
Comments by tenisbum1776 (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    So Does Anyone Travel Just to Try Out a Variety of Clubs?
    When I travel on business or to see sporting events I usually check out tuscl so see what is available locally. Other than possibly Tijuana, I don't think I'd ever purposely travel just for a tour of the local strip clubs.
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    12 years ago
    A strange strange night
    Wouldn't most dancers prespire a little if they're putting some effort into the lap dance?
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    12 years ago
    Threats From A Significant Other
    @clubber: "If the 1% statement is true, DO NOT FUCK WITH HIM! I'm speaking of the true 1%er, not the wanna be's that are out there." No my former ATF told me that he was a member of a rather notorious 1% mototrcycle club; a fact that he made certain I was aware during our brief phone conversation. I did record the conversation and made it clear to him that I'd provided copies to people that would know what to do if any harm befell me. He texted me back saying I had nothing to worry about so long as I left his wife alone. No problem there dude. Forgot her name already. Just FYI, I am part owner of a bar/night club in Moscow and one of the people I notified was the Brooklyn connection for the people that provide, shall we say "protection" for the club in Moscow. He asked for the lady's phone number and I have no idea what if anything happened since then.
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    12 years ago
    Threats From A Significant Other
    @Papi_Chulo "I would say that raises the ante a bit" Let's just say I didn't use any of the clever cavalier responses that were suggested by previous posters while talking with him on the phone. My responses were more like addrssing my drill instructor back when I went through USMC Officers Candidate School in 1977. I'm trying to decide if 3 months or 6 months is long enough "cooling off period" before I set foot by myself in that club again.
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    12 years ago
    To All the Rest...
    Same to the rest of you!
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    12 years ago
    Threats From A Significant Other
    Failed to mention that the "assumed x-husband" is a member of a rather infamous 1%er motorcycle gang. . . . .
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    12 years ago
    Threats From A Significant Other
    Papi_Chulo "The only thing an ATF or dancer can “assure” me off is that she will try to take all of my $$$." So true Papi. The wise man said, "Some people come into your life as blessings, others come into your life as lessons". Trust me my friend, this ATF (former) was DEFINITELY the later.
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    12 years ago
    Silly Question?
    @papi_Chulo "The more obvious downside is that she knows where you live and if you both have a falling out, she knows where to find you to pester you. Or she may pester you when she is hard up for $$$." My gut feeling is THIS negative would override any possible short term positive there might be.
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    12 years ago
    Silly Question?
    I'd be more worried about hiding my 300-dsay supply of vicodin. I'm sure that would be one of the first things to disappear.
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    12 years ago
    IMHO don't think this is anywhere close to s "shill" report
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    12 years ago
    Dodging the drink.
    @rickdugan I agree with you. The clubs I frequent don't offer special "dancer drinks". They just offer the same drink menu as they have for the customers. I'm always good for a drink while we chat. Sometimes the information you pick up during the conversation is well worth the price of a drink.
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    12 years ago
    Christmas gifts for strippers
    Victoria Secrets gift card is always appreciated - especially if you suggest taking her shopping yourself to pick out what YOU like on her. Some of those new bras are gravity defying and can add as much as 2 cup sizes. Great stripper costumes!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What do you look for in a dance? (not including extras)
    I may be unusual but repetitive grinding and or hunching without other stimulation gets old after a while. I don't care whose been there before, I like sucking nipples. I LOVE it when the nibble on my neck and ears. I LOVE light kissing and lip pulling. I REALLY LOVE when they whisper dirty talk in your ear. OK, now you've done it. Leaving work early and headed to the club . . . . . . . . . . . .
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Do All Strippers Lie? Or is it all women?
    Same her. But when it comes to strippers, my lies are basically all of omission. I never just bald-face tell them some fairy-tale wopper.
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    12 years ago
    Do All Strippers Lie? Or is it all women?
    Great list pabloantonio. Rare is the strip club fan who hasn't heard at least one of those lies before. I've come to believe for th most part (there are of course exceptions) that strippers will tell you what they think they need to tell you inorder to maximize the money they can get from you. Most of the strippers I've known blend in enough truth in their lies that the overall story sounds believable. For example, "I'm having a horrible night and I've got two kids, rent due, and no food in the refrigerator" is probably all true. What she failed to mention that she's also supporting a cocaine sniffing boyfriend or husband. Your mileage may varry
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    12 years ago
    Merging Accounts
    @Maddog Romeo Just a picture of my ATF at my usual club :-)
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    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "Hey, watch my stuff".
    I think it means the girl knows and trusts you. I also believe there is some territory marking here.
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    12 years ago
    dancer of the year 2012
    I'm going to exclude my ATF at my home club because I don't wnat you hard dicks bothering her :-) 1. Heaven at Jaguars in Charleston SC - best looking stripper I'd ever seen. 2. Misty (real name) at Living Room Dayton Ohio - works day shift at Living Room. Guaranteed to get your money's worth with this one. 3. Monet at The Harem Dayton Ohio - she's a wild one alright.
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    12 years ago
    Lack Of Stage Tipping
    @harrydave "chum" is exactly what it is. Well done.
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    12 years ago
    Mixed Clubs (with both male and female dancers)
    @samsung1 Living Room is my home club and I try to avoid Saturday night. Too many squeeling ladies with bachelorette parties. The place becomes a madhouse. @Papi_Chulo Good thought but one fatal flaw in your logic. The girls coming to see the strippers NEVER look anywhere near as good as the strippers. Not even close. :-(
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Lack Of Stage Tipping
    What person with any common sense who wants the forum to be a positive experience WOULDN'T have blocked Doug in the first 24 hours? I see he's made 6 replies to this thread and I didn't have to read one of them. Sweet.
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    12 years ago
    Lack Of Stage Tipping
    @alucard What name calling?
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    12 years ago
    A rare good time in Minneapolis
    Don't understand why you are complaining. My visit to Deja Vu in Minneapolis was fantastic! One of the top 20 strip clubs I ever visited. Really good looking ladies. I wrote a review. Unless something has changed between the date of my review and now I'm guessing you're spending too much time at the wrong clubs in Minneapolis.
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    12 years ago
    juicebox 69
    Juice and Doug for me. 100% improvement in the forum content.
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    12 years ago
    Pickpockets at Inner Room in Cocoa Beach
    That's a bum deal man. I always keep my wallet in my back pocket when getting a dance but I do put keys, cell phones and the like on a table for added "frontal" comfort. I'd say it's likely the lady was involved. She was the one that had you move your wallet to a location of her suggestion. Kinda reminds me of a story from my home club, one of the dancers has told me that she has had her money stolen by a customer while dancing on the stage. It's always the same. The money disappears while she is at the other end of the dance runway, there is nothing on the camera film and the guy who was sitting next to her purse runs out of the club when the commotion starts. She's told me the exact same story the last three times I've been in the place only varying the dollar amount; ranging from $300 to $1300. Then comes the worry about not being able to make rent or buy food, then comes the request for some private dances. Either she is the most careless girl with her money or this is just one of the stories in her repertoire of SS.