
Comments by tenisbum1776 (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Most interesting OTC adventures
    How do I get in touch with the founder? Even by ignoring Doug you can't get away from him because you guys play into his need for attention by commenting on his statements. Members who really have something positive to add to the forum are dragged down to his level when they comment. Just ignore him PLEASE! Remember when you wrestle with a pig you get dirty and the pig likes it. I'm ready to volunteer as moderator so posts can be trashed and the threads can be kept on topic.
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    12 years ago
    Lord Chesterfield
    @alucard Apparently it's not a new problem since Lord Chesterfield wrote about it 265 years ago and it still seems to hold true today. We all complain that 9's and 10's don't have to try so hard. Perhaps when one sits down next to you, instead of "you're smokin' hot" why don't you say "You really sound intelligent. Where did you go to college?" Think that might make you stand out from the crowd a bit? Strippers use physchology on you - only fair you use a little in return.
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    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Never use an ATM in a strip club.
    The warning against stand-alone ATM machines is VERY valid when overseas. I know in Russia, the only ATM I will use is one inside a physical bank. Too many computer geniuses in Russia have programed ATMS that steal your account number and pin and then clean out your account.
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    12 years ago
    Lord Chesterfield
    Interesting how much insight this guy had over 250 year ago as he tried to relate his life's experiences to his bastard son who was away at school. What's he saying here? 1) Basically don't tell a beautiful woman she is beautiful; she already knows it and assumes you and everyone else knows it. Figure out what her insecurity is and compliment her on that. Tell her she is smart, insigtful, interesting, whatever. In that way you'll stand out in her mind as being different. 2) In the same theory, don't tell an ugly woman she's beautiful. She can look in a mirror and know that she isn't and will know that you, like all the others is just trying to bullshit her. Figure out what she perceives counterbalances her ugliness and compliment her about that. You'll stand out in her mind as being insightful enough to see the same positive traits that she sees. 3) When do you tell a woman she is beautiful? When you can sense that she believes she might be beautiful, but is insecure in that belief. Such advice has been quite helpful in dealing with strippers in the past. Some may think I'm certifyable for even bringing it up ;-)
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    12 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Complaining to Management
    @ranukam "BTW when I say ignore I don't mean clicking the X next to his username." Thanks, was wondering how to do that. Can't say I didn't give the guy fair warning. . . . . . . .
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    12 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Complaining to Management
    @Dougster I'm new here but with all due respect I have to ask you a question. Do you always crap up every thread with this nonesense? I've suggested as politely as I know how for you to kindly quit being so offensive. That hasn't seemed to be very effective. I haven't used the ignore feature yet and really don't want to do so; but I've about reached my patience tolerance level with you.
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    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    blood ;)
    You're kidding right? With all the IV drug use in the industry, seems like you're just begging to get Hepatitis C with such behavior.
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    12 years ago
    Moscow Tour - Is Everyone Serious?
    @rogertex Yes but it was back in 1963 and I was 9 years old. When going to Copacabana Beach, I was more interested in the beach and water than any of the girls.
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    12 years ago
    Moscow Tour - Is Everyone Serious?
    @jackslash They're the most beautiful caucasian women on the planet. They dress like they're not ashamed to be women and wear clothes that flatters and displays their female assets proudly for all men to see.
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    12 years ago
    Moscow Tour - Is Everyone Serious?
    @shadowcat Your information is a bit dated. Back in 2000-2005 document checks were very common. When a guy is only making $200 per month on a policemans salary you have to expect him to use his authority to support his family. I always included 300 pyb (about $10) when I handed him my passport. That was the "going rate" to avoid trouble. He'd hand you back your passport minus the 300 pyb and waive you along your way. We came to expect it and just considered it another tax you had to endure while living in Moscow. However police salaries have risen dramatically in the last 5-7 years and I can't remember the last time I was stopped on the street for a document check. Just doesn't happen anymore.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Moscow Tour - Is Everyone Serious?
    @ Doc Holiday Hotel Belgrad is about $150 per night for a very comfortable room with a double size bed. But it's less than 100m away from the front door to Club 911 - one of the best strip clubs in Moscow.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Moscow Tour - Is Everyone Serious?
    @jester214 Delta has a sale for $399 each way - nonstop from JFK and Atlanta United flies nonstop from Wash DC
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Is My Attitude All Wrong?
