What is your definition of a pathetic loser? How do you justify whether you are or are not a PL? Is anyone that steps foot in a strip club a PL or just certain patrons?
I'd say someone looking for love at a SC or who can't control their spending there is a PL. But you can be a PL in some aspects of your life but not others, so I don't think it necessarily makes them a PL overall as a person.
I consider myself a PL when I'm infatuated with a dancer to the point I know she's taking advantage of me, but I can't help myself. However, I do kinda even things out by being a clingy, needy and emotionally draining PL (or so I've been told, lol).
Definitely not everyone that steps foot into the club is a PL. I guess if you are extremely attached to a dancer, start falling in love with them, etc. you are a PL. Doesn't even matter how much money you're spending at that point (it's probably going to be a decent amount of your income if it is severe).
If you look at the strip club as a place to have a little fun, maybe meet some girls OTC where even more fun can happen, there is no way I would look at that as a PL.
I don't think "Pathetic Loser" is an accurate description of most strip club patrons. Guys on this board have embraced "PL" in an ironic way, but I doubt that anyone really thinks of himself that way. Maybe we should find a new meaning for "PL", such as:
1. Powerful libertine 2. Professional lecher 3. Proud ladykiller 4. Playboy lite
I would certainly object to strippers referring to patrons as "pathetic losers." It's not a good business practice to look down on your customers. Besides, if I'm a pathetic loser, why is the dancer the one down on her knees sucking my dick?
Of course I'm a PL. I *pay* girls half my age to have sex with me. On the plus side, I'm having sex with girls half my age, some of whom do a pretty decent job of pretending they like me.
On the serious side a PL is someone who essentially believes SS and then is manipulated by it into giving them handouts / loans with nothing received in return.
The Hound had an interesting post about this a while back. I think his point was that PL's are the guys that go to strip clubs because they have absolutely no chance of groping a woman outside the confines of a strip club. Correspondingly, PL's are guys that can't get laid without having to pay for it.
I consider txtittyfan to be a pathetic loser and it has nothing to do with the fact that he goes to strip clubs or claims to respect whores (I wonder what he would he think if he had a daughter who was doing extras in a strip club?).
Let's see the last three threads I started had about 40, 30, and 15 replies. Yep, everyone must have me on ignore and not care what I have to say. Do you even think for a nanosecond and try to make sense before you post, Realist? Didn't think so...
If you go to your favorite club and some of your favorite girls are not there, do you fold your tent and go home? Then you may be a PL. If you stay anyway and think what the heck, maybe some of these girls may be just as good or better. Then maybe you aren't. But beware that nearly all dancers think (privately) that every customer is a PL, otherwise they couldn't continue to do what they do.
I'm with jackslash, in that PL is often used in an ironic way that actually supports bonding among us SC aficionados. It's like soldiers calling themselves jarheads, sheet metal workers as tin bangers, and of course the ever popular nigga among some black youth.
If a group feels near the bottom rung in some way, looked down upon, and/or outside the privileged system, I think those within it will resort to a derogatory sobriquet for each other that actually helps them find solidarity. It's like by using the term, it removes the sting of being called it by those on the outside who presume themselves superior.
Okay, enough philosophizing. Time to join my fellow PLs and hit the club...
Let me think. I have had some great dances, enjoyed the company of many beautiful women (well some of them were beautiful), had great sex with a few, made a few friends along the way, had a few drinks, and spent thousands of $$$ which could have gone into my 401K.
Yes, I guess I'm a PL.
Excuse me, one of my Fav's is texting me. Got to go.
I think that when reality and fantasy get mixed up you have crossed the line. Here is the question I have as a test to myself. If I had no money or a lot less would she still see me? When I can get actual proof that the answer is yes then there is no SS going on. Until then I am only a customer no what matter what she says.
With the right dancer, without a doubt, "PL" fits me. BUT, those dancers are few and far between. My current fave, "C", is right up there, but I've even backed off from her.
I don't think of any customer as a PL. Even if I don't always like men, I do my best to stay positive and think positively about them at work. If I don't it will come across when I am trying to get a dance or giving a dance. I think men can feel the negative aura.
So,in my opinion, no strip club customer is a pathetic loser. I just saw a man who claims to be an "adult baby" on Fox News. He is in a crib, sucking a pacifier, and wearing a onesie. He's like 40 years old. His wife is feeding him from a bottle. He claims disability from the state for post traumatic stress disorder that makes it so he can't work. NOW THAT IS A PL!!..But........if he rolled into my club in his stroller, I guess I'd have to put on my game face.
Stiletto: You're a better person than I am then. Of course, my income doesn't depend on convincing pathetic losers that I think they are neither pathetic nor losers, either. It's nice of you to say, though. :))
Realist123 - Thanks for the correction on "jarhead." I clearly need to see the movie to get my attribution right. On a related note, I remember years ago that "grunts" (another less-than-endearing term) who worked in the telecommunications industry would call themselves "bellheads."
GV: Judge for yourself. I've been seeing this one girl on a pretty regular weekly basis for the last 6 months or so. About a month ago, after we had finished our...lunch, she pipes up with "Wanna see my new car?" So we went outside and she showed me this very nice 90s model Monte Carlo. She started it up, and asked if I wanted to drive it around the block, to which I replied "Sure. You don't mind?"
With a shit eating grin on her face, she says, "Not at all, you paid for a big part of it."
I 100% agree with Player11's response. If you believe the SS and fall into that trap, you are a PL. I've actually found observing the club to find those unlucky bastards somewhat of a sport. Like people watching in Vegas. Lucky for me, I've been called "emotionally unavailable" and I pretty much don't trust anyone, so it keeps me from falling for the bullshit (90% of the time of course, nobody's perfect.) On a side note, no offense Player11, but the chicks on your photo's scare the living shit out of me.
About the gals in my photos: Jessica danced at Ricks South (and Allstars) but has been on backpage a lot up until recently. She is currently living with a sugar daddy (pays her big bucks to live with him) and working visiting various clients. While she was on BP men from all over the country would want to c her. She is 5', petite, very sexy dark haired cajun. I first met her at a friends house - she was in bik sunning in driveway and I took her inside and did her in one of the bedrooms for $150. I did her a lot in 2008 and ditched her for current fav later that year(Ritz Girl) who is not pictured. Also did Jessica some in 2009 and 2010 (around 3 dozen sessions in all). While I no longer see her am amazed someone would find her photos scary. As far as DougTurd, its obvious from reading his club reviews he is not getting any. Probably can barely afford the cover charge.
To each his own I guess. I guess to define what I meant by scary, let me elaborate. It could be the nice gut she has going, the complete lack of tone to her body, the pasty white skin, the tats in places that you would only get if you lost a bet, her droopy A cups, the trailer trash hair, not to mention the face only a mother could love (seriously I love the black tar heroin look in the pic on the couch.) The only redeeming thing is the dead eyes that say "I'm a worthless whore, just do whatever u want, I don't care any more." I believe at the clubs I go to, girls like that are called crack whores. I honestly wouldn't fuck her if she paid me. Other than that, I guess she's ok. Or maybe the lighting is bad, and it's like that Seinfeld episode where the chick looks like 2 different people depending on the light.
An old buddy of mine offered up this definition. A person that just goes to the club to look and does not spend any money on or talk to the girls. I'll buy that!
"An old buddy of mine offered up this definition. A person that just goes to the club to look and does not spend any money on or talk to the girls. I'll buy that!"
lol - that must be a dancer friend that said those words. That is the DANCER definition of a PL.
Of ocurse I consider myself a PL. In my younger years I used strip clubs as a substitute for dating. In my older years I use strip clubs as a means to have intimate experiences with totally hot women I would never have a chance with in real life. What else would you call that? Yet when I ask my ATF if I am a PL - she responds, "No way" and proceeds to explain what a real PL is.....and that is Shadowcat's definition!
Being honest with myself, and recognizing my essential PL nature, helps keep me from descending to the murkiest depths that are explored by some truly pathetic losers.
Any man who pays for sex, I don't care if you are the head of the IMF or, whatever, is a PL. That's just not how the species is supposed to operate. At the same time, anyone in a strip club, and willing to pay but settle for less than the full meal deal, is also a PL but for different reasons. Exceptions would be normal people who go in a few times during their lives for bachelor parties or friends' birthdays or whatever.
last commentIf you look at the strip club as a place to have a little fun, maybe meet some girls OTC where even more fun can happen, there is no way I would look at that as a PL.
1. Powerful libertine
2. Professional lecher
3. Proud ladykiller
4. Playboy lite
I would certainly object to strippers referring to patrons as "pathetic losers." It's not a good business practice to look down on your customers. Besides, if I'm a pathetic loser, why is the dancer the one down on her knees sucking my dick?
On the serious side a PL is someone who essentially believes SS and then is manipulated by it into giving them handouts / loans with nothing received in return.
Now that the ignore feature is back, I'm glad I can ignore you, don't bother replying back, I wont see it! Hooray!
If a group feels near the bottom rung in some way, looked down upon, and/or outside the privileged system, I think those within it will resort to a derogatory sobriquet for each other that actually helps them find solidarity. It's like by using the term, it removes the sting of being called it by those on the outside who presume themselves superior.
Okay, enough philosophizing. Time to join my fellow PLs and hit the club...
Yes, I guess I'm a PL.
Excuse me, one of my Fav's is texting me. Got to go.
If I don't it will come across when I am trying to get a dance or giving a dance. I think men can feel the negative aura.
So,in my opinion, no strip club customer is a pathetic loser.
I just saw a man who claims to be an "adult baby" on Fox News. He is in a crib, sucking a pacifier, and wearing a onesie. He's like 40 years old. His wife is feeding him from a bottle. He claims disability from the state for post traumatic stress disorder that makes it so he can't work. NOW THAT IS A PL!!..But........if he rolled into my club in his stroller, I guess I'd have to put on my game face.
Embrace it. Spend your money wisely.
With a shit eating grin on her face, she says, "Not at all, you paid for a big part of it."
How can I deny my PLdom?
That's what happens when your income is as low as Payer11's and all you can afford is $25 to $60 whores.
lol - that must be a dancer friend that said those words. That is the DANCER definition of a PL.
Of ocurse I consider myself a PL. In my younger years I used strip clubs as a substitute for dating. In my older years I use strip clubs as a means to have intimate experiences with totally hot women I would never have a chance with in real life. What else would you call that? Yet when I ask my ATF if I am a PL - she responds, "No way" and proceeds to explain what a real PL is.....and that is Shadowcat's definition!
see above -- should be "of course I consider myself....."