching his leg and moving up, etc etc. Out of the corner of my eye I recall seeing the bouncer I was dating and he was pacing the floor three isles back from me, staring at me, and rubbing his hands together. He was obviously really upset. I felt uncomfortable so I asked the guy for a dance, he said yes, and we headed to the VIP. On the way to the VIP, the.customer grabbed my butt and all I saw out of the corner of my eye when I turned around was an arm around the customers neck and he was going down. That really cut my time working there short.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Would you ever marry a Stripper? Or do they simply function better like a lease
    @gsv: Yes it could, if he was honest from the start. Strip clubs are not honest places which is why you usually don't find a lasting relationship there. If he was straight up with me about his situation and I had a gut feeling he was a good person, then yes, I would give it much consideration. I don't categorize all customers as " PL's" just like I don't categorize all strippers as " whores" or "crazies", although there are A LOT of bad apples that ruin it for the good few. It is possible to find love in a strip club. If it lasts is up to the two people involved and how hard they want to work at it.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Would you ever marry a Stripper? Or do they simply function better like a lease
    I have two good friends who are dancers and married a customer. One is going on four years and the other is going on two years. They are the same age as their spouse and they are happy. Some girls are nuts and you wouldn't want to marry them if it were the end of the world. While I can't speak for any other dancer, if I found a great guy, I would be willing to get married and I would be monogamous. In my life that would be the only way to go.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Do You Consider Yourself a PL?
    Oh boy
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Did you ever want to ask a hot girl you saw, "Are you a stripper?"
    "I like your shoes. Are you an exotic.dancer?"..sounds perfect to me..unless you're trying for a romantic dinner and a marriage proposal I wouldn't be so worried if she got upset. :)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Do You Consider Yourself a PL?
    I don't think of any customer as a PL. Even if I don't always like men, I do my best to stay positive and think positively about them at work. If I don't it will come across when I am trying to get a dance or giving a dance. I think men can feel the negative aura. So,in my opinion, no strip club customer is a pathetic loser. I just saw a man who claims to be an "adult baby" on Fox News. He is in a crib, sucking a pacifier, and wearing a onesie. He's like 40 years old. His wife is feeding him from a bottle. He claims disability from the state for post traumatic stress disorder that makes it so he can't work. NOW THAT IS A PL!!..But........if he rolled into my club in his stroller, I guess I'd have to put on my game face.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Who's the biggest?
    Lol..I'm not some "freak guy" pretending. Only one person on this site knows that though. He's a regular of mine for the past three years..he tipped me off to this site. If you're reading this you know who you are..
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Who's the biggest?
    @clubber: Ha, I love it
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Who's the biggest?
    I'm the biggest whore :)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    "He's Old Enough to be my Grandpa"
    Young men are obnoxious when they are in a group. I've had some of my worst experiences with groups of guys ages 21-30, give or take. Strip clubs, I believe, bring out the worst in them. Older men are more enjoyable to dance for,they know what they want, they have more disposable cash, and are generally more comfortable in their own skin.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    do i have a chance? / any ideas?
    Money talks
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    13 years ago
    Stripper Shit Whoppers
    Stripper "shit" usually means she's hoping you'll just give her the money and she won't have to work for it. If you give good dances you shouldn't need to try and swindle a customer. I have only given a lame ass story once to a customer. He was a regular and a smart one too. Looking back on it I'm sure he knew I was lying. He gave me the money anyways because he liked me. To this day I still feel stupid about it and I'm lucky he still gets dances from me.
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    13 years ago
    Wedding Rings
    It doesn't matter. Strip club fun is strip club fun. OTC fun is OTC fun. Home life is separate. Wives are not competition, thankfully, because I hate to lose and it would be inevitable. I'm happy just being the dancer.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Frenchy massage girl La Boheme Denver
    Troop is right..not cool!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Tipsy dancer equals all good Shit faced dancer equals emotional (and not in a good way)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Dancers who are Students at a Four-year College
    I got my 4 year degree at a state university then started dancing. Yes I know it sounds backwards. I was a good student, never got into trouble, my parents said I was a perfect child. I was boring. I was bound to rebel sometime.