    OK everyone. Thanks for your time and comments. I've decided that I'm going to start to take a bit more aggressive stance when it comes to OTC relationships. That will mean closing the wallet when OTC is offered and refused. It will also require me to get less emotionally attached to girls I'm physically attracted to. Because of my physical appearance I'm probably going to have more "at bats" and expect a lower "batting average" than guys 30 years younger and 100 pounds lighter. My goal is to get 1 in 5 success stories for not more than $100 what I consider the going market rate (right now I'd consider that $300 in my area). I'll let you know how that works out after I've had time to test the theory. Wish me luck.
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    12 years ago
    Moscow Tour - Is Everyone Serious?
    @farmerart Volgograd (Stalingrad) is a fantastic place to visit as well. The "Mother Russia" statue is about twice the size of our own Statue of Liberty and towers over the city. Plenty of fascinating museums and monuments dedicated to the most pivital battle of WW II (Great Patriotic War as the Russians call it). Also about 6 really great strip joins there where prices run about 1/2 of what they are in Moscow.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    $600 For A Pop
    @farmerart My economics teacher taught me that equalibrium price is where the supply curve and demand curve intersect. I'm sure that formula holds true in strip bars as well. Increase supply with constant demand and price should drop. We've all seen that on nights where there are more strippers than customers. Increase demand with constant supply, the exact opposite applies. We've also seen that on nights where customers outnumber girls.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    to founder: I want to say that it would be a nice feature if there was a way to edit posts for maybe 10 minutes after they were first released. Often times we discover spelling or grammatical mistakes we'd like to correct or a secondary follow-on thought comes to mind that we'd like to add to the past.
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    12 years ago
    @dougster I'll end my participation in this discussion by saying you need to understand that NOBODY CARES what insults happened in the past. There is nothing horrible enough that anybone can say that justifies family members being brought into any discussion.
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    12 years ago
    The "macho need" to hit back when you perceive somebody insults you has no place on any forum. It's what causes all the problems. Once people figure out that IGNORING troublemakers is the best cure - after all all they want is attention . . . .like a crying baby. Nobody cares about personal vendettas and I can assure you nobody is keeping score of who delivers the most zingers.
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    12 years ago
    @alucard Heck I haven't even received a single prop yet from the forum. Not much street credibility for a moderator. You'd probably be a better choice but we know what you'd do first time you had access to the controls ;-)
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    12 years ago
    @Dougster Your opinions should not inthemselves be offensive and you have as much right as any other member to share them with the group. Other members have the right to challenge your opinions with facts, personal experience, reference sources or their own personal opinions. None of the above gives license for anybody to use insulting language or personal insults in the debate. Personally Dougster, when you start name calling, offering ridiculous put-your-money-where-your-mouth-is bets and bringing other people's wifes and children into the discussion, I think you've crossed the line and I basically ignore anything else you have to say on the matter.
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    12 years ago
    @alucard I'm honored for the nomination but must decline at this time. Hell I haven't even had my first OTC experience. Being a good moderator requires that you have some expertise in the subject matter of the forum. It's obvious I have lots to learn; but I would be happy to accept such an offer, if tendered at some future date.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Moscow Tour - Is Everyone Serious?
    @jester214 It's a normal feeling especially if you were brought up during the Cold War. I always like to take Moscow neyophites to Red Square and watch their initial reactions. If feel safer in Moscow than I do in NYC. @shadowcat Granted, here in the USA some have figured out that with their sexy accesnts they're one of the top 10% most desired girls in the club. That gives some of them ego problems. They're much different in their home country when you're holding the money. Like I said before $300 buys you 2 hours of all-orifice access with a smokin' hot 10. Hard to beat that.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Moscow Tour - Is Everyone Serious?
    sorry www.gotorussia.net
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Moscow Tour - Is Everyone Serious?
    A tourist visa is required. New visa laws are in place. Best place to get one is at www.gotorussi.net I'd suggest a double-entry tourist visa good for 30-days. They're the same price as single entry but give you the added assurance of being able to leave the country and re-enter. We might all decide to spend a weekend in Kiev, Ukraine - a real hotbed for sexual activity so I'm told (never been)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I've never had a dance from a black lady. Just never really found them that attractive and generally didn't like the looks of the guys they were hanging around with in the club. Maybe I should broaden my horizons and experiment.