Have any of you ever received threatening phone calls from the signficant other of a stripper. Just had an event last week where my ATF (who I was steering toward a physical OTC) assured me that she was divorced and had no father in her kids life; however the husband turned out not to be an ex at all. Using the phone I bought for her he gave me a call and let me know in no uncertain terms that he took great umbrage at the attention I was paying to his wife.
This happens all of the time even with non-dancer civilians.
I would “think†it happens less w/ dancers b/c either they are sort of experts at doing what they do (and hiding it); or their SOs are more or less aware of what she does; or support her in what she does; or push them to do what she does.
It is a natural reaction from the SO IMO. Just leave it alone and there should not be a problemo.
My first ATF told me a story about how her ex called the club she worked at and raged at the manager for "being a pimp." She was embarrassed, but I guess if he knows where you work there's not much you can do to keep him from knowing the club's number and I'm sure the manager was very capable of handling some punk (especially if the manager was, in fact, a pimp!)
I'm very wary of giving any stripper my number. Always use a Google Voice number. The sad truth is, many strippers have an abusive man (or three or twelve..) in their lives and chances are good that her cell phone is one of the first things he goes for when they have a fight.
I've been called once each from a dancer's ex-husband and a boyfriend:
1. A jealous ex-husband of a dancer called me, while under the influence of whatever drug he was on to try to convince me she was no longer dancing. The dancer told me he was supposed to be babysitting and dog watching at her house at the time. He found her customers' phone numbers and apparently started calling them.
2. A dancer's boyfriend called me once after I texted her, to inform me that she had recently committed suicide. I could believe it. I never saw or heard of her again.
I have never been threatened by the significant other of a dancer but I have been told off by one and told to quit texting/calling her. Hey she gave me her number and told me to text her or call her to let her know when i would be in town. He shouldnt have been answering her phone the way i saw it. I lost an ATF over this and I still dont go in that club if shes working that night.
LOL! I did get a call from a strippers BF one time! And she was in the background telling him to hang up. And another time a guy texted me from her phone. I don't that kind of drama!
I had a long term otc relationship with a stripper whose bf was in jail. When he got out I went to their apartment andcooked them a gourmet meal. He was a hot shit, we talked and i agreed to pay them to let me watch them have sex. I continued to meet her OTC. Then I got a phone call from theBF threatening me. Dont see her anymore or your wife and kids will hear from me. stay away or you and i are gunna have a serious problem. I told him that i didn't mind if he made calls, but physicat threats were something else. i didn't doubt for a second that he could beat the snot out of me, but remindd him that Assaulting an elderly person is a felony. i also wanted him to know thati knew some locals from one of the gyms who would gladly kick the shit oiut of him for. few hundred. He hung up.
This is a common problem, not just dealing with strippers.
What you guys should be concerned about is nobody following you home, specially if you have families, these guys are really shady, and will do whatever it takes if they sense you have money.
Despite being 6'6 300lbs with a large frame being pretty intimidating guy, once I started messing with strippers I changed my ways to a lower standard. Bought a cheaper car, stopped carrying much money with me. Remember, telephone threats aren't exactly harmful, what's harmful is the really psycho dude who will find a way to get to you.
I would go to their house with a twelve pack and $200. We would drink beer and chat for a while. Then he would say he had to run some errands and would be back in....is two hours OK?....
He and I actually became friends in an odd sort of way.
Georgemicrodong- that thread was hilarious, glad you shared it. Funny dialogue and the fact that she had you listed under "money" just got me laughing even more....
I've only heard from my ATF, some faves, and one barmaid that kept me up to date and who might be working that I would be interested in. Damn, I miss those calls!
Let's just say I didn't use any of the clever cavalier responses that were suggested by previous posters while talking with him on the phone. My responses were more like addrssing my drill instructor back when I went through USMC Officers Candidate School in 1977.
I'm trying to decide if 3 months or 6 months is long enough "cooling off period" before I set foot by myself in that club again.
Alucard, how would you give them a taste of their own medicine? You think everyone is reasonable and there is no need for guns. You aginst a 1%er without a gun= you pushing up daiseys. With a gun you may live a few more hours
That is some scary stuff tenisbum! You did the right thing. Show respect and walk away... your life means nothing more than a business transaction to someone like that. Just hope you never see him or his friends again. I had a fav once that told me the same things. She was divorsedand ex lived out of state. Found out he was not an ex and he was a gangster
"If the 1% statement is true, DO NOT FUCK WITH HIM! I'm speaking of the true 1%er, not the wanna be's that are out there."
No my former ATF told me that he was a member of a rather notorious 1% mototrcycle club; a fact that he made certain I was aware during our brief phone conversation. I did record the conversation and made it clear to him that I'd provided copies to people that would know what to do if any harm befell me. He texted me back saying I had nothing to worry about so long as I left his wife alone.
No problem there dude. Forgot her name already.
Just FYI, I am part owner of a bar/night club in Moscow and one of the people I notified was the Brooklyn connection for the people that provide, shall we say "protection" for the club in Moscow. He asked for the lady's phone number and I have no idea what if anything happened since then.
Um, Alucard, if the person in question is in fact one of those one percenters, you'd better be prepared to carry through with those threats, multiple times, if you make them in that direction.
Overall, best strategy is to let "sleeping dogs lie" in this case. I may venture back into the club during the day shift WITH a wingman sometime in mid-February. One glimpse of the lady in question and I'm outta there.
last comment"The only thing an ATF or dancer can “assure†me off is that she will try to take all of my $$$."
So true Papi. The wise man said, "Some people come into your life as blessings, others come into your life as lessons".
Trust me my friend, this ATF (former) was DEFINITELY the later.
I would “think†it happens less w/ dancers b/c either they are sort of experts at doing what they do (and hiding it); or their SOs are more or less aware of what she does; or support her in what she does; or push them to do what she does.
It is a natural reaction from the SO IMO. Just leave it alone and there should not be a problemo.
I'm very wary of giving any stripper my number. Always use a Google Voice number. The sad truth is, many strippers have an abusive man (or three or twelve..) in their lives and chances are good that her cell phone is one of the first things he goes for when they have a fight.
1. A jealous ex-husband of a dancer called me, while under the influence of whatever drug he was on to try to convince me she was no longer dancing. The dancer told me he was supposed to be babysitting and dog watching at her house at the time. He found her customers' phone numbers and apparently started calling them.
2. A dancer's boyfriend called me once after I texted her, to inform me that she had recently committed suicide. I could believe it. I never saw or heard of her again.
Another example of why dancers seldom have workable relationships.
What you guys should be concerned about is nobody following you home, specially if you have families, these guys are really shady, and will do whatever it takes if they sense you have money.
Despite being 6'6 300lbs with a large frame being pretty intimidating guy, once I started messing with strippers I changed my ways to a lower standard. Bought a cheaper car, stopped carrying much money with me. Remember, telephone threats aren't exactly harmful, what's harmful is the really psycho dude who will find a way to get to you.
He and I actually became friends in an odd sort of way.
I would say that raises the ante a bit
"I would say that raises the ante a bit"
Let's just say I didn't use any of the clever cavalier responses that were suggested by previous posters while talking with him on the phone. My responses were more like addrssing my drill instructor back when I went through USMC Officers Candidate School in 1977.
I'm trying to decide if 3 months or 6 months is long enough "cooling off period" before I set foot by myself in that club again.
"If the 1% statement is true, DO NOT FUCK WITH HIM! I'm speaking of the true 1%er, not the wanna be's that are out there."
No my former ATF told me that he was a member of a rather notorious 1% mototrcycle club; a fact that he made certain I was aware during our brief phone conversation. I did record the conversation and made it clear to him that I'd provided copies to people that would know what to do if any harm befell me. He texted me back saying I had nothing to worry about so long as I left his wife alone.
No problem there dude. Forgot her name already.
Just FYI, I am part owner of a bar/night club in Moscow and one of the people I notified was the Brooklyn connection for the people that provide, shall we say "protection" for the club in Moscow. He asked for the lady's phone number and I have no idea what if anything happened since then.
Of course, use your own method of dealing with the situation. What worked for me may not work for you.
As for me, I never make threats.