It depends a lot on the girl. One is getting a tanning package, a couple others are getting jewelry that they could use (bellybutton ring, earrings, etc) and a couple will be thrilled with gift certificates from the local stores that sell dancer clothes.
Buy like you would if you had a regular girlfriend. If you know what she likes and its not a bank breaker, get her something she will appreciate. Girls are girls regardless of whether they are strippers or not. They appreciate being thought of and pampered. I wouldn't break the bank though. Especially if you are giving her plenty of money OTC. That money buys her a lot of nice things already I'm sure. This is a small gift to be nice and if it works out for future discounts OTC, all the better.
rh48hr there are members here who will call you a bad name for daring to think of being kind and thoughtful towards a dancer. Even if you think it will bode well for the future.
Alucard - I was just answering from the standpoint of the OP asking what to get a dancer for a x-mas gift. I look at it from the standpoint that if you are going to do it, do it as you would for any other woman. I think we all have to keep in mind that to many of these dancers sex is a business transaction. If we keep that in mind it makes things easier not to get caught up in spending money we don't need to. I will treat everyone nicely until they give e reason not to.
Spa treatments and gift cards, if I know where they like to shop. One of my current faves told me she had recently purchased a new home and was spending tons of cash and "Bed, Bath, and Beyond". Bought one from there. When I gave it to her, you'd have thought I gave her a gold bar. Had to be more the thought then the gift, since it wasn't a $1000 gift card or even close. :)
I don't have to buy any this year but in the past I have given Sees Candy and am ultra soft throw blanket(Macys has them) with her name emnroidered on it.
I like how we try be good guys with gift cards, candy, spa treatments, and Farmerart casually mentions he's taking a dancer to Hawaii for a week. Awesome!
Victoria Secrets gift card is always appreciated - especially if you suggest taking her shopping yourself to pick out what YOU like on her. Some of those new bras are gravity defying and can add as much as 2 cup sizes. Great stripper costumes!
Jeez, do you remember everything that I post here? I am resolved to being 'strong' with the lady this year, staying away from the lanai at sunset after a bottle of wine!:)
PL admission of my own: I got my SB an actual present this year. Something I've never done for any other provider. And one for her child, too, though I put from "Santa" on the tag.
i dont think theyd keep anything other than the cash. and anyway wouldnt that potentially pose a problem for her and her SO? the SO of a stripper is typically a violent drug addled douche bag so id not get her anything
last commentOF course, this is not something to be handed out like candy – but for a special one?
Does that count as a Christmas gift?
Farmerart: I think that counts more as a present for yourself, doesn't it? Gonna get her tested this year before you go, or just be strong? :))))
See what georg said.
Jeez, do you remember everything that I post here? I am resolved to being 'strong' with the lady this year, staying away from the lanai at sunset after a bottle of wine!:)
So far, no firm commitment, but I think eventually she will give in.
I always fall back on Victoria's Secret bras and panties (yes I know their size) and their favorite perfume.
Stop this 'hero' shit. If you had any idea how much this Hawaii deal will cost me you would not use that word.
I think the more proper description of this trip to Hawaii with a stripper might be: